Need some Security 101 advice


Well-known Member
This is all for my tractors, so it is NOT O/T.

We're buying a 22 acre property 3 miles from the county seat in central Ohio. Law enforcement by the sheriff.

I expect we will live there 2 or 3 days, then back to our current home for 3 or 4 days to reload, then back and forth (probably forever). Property is a house some 800' back from the road, and a couple outbuildings right along the road. Everything I'm concerned with will be locked inside the house or buildings. There will be no piles of steel scrap - or old equipment - sitting outside.

We';re (at this time) strangers to the neighbors - don't expect them to be our security solution.

Outside are two propane tanks, 2 A/C condensers, and an old windmill tower. Electricity available at both the house and outbuildings. We do not have a dog (and won't).

Would like any/all advice to minimize the theft threat.
I have ADT. They will install alarms and call you when they go off. Also, I have a camera system that allows me to access from anywhere I can get internet. I can view what is going onwhere ever my cameras are pointed. Clover security systems. I have actually sat and watched people in my house(not invited) while half way across the country.
put up a beware of dog sign at the end of the driveway by the road. toss a chopped up dog dish in the yard with some big old bones so it looks like a dog is around. they also have a barking dog motion detector.
poke here
Had an Aunt with an ADT sustem, WHAT A JOKE!!! She armed the system, called the company and told them she would be away for X days. And that she would call before returning home. The house was broken into, ADT called and the thieves answered the phone pretending to be her, and told ADT everything was all right. No police were sent. She fired ADT the day after returning home.
Simple game cams work but are after the fact type of thing. You could also make it harder to get in if you gated the driveway and made sure you had a good tight fence along the road frontage. Of course that is just a helper since there is no such thing as true security because if a person wants something they will take it no matter what you do to stop them
Did she have the code word written beside the phone? ADT will ask for the code word to show that the person asnwering the phone is the actual owner.

That or a family member or a friend that she told the code word to robbed her.
Light timers , Radio and tell no one your plans for being gone days at time including the law. Buy a strong box for tools etc.... Thieves just plain su*ck, don,t be so sure you shouldn't buy timers for you current home as well.
Give the Sheriff a courtsy call and advise him of your situstion.. Ask him if possible and not too much trouble ask a Deputy to swing by from time to time. Ask if he has any suggestions to improve security.

Of course you will get hit up for a contribution when he is up for re-election but this is just showing your appreciation. They don't ask for a lot of money.

If your Sheriff has a Cummunity meeting it is good to attend and be seen as a good citizen.

Biggest crimes in the counrty here are stealing tools, gasoline, etc. Thieves like small high dollar items that are easy to resell and are difficult to trace.

Hope this helps.

May I suggest that you look into a "loop detector" which picks up any metallic object that comes across your drive, which could trigger a silent alarm to your phone.

Light timers and radios are a waste of time, cameras and a driveway alarm. Before anybody gets mad, you can tell from the road if a lane is used everyday or three times a week. I had a guy come down my lane tonight and turn around, he better not try it after dark. he won t get past the dogs(mine has been a private lane for 50 years)
800' is a plenty long driveway. Any way to put a gate across it? A lot of thieves / vandals would be too lazy to walk that far.

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