o/t pedal bike riders///p-i-t-a

bobs old iron

Well-known Member
don't get me wrong, nothing wrong with riding bikes,,,some day I'll get mine out and start, [per doctors orders,lol]but don't you hate when they take up the road instead of riding single file in bike lane,,coming upon 3-wide on road with 80k t-t mind ya,,taped air-horn lightly, they didn't want to move over, single file, layed on brakes because opposite traffic coming, after passing, one butt-head tells me I'm #1...all this money for bike paths and they want to get ran over in the street...P.I.T.A'S
I've often thought I'd like to have a dowel with a tennis ball on the end of it and just hang it out the window as I pass them--
The bike riders here are real jerks, as a rule.They refuse to obey red lights and stop signs, but they sure expect drivers to respect them. Not long ago, I had to follow a group of bikes for several miles, every time there was a chance to pass, they would hog the entire road, laughing at me the whole time. When I finally got to pass, I left them in a big cloud of diesel smoke. I had the last laugh..

I call them militant bikers, in their bright spandex and ventilated helmets. They are out to force motorists to drive behind them while they make it impossible to pass. They want the road to themselves as opposed to sharing it like the law says.

I call them militant bikers, in their bright spandex and ventilated helmets. They are out to force motorists to drive behind them while they make it impossible to pass. They want the road to themselves as opposed to sharing it like the law says.
lol nothing against 'em if they show some common sence, but all too many seem to have a death wish, in this area we have them riding in full short bus gear, in the roadway, the problem is the roadway, it has no paved shoulder, and is a haul road for local heavy dump trucks its also about 18 to 20 feet wide, the pedel bikers dont seem to realize that if any 2 of those trucks happen to meet where they are there is going to be a real clearance problem and the truck will win
when you get a bunch of bikes that won't let you pass and then flip you off, you need a windshield washer mounted in the back of your pickup filled with fox urine and when you get a chance to pass you hit the switch and send a stream at every one of then. Then get home and get rid of the tank so when the cops come they find nothing.

Around here and in many larger cities I think, they have a silly event called Critical Mass.
Google it. Hundreds and hundreds of far left, militant bike riders gather and basically take over the city streets. Nothing can move in, near or around them. Some cities they just do it once a year on a certain day but here they do it a couple of times a month on summer evenings.
I've been trapped within their hoardes a couple of times and just had to sit. Once after sitting there for 15 minutes or so I rolled down my window and gave them all the one finger salute. Instantly there were at least 50 of them stopped and taunted me and dared me to make some other aggressive move - calling me a capitalist pig, an earth destroying AH because of my pickup, spitting on my PU, etc. It was rather frightening to be honest about it.
A couple of times I've thought about what I could do to counter their happy lawlessness.
I thought about welding a fitting on my exhaust pipe and injecting something like PB Blaster into the hot pipe and making a big cloud of stinking smoke for them to suck into their lungs.
With the laws and attitudes here bicycle riders really do own the roads and they definately let you know it.
I thought my town was the only one with a bicycle problem. Every Sat. morning here they come sometimes in groups of more then 50. They take up the whole road. They have no reguard for safety, as they blow through stop signs. About every year one or two get killed which is too bad for their families. Stan
It's like anything else, there are bicyclists who ride responsibly and those who do not. I tend to avoid any activity that it done in a herd, including bicycling. I am almost always by myself since I tend to carry things to the post office or from town on my bike. Most I see are either the folks who never carry anything on their bikes and just ride for exercise or those who live in town and use their bikes to carry things but never go very far. I had a close call a couple of years ago when a 1 ton dump truck passed me as I rode at about 20 down the edge of the pavement in a 30 mph zone and as soon as it had passed immediately turned right on another street. That was the shortest stop I think I have ever made as there was nowhere for me to go.
I was SO pizzed off a few years ago it's miraculous that I didn't just start running them down. Had to make a mad dash about 25 miles to get a belt for the pickup on the baler and there was a tour of at least 500 of'em on the road I had to drive. I got right in on the tail end. Had to pass a few,get back in and drive the speed they were going while I waited for traffic,pass a few more and wait,the whole way. After about 15 miles I was seeing red and WAY too close to mass murder. I met a state cop and that was the ONLY thing that saved lives.
The absolute worst part about it was that there's a paved bicycle trail up the old railroad bed from where I came up behind them across lots to where they were eventually going to end up. There needs to be a law. Someday there's not going to be a state cop there to jar somebody back to reality when they're about to snap.
I hate the DA*M bike riders too. They hog the roads and think they are GOD. They will ride three wide on the county roads making the traffic have to stop behind them.

