It is so dry here----


Well-known Member
The flys are waiting for the dog to raise his leg to get a drink.

If we miss this rain tonite it ain't going to be good.

That's a good one - same here (kearney MO) - they're calling for 50% chance tonight - sure hope it happens for both of us.
I know what you mean, some corn here is tassling and on some of the high spots, its dying. Theres nothing you can do but sit back and watch it croak..
It ain't quite that dry here, yet. But it's so hot here today, (mid 90s, central NC,) I saw a dog chasing a cat and they were both walking.
Ya here at the Lake of the Ozark in Missouri we are around 6 inch behind and getting worse by the day. Getting to the point I have to water the garden yesterday just to find any thing wet today and that is if I forget to turn the water off
There is a chance of 1" of rain in N.E. Iowa tonight. We need it bad.

I hear from Indiana they will loose half of their corn crop if it does not rain by the 4th of July. Also hear farm eguipment orders (tractors/combines) are being cancelled left and right.
The first picture was last year on July 7th.

The last one was taken yesterday.

About 65 miles N.E. of St. Louis.

I know what you mean. Bone dry here in SW Indiana. Some of our early corn in our better fields doesnt look to bad. Very few fields of our beans look very good at all. had double crop beans planted three weeks ago that still havent come up and dont look for them to. Theres some of our fields of corn and beans that Im not sure will even produce anything to combine. Ive got one corn field planted early enuff that it should be in full tastle and startin to put on an ear, that the sorn is only knee high. Not gonna be a record yield anywhere on our farm thats for sure. If the wheat yield is a sign of what to expect this fall gona be a quick disappointing harvest.
Sounds rough all over. Here in s.c. nebraska it's dry. We had a light sprinkle this morning that maybe at best settled the dust and .17" friday. Running water like mad but pretty antsy for some rain for the dryland.
super dry here too in Northern IN. Did get a good bit last sunday but need more and need it now.

ALot of those road collapses were due to poorly installed sewer systems. The heavy rain finished them off.
That would be funny if it so wasn't true. My two have been laying under the tree all day trying to catch what little breeze there is. 96 and muggy here in Mich.
That sure looks bad and certainly would be dishearting. I've seen it worse in Central Illinois; believe summer of "78" but might have been "79". I don't believe it rained for two months. Still had some crop and they didn't offer today's good insurance.
W. Ky. Hot & dry. Corn is suffering and beans are going to soon without rain. None in the foreccast for 10 days. We"ve had 1 1/2 inches since early April. Pastures are shot.
S.E.Indiana . It is so dry here I caught a catfish yesterday and it had a tick on it .
Talked to cousin in Indiana yesterday. Moisture getting very, very serious. Solstice in Indiana is generally when corn silks and beans bloom. Critical time for rain. Above comment is correct after July 4 it will be too late. Stalks and vines will grow but will have very small ears and pods
James22 I remember 1988 being really bad too here in central il everything was burned up no rain and 90 everyday like it is this week. Just watered the garden and hoping for a little rain tomorrow
See where the Southern osolation index [near zero]is predicting an el nino, some places can get rain, some drought. Here in SE Australia it has been dry for some time but today I have somewhere near 17 mm in the gauge.
In Feb 2011 I got near 75 mm and the index was plus 23. been a decline eversince.
Expected to be a dry winter. Equinox today so it may be right.
Here just west of Des Moines we got some of that rain. Was outside last night for training with the fire dept. and got dumped on at about 8:00pm. Was still lightly raining when I went to bed. Hope you got some of that rain, we sure need it.
All of us in Texas understand. The drought last year was the worst singe year drought ever and in the top 5 total worst droughts ever.

We've been getting good rains in E. Tx, but parts of Tx are still dry.
What is the deal with rain and interstates? This spring there have been several good rains around St Louis, when they get into IL head'n my way they have all just fell apart on radar as soon as they get to I57.

We"re about 10 miles north of LaCrosse Wisconsin,
where I90 crosses into Minnesota..In the
Mississippi river Valley. We had 1.10 inches
rain last night. I picked 1 quart of wild black
Raspberries,(Blackcaps) this morning. Fetch the
Ice Cream!
Only 50 drops in southern Wisconsin last night,the crops still look good on the deep soils but the ridges and sand flats are really hurting.Is this 1988 again?

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