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OK, I can"t take it anymore! We live in the Arizona highlands (Prescott) and own 2.5 acres for us, our dog, horse and chickens ... and about two dozen GOPHERS. Coyotes must be in the next county, because my property is taking a beating from these ground assaults. How, oh how, do you get rid of gophers? Tried gassing them, tried the poison down the holes, tried traps ... nothing works. Help!
Problem is I don't want to get a cat and have it become a speed bump on the road (or food for the presently-nonexistent coyotes).
(quoted from post at 14:04:46 07/15/12) OK, I can"t take it anymore! We live in the Arizona highlands (Prescott) and own 2.5 acres for us, our dog, horse and chickens ... and about two dozen GOPHERS. Coyotes must be in the next county, because my property is taking a beating from these ground assaults. How, oh how, do you get rid of gophers? Tried gassing them, tried the poison down the holes, tried traps ... nothing works. Help!
tychnine laced maze has worked on my Texas gophers for many, many years. I have used nail bar to probe for tunnels near mounds & poured a table spoon of seed in it and in later years, used a gopher plow to put the seeds under ground at tunnel level. Both effective. Application method depends on area infested & density of infestation.
Great ideas, guys! Thanks.
Oh, here's that link --- http://www.rodenator.com/
Something has to work! Tired of little mounds and them killing trees. Pray my horse never steps into a hole too.
(quoted from post at 15:24:30 07/15/12) Great ideas, guys! Thanks.
Oh, here's that link --- http://www.rodenator.com/
Something has to work! Tired of little mounds and them killing trees. Pray my horse never steps into a hole too.
f it had not happened to me, I might have questioned the story teller, but I once drove over such a large colony (when first got my place) in pickup that a front wheel dropped in all the way to the frame.....had to winch it out! and that is no bull! I poision at firs sign for the last 25+ years.
We us Bubble gum. Buy it buy the big bags. Stick it in the hole, they eat it and choke to death. I'm guessing if they got smart enough to blow bubbles it would shut off the air in their hole too. ????
Get some "Cinch" gopher traps. If you Google them and go to Amazon you'll see pictures. My son and his buddies trapped over 100 of them last summer while working on my cousin's dairy farm. If you set them right, you'll get them every time, and then your traps will be sitting in the shed with nothing to do.
Dont be straddling a shallow runner when the rodenator goes off. The guy i know who had that happen to him fortunately had long legs! Jim

I want to see some pictures of this "Gopher Plow"...

What do you PULL it with..??....!!!!!!!

Never heard of a Gopher Plow before...would Bill Muray know about this implement..???

(quoted from post at 22:30:00 07/15/12)
I want to see some pictures of this "Gopher Plow"...

What do you PULL it with..??....!!!!!!!

Never heard of a Gopher Plow before...would Bill Muray know about this implement..???


Here's another brand of gopher plow Elston Gopher Getter
We had alot of them this year too. Get the old wooden Victor rat traps. Put some penut butter on them and set them in the run ways. Got 57 gophers and 6 mice in the last two weeks. David

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