Ten-fifteen years ago the darn Ragbri went thru here. A neighbor was pumping his pit that day. He had hired three tanks and all. He was told that HE would have to clear the road as the bikes had the right of way. He was being charged by the hour. He told me those darn bikes cost him $1500 because the tankers where having to stop/slow down for the darn bikes.

I posted No trespassing signs all across the front of my farm with signs telling them to keep moving that they where not welcomed on MY property. One of the county do gooders/organizers came by and told me I could not do that. I told her that SHE was not welcome either and to leave my property. Had a bunch stop and knock my no trespassing sign over and park under my shade tree in the front yard. You should have seen them run/peddle when I opened the cattle gate and ran the cows across the road. ( I had pastures on each side) LOL I guess they did not like the thought of a 1500 lbs. brood cow playing with their fancy bikes.

I know a guy a few counties over that made them keep moving in a hurry. HE emptied his lagoon the day before they where to come through. He made sure that he had a few drippings left on the road. Plus he covered the fields right by the roads too. He said the smell was just great in the Hot summer heat. LMAO. He said he set and watched them hurry right on by.

The government has wasted money on bike trails that the lazy bikers will not hardly use. Too boring they say.( I have one that cuts across the back of some of my ground.) No they want to just come and visit the country using the roads that they are paying few taxes to keep up.

Daughter-in-law worked as a waitress during college. She said she hated to see a bunch of peddle bikers come in. She said they would order hardly anything but tie up the seating for a long time and leave small tips.
Think I've related this before but I've got a customer that knoked one off the road some years back with the blade on the dozer he was hauling. Seems he crested a hill and was headed down the other side when he encountered a biker who refused to move over when he tooted the air horn. He couldn't stop fast enough given the weight he was hauling, and as he got into the other lane to pass a car came around the curve at the bottom of the hill so he had to move back over quicker than planned. When he looked in the mirror after getting back into his lane he saw the guy tumbling down the side of the road. Fast forward and the guys lawyer tried pulling all kinds of crap out of his a$$ to get my customer charged for something. In the end for anything to stick they had to prove that the bike was a "motor vehicle", something they couldn't do. If they had been able to prove that the bike was a "motor vehicle" then they still couldn't find my customer at fault because the bike would then have had to have had a SMV, the proper lights and emergency signals, mirrors, and anything else any inspectible vehicle would have had to have had...not to mention then it would have had to have been inspected to be on the road legally.
Needess to say when my customers lawyer got through with the biker's lawyer the whole thing got dropped really fast.
I ride everyday and 15 years ago raced a little. Quit group training rides because the boneheads would take up the entire road for drafting advantages. Drifting is a big issue because effort particularily in a head wind is substantially reduced. Seen them on low traffic roads stringing across both lanes and actually running on the shoulder on the opposite side. Even when going up some hills. Easily could have broken up into groups with similar ability, but no way anyone was willing to be a follower and not within the leading group. Bicycle racers realize that the sport isn't really appreciated over here and somewhat resent it. Although foolish to gamble with one's life and drafting benefits might be the primary reason, I still believe some do it to draw attention although the results are demonstratively negative.

You know?? There are places in the civilized world where a bicycle is a wheeled vehicle and subject to traffic laws just like a car... But that's too much government intervention and the socialism infringes on the rights of bubba to cause an accident that'll maybe wipe out a car load of kids....
Help me to understand: A trucker carrying an overwidth load struck and presumably seriously injured someone who had the legal right-of-way and got off scott-free? I'm afraid that doesn't make sense. If the biker was indeed injured, I'll bet the trucker's insurance paid off, whether he was charged or not.

What if it had been a farm tractor that this guy hit? Same scenario: Truck crests a hill and sees a slow vehicle in front of him and is going too fast to avoid overtaking the tractor. He unsafely passes the tractor, then runs it off the road when returning to the lane. Tractor runs off the road and tips over. Tractor driver is crushed when the tractor rolls over. Who is at fault here?

