Some success

pete black

Well-known Member
Some success last night with deer in the garden. Wife and i sprinkled baby powder on the green beans and field peas. This morning the garden was tracked pretty heavy but nothing was eaten. Seems to have worked for rabbits also. I guess time will tell.
My grandfather had a ton of rabbits in his area and all his neighbors always had issues. His secret was that he knew a barber and always asked him to keep his clippings. He would lay them down around the outside of his garden and never had any issues.

Might want to try that if the talc thing doesn't work out.
Herbs and marigolds are what I use and it works well. Plus with the herbs like Basil and rosemary you can then use them in cooking. Sage is also a good one that deer seem to not like
A guy I worked with was a biologist. He solved his deer problems with pee. That's right he urinated all around his garden. First he tried socks soaked in urine hung along the outside of his garden. This wasn't enough so he progressed to buckets of urine. He said it worked good and the deer didn't get used to it.


locally-Madison, Wi- a mostly organic market gardener used to go to zoo for lion and tiger scat(polite term for sh*t) to put around perimeter fence and a few spots between beds. Some wild life watcher saw deer come at night, get about 10 foot from fence and then panic, run away. Minor problem was the traffic on main road sometimes had car with antlers in windows- farm was about mile away from what is now the southside Madison super Walmart. Deer seem to have a aversion to scat from critters that eat deer- maybe they think they"ll be on menu next?
Old farmer heard a Viagra add on the radio and decided to try some. Trouble was, he was hard of hearing and thought they said "Vigaro". So, he went to the garden store and got some Vigaro and took a couple of tablespoons every day for a few weeks. It didn't help at all in the bedroom but he ended up having the best looking berry patch in the county. (;>))
And then there were the two old gents discussing their medical ills on the bench in front of the feed store.

"Went to the doc today- he prescribed an eighth of a Viagra a day."

"Viagra! What's an old geezer like you doing with Viagra? We're too old to be thinking about s*x."

"S*x? Oh, I don't care about that- I'm just tired of peeing on my shoes!"
You can buy a product called Milorganite at wally world which works on exactly the same principal as described by RN. It is scat from a higher form of animal than lion & tiger if you get my drift and deer are repelled by the odor from it. Also works if spread around newly planted tree seedlings as well as gardens. Product needs to be replaced after storms come thru. Stuff has been processed by manufacturer to be safe to handle & use.Look for it in the garden department. Neighbor hangs sample in old sock about four ft above ground on a stick, works for him.

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