Winter question?


Well-known Member
I have been watching my horses, as I do every winter. They usually start to shed there winter coats in mid february. This year has been very mild, and when I scratch there back I'm hard pressed to get any hair. Makes me wonder if were still in for something! Colder years they shed earlier. Kinda strange I thought.
I dont think winter is over at all. There has been some realy werid weather sofar this year and I think we are still in for some cold nasty snowy days ahead. Been in the 60s for the last week and yesterday there were 27 tornados to the south of me along the Ohio river and say snow today. Crazy aint it! Bandit
I agree it is crazy, we had 26 degrees on wensday and 10inches of snow. Today it was 57 degrees, tomorrow and Monday there saying 12 degrees overnite!
My horses seem to be shedding at this time but since it has been so odd a weather year I have not tried to help remove any. Also heard a turkey gobble the other day which seems early
Old, is that normal for you? Or late early? I think u said the other day it was 70 were you are! I may be wrong. I'm in upstate NY, neat to see what the weather is like in other areas!
could be, one of ours put on a coat this winter so heavy it looks more like a bear than a horse
Odd to hear a turkey gobble this early in the year. Plus the peppers are singing here of late and that is also to early. Yep up in the 70s a few days ago but then today got lucky if it hit 45 and the wind well lets just say the wind has been crazy the last year
Weird winter here near Syracuse. Gramp always told me to put maple taps in the last week of Feb. Whenever I did that, they were froze up for a week. This year, I put taps in 2/18 and already have a batch off the pan. Never did that since I started making syrup in in "82. At first, there didn"t seem to be much sugar in the sap, but the batch came on quick and tastes ok.

Hard to say..... Seems like a hormone thing also. pregnant mares and geldings hold on while our stallion and open (and cycling) mares a shedding piles.... We may get some cold yet, but the hard part is gone I'm sure.....
We have a couple that seem to be geared to the summer and winter solstice(s). As soon as Dec. 21 hits they start shedding, Start hairing up again at June 21. Couple are kept clipped and blanketed so can"t really say.


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