Neighbor getting things stolen, ideas please

Dave from MN

Well-known Member
Very elderly neighbor has been having things stolen, welders, tools, who know how much he has not disovered. Not sure if they are coming at night or have his schedule picked up, nor do we know how often they come. Any ideas to catch them, or stop them? I jusrt found out yesterday. Going to offer to put latch's and locks on his doored buildings for him. Thought about a game cam, but I am sure the flash will alert them to it's location. I am concerned they eventually will move to the home. Any other ideas? He does not want a dog. It is sickening that some one who has lived through the hardest times, lived simple, and always helped others, is having things stolen.
locks where possible, lights on timers, a few guineas and/or geese....
Maybe folks just randomly driving by/stopping in.....

Bet it's his family tho...... Aunt beaula brings him a pie and shoots the breese while cousins bubba and marcell helps themselves to his stuff.........
there isn't a visible flash to a game camera and bear traps sometimes are kept in barn and sheds well anchored
So infuriating, isn't it? You'd just LOVE to catch the )(*#$ redhanded - but...

That's definitely the wrong approach. What's more infuriating than having some )#($ stealing from a guy like that is seeing the same little weasel getting scared, pulling a gun out, and killing somebody who's life is about a million times more valuable. It happens.

I'd say Infrared game camera. No flash.

You could also do a security camera wired (or wireless) to a computer to record (to avoid having a game camera stolen!)

Of course, even having a picture of somebody doesn't guarantee anybody will know who it is. Especially a grainy infrared image.

But - at least it's something.

Definitely contact the local police and at least have them check in from time to time.

You could also do a motion sensor alarm. All it has to do is beep a little and that should scare 99% of the scum away. You won't catch them, but you'll at least stop them. Of course, you have to live with false alarms too.
Good Morning, just read your add, yes it's sad that someone is taking stuff from this Gentleman, I'm sure this has been reported to the law office in your area? Security Company could install a Security system that would notify the police should someone break in. You never would have thought, country living would have to resort to this type of "city" solutions. I pray the culprit is found and sent to the gray bar. Take care.
When folks get older, the relatives get bolder...

I've seen this in my own family. Got pretty ugly.
Exactly what I was thinking. Grandkids see all the stuff Grandpa has and knows exactly when he won't be there.
how about some of those nanny cameras. here is a link to some. the clock one looks pretty good. just hang it on the wall in the shop, it uses a motion detector to record when some one comes by the camera.
poke here
Motion sensitive lights, game or security cam may help too if the get a good enough picture that they can ID the scumbag.

Wanda, some places here in MN the county deputies are so thin that an alarm system not only is a rip off but just something else they can steel. Heck town 6 miles east, 1 cop, town 3 miles east no cops, 12 miles south no cop, 8 mile north no cop, 3 miles weat no cop, 8 west 3 cops, one full time 2 part timers, another 8 miles no cop.

But Dave that is an close are you to him and would feel comfortable at a late confrontation keeping in mind that it could become very dangerous very fast. Plus if you had to resort to deadly force you could wind up in deep trouble with the law.

Dave I really hope you can help the old guy this this fixed with both you and he in good health and with no legal problems. Go and see your county sheriff in person and discuss this with him unless you are in a town that has a cop, then talk to them.

Our neighbor hear just had a breakin also. He got some cameras the work off a contro; panel and record everything going on when somthing moves in side the building. The recorder is at a different location. This is a seansonal home. He talked about have a horn put on the door so that it would go off when opened and not be able to shut it off without a remote. He told me he didnot wanr me to have to listen to it until he came back up so he would give me a remote. I told him that was ok I have a gun and could take care of it. In his case they only took a few items and the cops saind they knew what was there and where it was and was probably someone that had been there before.
That is just sad. It is pitiful what people will resort to doing just so they don't have to "work".

