Planter pics


Well-known Member
I started planting corn today.Some pics of my outfit





Nice pictures Steve, love to see the duals on the old girl. What is your spacing and what is the purpose of the middle busters on the rear?
Thanks for the pic, Delta. Very interesting how corn planting is done in Co. Nothing like we used to do it in Ill.
You have a nice looking outfit. Very practcal! Old M s will never give up! clint
That's great to see an old tractor like that earning her keep. Won't be doing any planting her for a while, have a skiff of snow on the ground this morning, about 2 inches of snow and 1/2 inch of rain yesterday. Guess I will be fixing stuff in the barn today.
Do you water every furrow? I always watered every other furrow but then we get a lot more rain here in Mississippi than you do in Colorado.

Spring came early to Tx. Corn around Dallas is over 2ft tall and wheat has already turned.

Always enjoy the pics. Thanks for posting.
Are the duals needed? In my typically wet clay, you can plant breans into a wheel track, but corn is a no-no, that row will suffer all year if planted into a wheel trackand yield less.

Tho in your dry soil shouldn't really matter, yikes that looks dry. Funny color for dirt, aswell. :)

Nice picks.

Something about your planter looks aftermarket!!

Looks good.

Very few 2 and 4 row planter left around here. All have been cut up and sold for the food plotters.


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