Discbine blades


I've been reading that discbine blades are replaced when they get dull, have yet to read 're-sharpened' I assume this is not recommended as it will change the blade weights, hence throw things out of balance. True? Why not re-sharpen and check each one's weight?

Depends what your time is worth. Most blades are made with edges on both sides so that you can take them off one disc and move them to one that turns in the opposite direction. I have never done that but it would be less time spent for twice the wear.
The blades are made to be turned over. they are cheap to buy. most that I see are to far gone even to turn over.
Mine cost about a buck a blade, for my drum mower. Takes about 15 minutes, to either turn em over, or change out to new. I save ones of similar wear, cause sometimes you beat up just one blade, and you want to keep things balanced.
I use a hand grinder to touch them up once in a while. I leave the blades on the machine and us a vise grip to hold the blades in place while I touch them up, no problem with balance that I can tell. No sense tossing them if you can get a bit more life out of them.
I sharpen mine all the time. If in rocks yes they are beat up but if used in a smooth hay field "Like a hay field should be" they get dull and sharping them pull so much easier. I will keep them sharp this year for sure with fuel prices like they are. I do turn them over when they get rounded on the end. In some years I can get 400 acres out of one set of blades.
My Vermeer uses blades that flip, don't have move them just flip. Takes about 15 min to flip the whole mower - 10 ft 6 in.
I have touched them up with grinder but if I can see difference in blades on the same cap I'll replace them. Try to change all at once, just helps keep the cut even.
For as much as they cost, I just put on new ones. I usually mangle up two or three every full set anyway.
I don't think I've ever worn a blade out for a disc mower. They ALL get mangled on rocks and are replaced as necessary.
If they get rounded they might get a chance to get flipped over. That's about it...


I sharpen mine on the mower until they get rounded, then flip them over.

On JD disc mowers they cost $1.98 each.


I never sharpen them unless they are about new and hit some rocks. When the corner is worn round and you flip it over then the mower does not have as much lift. The back edge is what creates the suction on the cutter bar.

I replace mine after each cutting. It costs me less than forty dollars to mow 120 acres of alfalfa, each cutting.. Plus the new sharp knives will help keep the alfalfa crowns in better shape by them having a cleaner cut not ragged.

I feel that the cost of the knives is small compared to the lost hay if it is down and the cutter bar will not lift it. Plus if I can help the crowns regrow better then it is more tonnage the next cutting.

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