The guys who suggested the infared game cam idea - that sounds like the ticket. Plus maybe a baby nursery monitor hidden (cover up any lights on the unit with duck tape) and set it in an inconspicuous spot like underneath a workbench [base unit goes in shop-receiver unit in his bedroom]... if the shop is close to his house, he will be able to hear them out there and maybe can call the police in time for them to catch the thieves red-handed.

Geese are very territorial, and very loud... but they may actually go after the old gent. We had some, I complained to husband. He said you gotta show 'em whose boss... took a straw broom after them and ALL FOUR of them majorly attacked him at once. It was a rather histerically funny sight! Got rid of the geese.

And sadly, yes, it could be relatives. But even if it is rellies...may as will find out about it and a game came would be proof-positive. *Whoever it is, rellies or not... I would encourage the old gent to press charges on all possible counts.
Look in his address book. Something like this is always in the family, you take pics with a game cam, he won't call the cops, cause it is his...whatever, that he won't want to press charges against. So lock it all up, and have him start selling whatever is left or make a deal with him as a freind, but however you cut it, dollars to donuts it is not a stranger.
Harbor Freight has a 4 camera monitoring system. Color, infra-red, motion sensitive cameras. Less Than $400. Hide the main unit and set up the cameras where needed.

He will have nice video of them.

Might want to put out something conspicious for "bait". Then you can check it every day. It will be immediately evident if the bait is gone, then he can check the tape (hard-drive)


ps, and yes, the higer end game cams do not flash.



Harbor Freight sells a camera system that REMOTELY Records the images...even if they take the camera. you will have the images...
If they are Digital, there should be no Flash..
As stated, Infra-red would be an option..

Just installing the "Black Bubbles", seen at many stores should be a thing to a good load of Large Rock Salt...

My personal feeling is that a "Thief" elects to take his LIFE in his OWN Hands .44Mag..and 12" .410 Pistol..among "other things"..

Is it that they think the old adage applies to Thievery.."Better to ask Forgiveness that to ask Permission"..????
I don't think so............
Have you seen that "What's in your wallet?" commercial where the vikings all have home security companies? Some great ideas there!
Good Luck and God Bless
(quoted from post at 05:17:59 05/03/12) When folks get older, the relatives get bolder...

I've seen this in my own family. Got pretty ugly.

why do you think I'm over here???? My two brothers and mom & dad's siblings (the ones still here) are the only ones worth a dam.... Nothing they spit out is worth spit.....

I keep in touch with the immediate family and just shake my head at the rest of them on facebook.....
Neighbor set up a klaxon horn on his tool shed rigged to a battery and a piece of monofilament line to a switch that he hooked to nail on the door. Lightfinger Louie came in about two nights later,the horn started blaring, and he vacated the area real quick. He didn't get caught, but he never came back. And we heard stories about a local kid who krapped his pants one evening--
inch board with nails in driveway might be good idea.
in 70s when we had first gas crisis farmer i know about went to freeport il while ther he stopped at mc donalds. he had his fuel tank in back of pu truck.
some dumb azz pulled alone side and filled his tank.
farmer watched whole deal out window then laughed as dumb azz headed out fast dummy didn't get far as fuel was diesel.
car was banging, smoking and missing finally stopped and wouldn't start.
farmer didn't call cops as he knew dummy would have big repair bill.
I'd go for the motion detector lights, some klaxons and get an auto dialer so they can here the phone being dialed when the lights come on and hear the pre-recorded message, Like "send armed security officer to 123 West North Road, My Town USA". The thing about thieves is they are lazy if it becomes to much work they'll go somewhere else.
Hi Goose, I also have an infrared game cam, but I went out at night to check it, and it has an obvious red flash that a Baddie would easily see.

I got mine from Cabelas (Moultrie 5.0), where'd you get yours? What kind is it?

Bye for now,

It's not a cheap solution, but if you really want to put the guys in jail, use a GPS tracker. Fuzzy pictures from a camera are fine, but there's no question as to who took your tool box when it's sitting in the guy's house sending out a signal.

