Please Identify

try again
got some in my back yard, didn't know either what it was until my niece told me to get rid of it,,amazing what diesel fuel can do to it...
What location are you in?

It looks like some sort of thistle.

If it's the Canadian thistle - good luck! They have a huge root mass that will take several applications to kill. Best time to kill them is in fall. In spring the sap is flowing up, to feed the flower & seed. You can burn the top off, but it won't kill easy. In fall it sends the sap down to the root to build the root mass - that's when you can get Roundup, or the better broadleaf killers (24D, dicomba product, etc.) on it.

Waxy leaf, so takes a surficant to help out.

Now if you have just the one, you can pull it - repeatedly - with leather gloves. Or hoe it - repeatedly. But this often leads to the massive root sending out several shoots, and unless you are on top of killing each & every one, it will end up maintaning itself and be back stronger next year.

Oh, meant to say, there are specific sprays for Canadian thistle, but they are harder to find and tend to be very persistant in the soil and could be hard on the vegitation next to it... Milestone, Stinger, and some others.

Looks like it is in a garden or driveway. Paint a little Crossbow on it with a 1" brush. Then, Keep the kids away for a few days.
Milkweed is what we call it around here. Break the leaves or stem and a white "gluey" substace leaks out. I can't tell you the proper name for it.
Bye the way...hit it with roundup and it'll be gone quick, or use banvil, 2-4-d,clairity, etc to get rid of it. They die fairly easily.
My folks always called it Hog Thistle. Pigs love to eat it.

It is not milk weed - that has oval leaves and no thorns. Monarchs eat milkweed.
I think it is Russian Thistle. We have a lot of it in Central Texas. A shot of white venegar kills it immediately.
It's not Canadian Thistle. Canadian Thistle is a perrenial and can be a real problem.

Cannadian Thistle got started in my hay ground after it was tilled in 1988 when we had a very bad drout and nothing grew. I finally got rid of all of it, mostly by hand and spot treating with Round UP but it took about twenty years.

(quoted from post at 13:34:59 05/28/12) My folks always called it Hog Thistle. Pigs love to eat it.

It is not milk weed - that has oval leaves and no thrns. Monarchs eat milkweed.
I know its proper name isn't milkweed but it is a type of milkweed.
I'd say it's milkweed. If it matures it will form pods that release a fluff that carry the seeds a long way in a breeze.
Rock lettuce is what they call it, around here. Roundup, or a variation of 3way broadleaf weed control will control it.

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