I guess your friend is lucky his attorney is a better lawyer than he is a driver.
I ride myself, at least used to a lot. But a some bikers, especially in the urban areas, seem to have a vehicular version of short man syndrome. They just have giant chips on their shoulders. It's like they are not only defensive, but seem to want to start trouble, just to prove how "equal" they are.

Those who ride in groups know that single file is the reasonable thing to do, but that doesn't stick it the face of drivers does it? It doesn't help their cause much to alienate drivers (who actually paid for the road). It's the same thing for motorcyclists - a few bad apples ruin it for everybody else.
They probably wouldn't torque me off so bad if they didn't feel like they are obligated to wear those silly-azz panty hose and those ridiculous-looking dirt-dobber helmets. They wouldn't be caught dead in shorts and T-shirts and a short motorcycle hard-hat.

It's always fun to get behind a gaggle of these idiots when going up a winding mountain road out west. The senseless part is that these toads can't even enjoy the scenery that supposedly attracted them to these areas---the way they're bent over those handle bars the only thing they ever see is the pavement.
I am curious just how many of you would change your tune if you substitute the word bicycle for combine. Thought so.
(quoted from post at 20:36:52 04/15/12) I am curious just how many of you would change your tune if you substitute the word bicycle for combine. Thought so.
Not so much the vehicle as it is the mentality of the person operating it.....
I got behind a golf cart on the road today, and he wouldn't move over with oncoming traffic. Around me, more and more towns are allowing golf carts on their streets, in town. But some are taking that privlege to the rural roads. A year or two ago I ran across a fella, his wife, and their dog in...gosh, I forget who makes it, but its a utility cart, and I've used one before, just can't remember who made it, but their's was hopped up. I bet it was doing about 40 down the road, which is tolerable. Today, it was a guy and his wife on an EZ-GO golf cart type of golf cart, down the middle of the lane, oncoming traffic, slow motion, no moving over. I overlooked it, let it go, but was kind of hoping a combine would come along and...


In this nazi socialist country I been livin in for too long, if it's on the road it obeys the laws of the road like anything else. If it's got some kinda motor, it has plates, working safety equipment (lights, signals, horn) etc. and insurance.
If someone gets taken out on a bicycle for example, both parties are looked at for fault/charges. Cell phone, readin the newspaper while driving, puttin on makeup, makin a sammich, anything distracting while driving will get you a ticket......... Only sucks for the ones that break the rules....
I believe that SOME bicycle riders are the MOST arrogant people on the road!!!! The worst ones are the adults dressed like European bike racers riding expensive lightweight road bikes. They seem to have no regard for traffic laws and run through stop signs at speed. It is not surprising that every once in a while, one gets hit.

My State"s law requires bicycle riders to stay to the immediate right side of the road, yet I see bicycle riders going slowly down the middle of the lane, with cars backed up behind them for a quarter of a mile. And it is especially annoying when there is an area of good, clean pavement beyond the painted fog line that the bike rider could be riding safely and courteously.

And sometimes I see them riding 2 and 3 abreast, seeming like they purposely are holding up vehicle traffic. They deserve to be cited and fined.

Arrogance, pure arrogance!
(quoted from post at 04:36:52 04/16/12) I am curious just how many of you would change your tune if you substitute the word bicycle for combine. Thought so.

Difference to me is when I'm on a piece of machinery I pull over and let traffic pass that's in my lane that is moving faster than me as soon as practically possible.

The vast majority of bicycle riders just keep pumping away at those pedals, completely oblivious to the world around them. See a stop sign? Doesn't seem to apply to most bikers. Railroad gates down and lights flashing? Doesn't seem to apply to the majority of them either. If it does, they ride around the line of cars waiting at the crossing and block a whole line of traffic after the train passes. Left turn, right turn?, I never see bikers use hand signals.

I have no problem with those who ride a bike down a road. I have a problem with those who think both lanes of the whole road is theirs, and pay no attention to what's going on around them while they are on the road, do not follow the signage on the road, and endanger others on the road with their actions. Most have their I-Pod or whatever cranked up and they're worried about themselves and fellow bikers in their "gang" and that is it.

County in the last couple of years designated several local roads "Bike Routes" and signed them accordingly. Most of the signs are on heavy steel posts inches from the road's edge and make it harder for those with wide farm machinery to pull over and get out of the way of traffic.

Combine is 12Ft.wide,bike is maybe 2FT.wide,but the bike takes up-uses more roadway impedind more trafic then all the combines out there.

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