Interesting phone call

Wile E

Well-known Member
This evening I got a call on my home phone, these folks have been trying to call my cell# at least 8 or 10 times. So...Anyway they call and ask is this Mr. So and So....Hmmm....Yes I am him.
Well Mr. So and So we would like for you to participate in a survey.........I say Okay.
This woman goes into: Please answer with most likely, somewhat likely, not likely, highly unlikely, etc. I said what kinda survey are you doing anyway. She says it is a political survey......I said Hmmmmm.....This could get real ugly or just plain stupid. She asks me if I am going to vote, with the 5 choices I described above, then she asked me if I voted before blah, blah, blah.
I then asked "how long is this gonna take" She says about 15 minutes sir. I said who is paying for this survey, Elephants, Donkeys or someone else. She said she didnt know......Then I thought I better end it now.
I said "I despise all donkeys now and forever...The End" And she hung up the phone on me.
I wonder if the black helicopters are on their way.
Sounds pretty normal- the real rabid R's or D's participate, with the idea of slanting the results toward their views. Been guilty of that myself.

I don't see any conspiracy in the way it was put forth- but those who aren't completely over the top about their political views probably won't be likely to sit through the whole thing.

No black ops, I'm afraid- you gotta be bigger potatoes to get that. . .
They called me one time and asked "If the election were today, who would you vote for?" I replied "I vote by private ballot, and it is none of your #*^*##$% business." They says "But sir, we just want an idea who is getting the votes." I replied "Read the newspaper the day after the real election then."

Living in "first in the nation primary NH" we get a lot of those, sometimes more than one a day. I learned to ask at the beginning how long will it take.
Just sent out the check this morning for the final close out on my land line. Haven't used it in 4 months and it was costing me $37.00 a month in taxes and fees. No political calls this election year!
I got one today too - well actually, caller wanted to talk to my wife. I asked if it was important - caller said it was, because it was a political survey. . .

Yeah right. . .

I said you'd better talk to me - the wife won't mess with you even for a second - she was peeling peaches.

I told caller she had 30 seconds 'til I hung up the phone. She was done in 28.
I just answer the surveys exactly opposite of how I intend to vote. If we only gave them BS answers and their surveys can't correlate to election results eventually they'd give up taking surveys. I had one during our recall election that was a real live person I told him I was voting donkey 'cause they don't call and harass me 5 times a day or wake me up when I should be sleeping 'cause we're working shifts here. The number of phone surveys seemed to decline shortly after that call
Interesting that she wanted your opinion until you told her your political leaning. Makes the survey unbiased, doesn't it?
Dont bet on it. I am getting calls on m y cell phone because I don't have a landline. I ask them for their name and addressso I can send them pesonally a bill for the minutes. Next sound is a click.
Dont bet on it. I am getting calls on m y cell phone because I don't have a landline. I ask them for their name and addressso I can send them pesonally a bill for the minutes. Next sound is a click.

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