Remembrance IV


Well-known Member
18 April 1942 Somewhere in the pacific ocean. 7:38 the Japanese picket boat #23- Nitto Maru sights task force 18 (Carrier Hornet and complement). The Nitto Maru is sunk by gunfire from the USS Nashville. Naval intelligence is unable to determine if the Nitto Maru was able to relay the position of the Hornet to Japan before she was sunk. The decision is made to send aircraft now, this means the bombers will not have enough fuel to reach their recovery destinations. Mission leader Lt Col. Doolittle offers for any Airman to stand down from the mission as it is now considerably riskier than originally planned, no one accepts his offer. At 8:20 the first B-25, piloted by Lt Col Doolittle leaves the deck of the Hornet, by 9:19 the last aircraft is clear of the Hornet. By noon the 16 B-25s will be over the Japanese mainland, they will make their targets and by some miracle they all leave Japanese airspace later that day mostly unscathed. Tomorrow I'll provide a summary of the mission.
Have a safe flight and return trip.
I wonder how many understand what you are talking about? :)

After Japan surprised us in Pearl Harbor, we needed something to get back in the game. They flew a mission over Japan that couldn't really acomplish anything physically, and had a low probability of anyone coming back from, but they hit Japaneese mainland and that really pumped our side up, and really had their side take a step back, realizing we were in this to stay and will be coming.

Lot of guts and mind game and pivotal to the whole war in the Pasific, for being of no actual physical value in hitting any meaningful targets.

We have a veteran of that raid living in Missoula and as is typical of "THE GREATEST GENERATION", he"s surprised anyone remembers. We all owe a debt of graditude to these great men who unselfishly sacrificed so much for all of us. God bless then all!
"Late in the afternoon, Adm. Yamamoto, at his home in Hiroshima, gets word that the Americans have bombed Tokyo. Relieved that the Emperor is unhurt, he spends the rest of the day listlessly sipping rice broth, devastated. "
Good story, but "devastated" is a stretch. Most likely Yamamoto was only surprised at the timing of the raid. He had traveled the USA extensively during the years between WW1 and WW2 and is the one who told the emperor he would see what he could do for six months; after that he could not say.
On 5 May at Pier 3 at Alemeda on the Aircraft Carrier Hornet they are going to have a tribute to the raid. (same pier 3, different Hornet) The Doolittle Air and Space Museum at Travis AFB is bring a bunch of stuff related to the raid and there is going to be a B25 flyover. They have comittments from the 5 remaining airmen to show. Also many of the ships crew and family members will be there. It is open to the public.
Eighteen actors gave up/postponed their careers to join up. The 18 accounted for 72 medals--Audie Murphy the most. Far cry from today's anti-American Jane Fonda/Sean Penn type. I agree; gerat men who nevr bragged or discussed their sacrafice.

25 B-25s, a Corsair, and the last airworthy Japanese Zero were in Urbana, Ohio from last Friday to today, and maybe tomorrow yet. They formed up there and flew in formation to the National Air Force Museum at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio for ceremonies surrounding the 70th anniversary of the Raid. I posted some pics on Tales.
( Eighteen actors gave up/postponed their careers to join up. The 18 accounted for 72 medals--Audie Murphy the most. ........

I believe that Audie Murphy became a actor after the war, not before. So, he would not be one of the 18 you speak of.
Side Bar here,,,,,,,,
Plane and crew # 3
Pilot was raised in Killeen Texas, as a kid he rode his Pinto pony around town....(Whiskey Pete)
Yes, Robert Gray was the pilot of (Whiskey Pete), #3 plane, off the Hornets Sea washed deck.
The US Army Airfield on South Camp, @ Ft Hood Tx is named Robert Gray U.S. Army Airfield.
The runway is approximately 10000 ft long, can handle fully loaded C5 Galaxys just fine.
Thought Y'all might like to know
John A.

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