Attach it to an attractive target, something big enough so you can conceal the tracker inside, and sit it where the theives will see it. Peferably indoors so they can get a nice B&E rap.
Something else to consider: your "very elderly neighbor" may be becoming confused by dementia or Alzheimer"s disease. Unfortunately I have seen this happen with my Grandmother and both my Mother and my wife"s Mother, as they got old. With both of them their claims that things were stolen were some of the first signs that their minds were going down hill.

Obviously, I could be wrong. But unless you are familiar with your neighbor actually having the items, and you have seen that they are now gone and not just misplaced somewhere, I would be very careful about accusing someone of taking them.

Securing the buildings is a great idea, as then if there are further problems, you might be able to confirm that a break-in occurred. Some sort of camera might also be able to show if anything is really happening, and might lead to an arrest. It is kind of you to help your neighbor, but do not keep keys to his buildings, as there might be a chance that YOU will become his "suspect".

If your neighbor has family, you might want to talk to them about the alleged thefts. If the thefts are actually happening, the family should know about them, and if any of them are involved, then they would hear that someone else is paying attention to the elderly neighbor, and it might deter future removals. Or it might be approaching the time that your neighbor needs to be taken care of more.

Aging is not easy. Good luck with your neighbor.
Get your local Sheriff involved. I assume the thefts are being reported in your local newspaper. If the newspaper is ignoring reports write a letter to the Editor.

As much as people complain about our political system here, for the most part the duties of county Sheriff's are well carried out. They have to face re-election every four years.

These people will confuct an investigation. If your neighbor is still having problems contact your elected County Government poeple.

Most people want to help senior citizens.
Putting a fense and gate across the entry might just do it. Theives hate work, and the gate would be a little piece of mind to the relitives as they could be sure he wasn't driving off. ANd the gate would make carrying things just too much effort. I agree with getting law enforcement involved as well. Motion sensor alarms are not a bad idea, if they self shut off. Jim
That only works when the local sheriff wants to help. Last time I called the locals about something stolen they told me to call back if I found out who it was. It is get'n out of hand around here. I don't think it will be long before some one gets hurt bad around here. Dead beats are get'n more and more brave, police are get'n slower and slower, judges are get'n more and more forgive'n (same folks are in the paper over and over get'n two years probation every few months) and work'n folks are get'n more and more tired of put'n up with all of it.

Speak'n of crap'n pants. Guy up the road here heard dogs bark'n one night and looked out to see some one sneak'n around his barn. He ran out the back door with a P95 Ruger with a fist full of mags and jumped on the four wheeler. Chased the dead beat around the corn field for about two hours before call'n the police after the guy couldn't run any more. 2 state troopers showed up, they flipped a coin to see who had to put the guy in their car. He had pooped and threw up all over him self. Farmer did let them use a garden hose to rinse him off.

Where I live it would take a county deputy about 20-30 minutes to respond unless one happened to be in the immediate area. We have tresspassing poachers and thieves to deal with so we, my neighbors and I, try to control things our selves. The one neighbor, that I share a drive with, lives in town mostly. He has had such a problem that he had a security system installed. He has several buildings on his property. If a door/window on his place is moved without disarming the system an alarm sounds. He even has another motion detector infrared system inside the house in case they get past his primary system that serves all his buidings. We have 5 game cams up now with plans for more when $$$ allows. I can hear the alarm from my house and at my sons place on our property. My other neighbor can hear it too. I'm at home most of the time due to being disabled. I don't know what else we can do to stop the thieves and I'm afraid of what is going to happen when one or two of these lowlifes gets caught. One of my neighbors is a former member of The 82nd Aireborne and about a half a bubble off plumb, mentally. He's always carrying a weapon, even if it's just for a short visit. I like having him around, even if he is from up North and wants to tell me how they woulda handled things up there. I'm not a vigilante type but I truly believe that we're going to have to watch out for each other to survive in the future.
Motion sensing lights cost little.Crooks have to decide if its a motion light or a man with a gun.One sheriff thinks full time lights attract crooks.Motion lights are bothered by wind but are still worth having.Lots of daytime break ins here.

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