ot Fox and more


Well-known Member
Well the fox was back, in fact after studying the pictures we think there are two different ones (and only one collar). And the coons are stating to show up. Sat outside for 1.5 hours and saw nothing but apparently the were here a couple hours early. So bought an electric fence today - hope to get a picture of the fox getting zapped. Funny thing is, we having been raising chickens for more than 10 years and last year is the first we have ever had problems. Two years ago they bulldozed one of my hunting spots 2 miles down the road - guess the varmits had to move north.


Looks like you contaminated the trap by your scent. It's really crucial to be scent free when dealing with these critters. He was just letting you know that he smelled you and left you a sign;)
Looks like coon scat, there by the Duke's Dog proof, there. Something's been eating my peppers in the garden, I think I'll break out the sardines, and marshmallows!
Greg, you're probably right about the scent.
I trapped a Lot of muskrats, weasels, mink and coons as a kid but could never catch a fox.
And yes, they'd often walk right up to my set and whizz or drop a turd just to let me know they'd busted me.
I had to change a couple of words to post - did they strengthen the potty filter?
Ya, we trap for winter money. Usualy, a coon will still get into the DPT and everything will be all tore up!

But just a pile of scat by the trap..typically, indicates a fox did this. It seems like it is just a way to let you know that he knows you were ther. ;D
I've caught 15 Coons in the last couple months within 300 yards of my bird and poultry buildings using a Coyote trap from Tractor Supply baited with sugar cookies and marshmellows.Put a chicken
thats makes alot of noise in a tight cage and set a couple steel traps around it you'll get the Fox
I just did the clean up thing for my fence today due to finding thing that say I may be up for trouble soon. I did teach a black snake I hope to stay out of the bird house but will know in a day or so if that is true. Found him in the house 3 times today but the last time he or she learned to swim by way of a flying lessen. Threw it across my small lake but before it hit the water it also hit a few willow trees so maybe it will learn to stay out or it will be dead the next time
We had an old guy in the neighborhood who was always catching foxes. He'd set a 4" wooden fence post, fence staple a live chicken's feet to the top of the post, and circle the post with leg hold traps.

Personally - I'm too soft hearted to try that.
Dig a 2 inch hole somewhere a little ways away from the fowl pen and put some rotten meat in the hole lay a foot hold about 6 inches behind and to the right of the hole. Fox will be waiting for you in the morning. I trap them a lot in the winter works every time. Try and find where he is comming from and set the trap and hole half way between the two. Good luck.
(quoted from post at 18:17:43 06/23/12)

You dont have a fox, you have fox[b:15965acce0][i:15965acce0]es[/i:15965acce0][/b:15965acce0]. Looks like mom or dad is showing Jr. where the all you can eat chicken buffet is.
I wish i could figure out where mine is disappearing to,ive been losing one a week as regular as clockwork.im beginning to think someones having fried chicken on sundays!

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