Dowsing revisited

Richard G.

Well-known Member
Went to the store yesterday and at the nearly 150 year old church which has not been used in many years, saw someone dowsing. My great grandparents are buried there so I stopped to talk to the dowser.
He was helping a lady find unmarked graves. She has some ancestors buried there. The dowser had marked several graves and told me the man who had taught him could tell tell the gender of the person buried.
I wished them luck and went back home to work.
Wellllllllll although I've had good luck dowsing the location of buried water lines buried bodies hmmmmmmmmmmm never tried that let alone the gender??????? I guess the ONLY way to tell for sure if the dowser was correct would be to exhume the graves but Id prefer to let them "rest in peace" if it were my relatives.

NOTE Forensic science and recent grave sniffing dogs, however, can locate buried bodies pretty accurately, guess the decomposition emits a certain odor the dogs can "sniff' out buttttttttttt after decomposition is totally complete not sure if dogs or dowsers can find the corpse. I think there are also tell tale signs as far as the earth and the vegetation are concerned that lead forensic scientists to the sites.

"Lifes not really all that short, its just that youre dead for such a longggggggggggg time"

John T
I worked in a cemetery one summer cutting grass. I was amazed when it was time to bury someone in an old family plot without individual markers they used brazing rods to locate the graves so as to not disturb digging a new one. I was further amazed that I could walk down the row and the rods would swing crossed over every grave. SInce that time I have been able to locate underground pipes utilities etc. When I was in college I asked a physics professor about it and he looked at me like I was crazy. My father can't do it at all. I believe it must have something to do with the earths magnetic field and certain individuals body chemistry. My brother tells me not to fool with it as its dabbling in the occult.
John T= Why not try it out in an area that you know someone has buried a pet. Let that person tell you if you found the right spot. I found my brother's dog burial spot. Can find water pipes and electrical conduits if not over 12" deep.
What a bunch of malarkey. It just proves that people will believe whatever it is they want to believe, and seldom let facts get in the way.

A million dollars awaits the first dowser to prove his special powers. I guess they're all too busy finding unmarked graves to bother with chump change like that.
James Randis million dollar challenge
It just sounds too far fetched to me, I consider myself lucky I can find buried water pipes, I dont wanna push my luck lol

John T
i use dowsing rods to locate field tile and under ground pipes. couple coat hangers cut off and bend 90 degrees is all you need. when you pass over something in the ground, they cross. drop marker flags and you can lay out a tile field pretty easy. determining gender, i think the guy was just plain pulling yer leg.
I believe it. I was taught how to find lines, and once located, to determine depth of them. I had some success with it. The only thing that works good for me is 1/8" brazing rods. Others' mileage may vary.
It wouldn't surprise me if someone could do gender.
There are forces around us that our science doesn't understand yet.
Or, the guy was full of it.
I've been able to do that since I was around 16 years old, and probably longer but that was when I first tried to do it. We had a feller that could find water and he stayed busy dowsing for the farmers and ranchers and the water well drillers. He was the one that got me started, Oh, he could tell just about to the foot where they'd hit water but I never could do that.
"At JREF, we offer a one-million-dollar prize to anyone who can show, under proper observing conditions, evidence of any paranormal, supernatural, or occult power or event."

Sounds like he is wanting Ghost activity.

Dowsing isn't an occult power it is a gift to a few folks that if they hadn't been able to find water in the past probably wouldn't have settled where thy did... I don't know if it is a genetic thing or not, but my nephews FTL sure did well drilling for folks and never missed a well. He also made a firm believer out of me when He ask me to try it... I couldn't do it with an apple limb. so we walked side by side with him holding one side and me the other. when we got to where he had the strongest pull in an earlier trial ( I hadn't seen him find this location) .. he took my hand and I couldn't hold the limb from bending. water is about 40' down and never been dry.
Roy, if you look elsewhere on Randi's site, you'll see that he clearly considers dowsing to be alleged paranormal activity. There are several articles about dowsing such as the one below.

In your case, if you wanted to prove dowsing works you could have first drilled where the dowser said there was NO water. Of course nobody is going to do that, so dowsers are able to continue to get away with their fraud.
All I know about it is this. My Grandpa told me how his father used to do it back in the very early 1900's and he was pretty good at it. He could tell you how far down the water was. Grandpa showed me how it worked and just walking around his yard fooling around with the forked stick he cut I kept getting a "response" in this one particular spot. When I told Grandpa about it he said that there was an old capped well right there that they covered up back in the mid 60's before I was born. I knew nothing about it so it wasn't like I was expecting it. I'm not saying that I would trust myself to find a well but I've found waterlines, phone lines and even a septic tank this way so I know it works. And when it works well it WILL twist the stick in your hands. I wouldn't believe it if I haven't done it myself. I don't think it has anything to do with the occult but rather it's something with a persons body chemistry or something. Who knows. There's lot's of things in this world we don't understand and that doesn't mean it's not true. Personally I believe it works.
Well I know I can use copper wire or brazing rods to find electric and water lines, find quarters the grandkids hide just to watch me do it. But I dont consider it "supernatural" as the definition of the reward mentioned does, nor do I intend to allow some thrill seeking show to make a fool of me. (I do that on my own often enough). Never tried finding a grave or buried pet but dont discount that some may be able to. There was a saying, "step back nonbelivers or the rains will never come". lol Bob
(quoted from post at 07:06:53 05/23/12) How is it different than an ouigi board ?

A Ouija board is a Parker Brothers game that supposedly connects you to the "other side". Personally I don't believe it one bit but it's probably not something you should be fooling with anyway. Dowsing for water is just that. Looking for water. No supernatural agenda whatsoever. If the moon can influence the tides, affect gardening, castrating hogs and digging holes then who knows what else is going on that we don't understand.
It isn't.

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- A San Francisco supervisor says he consulted a Ouija board before city leaders voted on whether to recommend naming a Navy ship after slain gay rights activist Harvey Milk.

Supervisor John Avalos tells the San Francisco Chronicle that he believes he made contact with Milk's spirit and that Milk spelled out letters indicating: "Good riddance to don't ask, don't tell."
Just got a good post wiped out because of one common word I used.Getting tired of password crap and adminitration bull,Time to quit this forum..In any case there are many things we cant understand, dowsing goes back to the beginnig of recorded history.Look for the book Henry Gross and his Dowsing Rod.Interesting reading.

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