Farmall h gas tank exploding


Well-known Member
Heard a couple older guys at dinner talking about h farmalls gas tanks catching fire and when the pressure was gone from blowing the fire out the fill hole they'd explode. They thought the fuel bowl leaked gas onto the battery to cause this. Anyone ever heard of this happening? One guy said he was driving down the road, looked over and saw this happen to a fellow.
Just remember over the yrs that lots of stories have been spun. I show As and Bs with exhaust systems once in a while someone will run them down till i ask if he ever had one. Almost everyone who used one will say great things about them. Some people can break an anvil.
i-h did a recall on the gas caps to the vented triple baffle style from the old flat caps because of a venting problem. the cap would not vent and then it would build up pressure. there was also a metal sediment bowl to replace the glass bowl if you had a mounted picker on the m. lot of them old tractors caught fire from trash build up from the picker. i tend to think it was more operator negligence than a design flaw.
Any design that puts something that can arc under fuel storage can be considered a flawed or poor design when it's being sold to a mass market. If well maintained not a big deal but when the general public gets ahold of it will not be well maintained. That isn't the only flaw designed into tractors through the years based on the assumtion that the farmer would follow safety procedures (turning off the PTO for example) or keep the trator well maintained.

Neighbour told me they didn't get a tractor until the 60's because
everyones gas tractors either caught fire themselves or set the
hayfields and crops on fire all the time.

They only ever had diesels.
We (actually, my Dad........I was a kid) had 2 of the things; a '52 model bought new and a '48, bought used in '53. Carried each of 'em to the local welder/blacksmith and had a 5 or 6 inch extension (filler pipe from a vehicle gasoline tank) welded onto the filler opening to keep them from spewing gasoline out when they were full. They both went away in favor of larger tractors in the late '50s; I always thought I would be able to recognize them if I ever saw them again because of the modification.
(quoted from post at 05:17:27 04/05/12) Neighbour told me they didn't get a tractor until the 60's because
everyones gas tractors either caught fire themselves or set the
hayfields and crops on fire all the time.

They way most people operate is, they form their opinions based on ONE occurrence they probably only HEARD about: A tractor burned up somewhere once, therefore ALL tractors ALWAYS burn up.

If only people could realize how ridiculous they sound/look when they act like that. The world would be a whole lot better off.

I knew a guy who knew a guy said his neighbor knew another guy who said his uncle once had his Farmall catch fire at a friend"s farm once in 1941 or 1942....or was it 1956? I"m not sure on that date.

I like your description "some people can break an anvil". Very eloquent!

LA in WI
My H caught on fire under the hood once, driving down the road.

A sparrow had built a nest on top of the exhaust manifold. Luckily, I was wearing leather gloves. Just stopped and raked the stuff off the manifold, no harm done.
I go along with the maintainance idea. Fill that tank full of gas. Then go out in the field in 100 % temps and what do you think those fumes in that tank are doing. If that old vent is plugged it has to blow somewhere. It wasn't only IH that had that problem but IH was smart enough to correct their problem with a better cap.
Farm Alls did trap stuff behind the manifold and they did burn.A friend had is AC tractor burn.My nephew just had a 60 grand Ford truck burn.He had it back to the dealer with complaints of burning smells and smoke coming from under the dash.Dealer said they all do that.Nothing wrong.Theres a pix of a burned 9n on this forum now.We were called on many car and truck fires during my 35 years on the fire dept.
I have a bent crow bar and found a bent digging bar beside the road,It was bent in to a C shape.
Ive seen plenty of car and truck fires and some tractor fires.Theres a big articulated tractor that has been burning up.
One of my uncles bought a new H in the mid 40's. He was disking a river bottom with it and it caught fire when he got too close to a sinkhole and one wheel dropped in. He wasn't able to put the fire out but he did manage to get the other wheel off(I have NO idea how much adrenaline was flowing). In doing so he broke his wrist. The doctor that set it was drunk, when the cast came off his arm near the wrist was crooked. After he got his bill he went to the doctor and showed him his handywork. That was one doc that did NOT get paid! He died several years ago with that same crook in his wrist. I can still remember seeing his arm.
I got a free vented gas cap for my Ford tractor 24 years ago.I took the old gas cap and serial # to a Ford dealer.The new cap has a check valve to prevent gas leakage if the tractor is rolled.Just drilling an old cap aint enough.

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