OT Taps will make a grown man teary eyed


Well-known Member
Farmer friend of ours Dad died this last week. He was a WWII vet, so, today at the grave site they gave him the military salute, taps, flag folded perfectly given to the widow, etc. MAN, that was touching! Thank you to all who served!
As a bugler in our local Drum and Bugle Corps I have played Taps at a number of these. As the man on the horn I always had to maintain a detached focus on the end of my bugle and not ever look at the people attending. One time my wife was there because the deceased was my relative. Riding in the car after she turned her reddened face to me and said "My God, it's like everybody is stoic and taking it fairly well... then the horn plays and that is when the sobbing starts." All I could do was swallow the lump in my throat and say "yep"
They did the same at my Dad's, and when they folded the fag, someone told me they stuck something in it before they handed it to me. I looked and it was the shell brass.
When my grandfather (WW2 Coast Guard vet.) passed, we had full military funeral. It's never easy when somebody close to you passes, but I specifically remember the only time I teared up was when "taps" was played.
My wife got the Flag at her Father's service last Labor Day or thereabouts. She was given three empty shell casings. 1. From a Grateful Nation, 2. From a grateful President of the US, and 3. From a grateful State of Kansas, which is where he lived for the last 25 years or so. I bought for her the Oak glass front case to display it in. I told her that Freddie would do the same for me if the situation were reversed. That (USA) flag means an awful lot to me.
When a milatary funeral is done here in our town cemetary they usually have a young person from the high school come and play the bugle. Because the way the cemetary is laid out, it is always possible to position the bugler over a hill and out of sight. It is a very special thing to hear that bugle playing taps and it echoing around the cemetary. I will never forget my grandfathers funeral. The 21 gun salute and taps echoing across the cemetary. It was 1989 and I remember it like it was yesterday. He was a 1st Lt in the 33rd divsion, 6th US army serving 4 years in the south pacific in a frontline combat infantry regiment.
Yep taps gets to me as well.

Here there is a guy that plays taps and has been since High School. His 30 year old son stands about 300 yards away out of sight and repeats taps after his father finishes.

Talk about a neat effect.

When my grandfather passed away,( WWII vet) iwas fine till
taps was played, teared up big time. Noticed rifles used by
the legion had to be manually cycled for next shot. My uncle
asked if I could work on them for the legion ( I worked on
guns forawhile). I added blank adaptors to the rifles. A few
years later, my uncle passed away (vietnam vet) I lost it
whentaps was played but I was especially proud when every
rifle performed flawlessly for the salute.
Cousin passed away recently. Was an Army vet. VFW did the cemetary service. When it came to firing a volley, there were only 4 of them with guns. When it came to taps, they used a music box stuffed in a bugle. Started playing before he even got the horn to his lips. Not even a good decording. Diasppointing.
(quoted from post at 21:04:20 04/01/12)VFW did the cemetary service. When it came to firing a volley, there were only 4 of them with guns.

If the VFW post is short rifles or the ones they have are broken, they can get help with new ones or repair. Im not sure what forum is the best to start with but you can start with the "Ask Orest" room over at the CMP message boards. http://forums.thecmp.org/forumdisplay.php?f=76

Just post that you are looking for help and they will point you in the right direction.
I have not been able to listen to "Taps" for years without tearing up. Many of my friends are gone now and I get to listen to "Taps" more than I would like.
Played in the High School Band 4 years. Trumpet. A regional high school. Every Memorial Day we paraded at 4 towns. I had the Honor of playing taps at each town cemetery or church. Heard it too many times in Vietnam and it still gives me the chills.

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