Fuel prices??


Well-known Member
Haven't really paid attention because we only get fuel a couple times a month. Stuff went down across the board here by right at 60 cents a gallon in the last week or so.... Diesel a little more.
What are you folks seeing?
If you look at a graph of oil prices over the past few years. Just about every one of those dips where the price drops 20% all of a sudden are the direct result of me getting my farm barrels filled, :)
It went down a few cents per liter last week. MIght be down more now but we won't find out until Friday thanks to our lovely 'regulated fuel pricing' scam.

(quoted from post at 15:00:03 06/11/12) explain why.......yea, it's called greed

Nooooo. It's capitalism...supply and demand, free enterprise.. and other things like that....

You gotta start payin attention boy....
Yesterday in southern IN gas was low as I have seen for months @ 3.39 gal regular, but it may be up today. Saw some at 3.79 at a different station today. Sure varies a lot this time of year.
There is a theory out there that says the US will become the worlds primary supplier and net exporter of crude in the next 5 years (all the oil they're getting from fraccing)...the oversupply could lead to 40/barrel oil prices...I don't necessarily agree with the theory...but also not sure I disagree entirely...I think its possible oil comes from money and food comes from oil. So if its true oil's gonna drop to 40 - bet on a solid halving of our grain prices...

or maybe not...
$4.139 here, but I heard today we have the highest gas price in the contiguous 48 states. When everbody else's price started dropping, ours dropped a nickel, then went back up again.
$3.24, in Gambrills, as of this morning's cell phone alert. Don't know what diesel is, for sure, will find out on Friday, when I fuel up. I do know my Fuel bill from last month is around $530.00!
Southside VA reg $3.189 and Diesel $3.429

I filled up on 5/30 with Diesel @ $3.599. A week later on 6/6 diesel was 17 cents cheaper.
Right now it's 4.46/U.S.Gal. Not that long ago it was over $5/gal. Just wait for July 1st/4th. It'll be a great reason to raise it again.
Next year we are gonna have three automakers build
us some 3 cylinder cars , bet that will drop the
demand... I just hope I never get one though .. I'd
never be able to push it up these Pa hills.
If you haven't noticed, the world is on the brink of another recession, crude oil speculators and traders bet on future demand, oil prices rise or fall accordingly. There are exceptions of course, interruption to the supply by natural disaster, war, OPEC manipulation and increased or decreased exploration and production. The only way to ensure lower prices over the long term is increase drilling and production, more supply of anything in a free market always equals lower price. If the fed gov. would get out of the way North American production would triple in a couple years.
(quoted from post at 19:35:10 06/11/12) Had to look twice but diesel was 10cents cheaper than unleaded today. Haven't seen that in a long time.
diesel is always cheaper by 30 cents or so (gallon) here at the local price. But the American price the soldiers pay is always higher than gas.......

When I posted this yesterday evening, I had looked at a station across the road from work. This morning when I was leaving, all was increased by 30 +/- cents/gallon....

Go figger
All on account of being election time.But its still too bloomim high if it went to 1.00 per gallon the economy would fix itself and the country would be up and running again in two years. wake up america
It's been hovering around the switch point here in NS for the last month. Right now diesel is a little bit cheaper...

I have become cynical in my old age. I doubt very seriously if the oil companies are going to increase production to the point oil is $40/brl. It would destroy their record breaking profits.
(quoted from post at 13:06:20 06/11/12) Haven't really paid attention because we only get fuel a couple times a month. Stuff went down across the board here by right at 60 cents a gallon in the last week or so.... Diesel a little more.
What are you folks seeing?

Don't know about diesel 'cause I don't use it, but E10 is at $3.29 and E85 is at $2.99
I think oil will be below $40.00 by Christmas, it won't stay that way until we get serious about drilling, just like natural gas, compare the price of natural gas a few years ago to now.
Clear diesel here is 1.159 cash or debit, 1.189 MC/Visa. The .89 Bruce mentioned would be +tax I'd imagine. Diesel here has, with a few exceptions, been cheaper for nearly a year.
The most efficient production controls ever administered were used by the Texas Rail Road commission to limit production and maintain oil prices at artificially high levels, it was only in 1971 when proration was set at 100% and Texas producers (oil companies) were allowed to produce at will. OPEC modeled their own price fixing scheme on the Texas Railroad commission example but it has never been as effective because it is largely unenforcible due to dealing with several different nations, the Texas Rail Road comission had the Texas Rangers to enforce their rules, I am not disparaging Texas, just a stating a little historical fact. American producers cut production from 1973 to 1981 due to federal government price controls whereby US production was priced approximately 50% less than imports, in effect, US oil producers were subsidizing the consumers. President Reagan ended the price controls as one of his first acts after taking office in 1981 and within months domestic production was up and the price fell dramatically and stayed low for over 20 years. I would never claim that oil companies are run by choir boys but most are astute businessmen who know if the price gets too high, demand goes down. During the last decade, China and India accounted for nearly all of the increase in demand, their economies could absorb the price because of low wages, high export to import ratios and cheap money.

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