O/T , Any young guys on here ?

Define "young". At 73, almost everyone is young to me, and I still think young. You know the old saying, "Just because there's snow on the roof, doesn't mean there is no fire in the furnace."
Im definitely a young guy at 44 (at least in my mind). If Id know I was living this long Id have taken better care of my body.
I will be 43 in June. I lost my father at 44 years old and g-pa at 92 This site has helped me alot I dont type good so I just like to read all the info
I will be 62 this August. Most days I just can't believe where the time has gone. It just seems like yesterday I was coming home from the Army. That was over 35 years ago.

Only down side is that the old body is showing some wear. I pushed myself real hard when I was young and it is showing now. Ankles, knees complain if I don't watch how I do things. Shoulders really complain if I do things over my head. All in all things are not that bad.
I'm 20 as well and have 2 tractors and some implements. I always find good information and advice on this site. Fullers Farmalls if you keep that pace up you will have a nice collection in no time.
(quoted from post at 21:57:41 02/12/12) seems like with all the info that flies around
on here ,this site has to be used by a bunch of old timers . LOL Im 61 myself.

Yep I'm young.....21....celebrated the 35th annaversary of my 21st Bday last June!!!!

46 and creaking & crackin like 90... Shoulda takin a little better care of myself as far as wearing safety equipment and paying attention to how I lifted/carried things...

You 20 YO and younger folks, helmets and earplugs may not look the coolest, but CRS/CRAFT and tenitis are FAR from cool.... As a kid, everyone had to have the loudest dirtbike possible..I'm still hearing them dam things30+ years later.....
64, up since 2 AM with raging back pain. Getting old may or may NOT be a sign of more knowledge, but it DEFINATELY lets you understand just how much you DON'T know. And that my friends, is just as valuable as what you DO know.
31 years old. I have had many questions answered on here like plant populations, combine settings, and troubleshooting repairs. Father left when i was 3 and my farming partner, my grandfather died suddenly when i was 20. Sometimes I have been a little too bull headed to ask neighbors, so i found this web site and am very grateful.
55 here had two heart attacks at 54 had a plugged artery i was the picture of health 5 ft 10 in at 175 lbs thought i was still a 20 yr old have a 110 acres and 3 tractors do mostly hay crop for the critters then sell whats left over.listen real close to your body dont ignore certain symptons like i did doc said i shouldnt be here.
I would feel young at your age to-If I could trick the state into an early disability retitement with benefits, all along farming fulltime on the taxpayers dime!! What a scammer
thanks for the good advice,Im almost 57, since jan trying to eat right and lost over 10 lbs so far,hope to make healthy eating a permanent change
54 until October.. Been around tractors my whole
life. My Grandfather use to say that " He was a
Young man trapped in a Old Man"s Body" As the
years pass I have a New Understanding to what he

Yeah I'm one of the young guys here. I will tun 63 in about six weeks, and I get annoyed at the 30-40 somethings who are always shortening the day's snowmobile ride because they can't seem to keep up with the old geezer!
Will turn 63 in June. When I was 10, 30 was old. When I was 30, 50 was old. Now I am over 60, most people are young. Had a friend remind me getting old is rough, but it beats the alternative. I still have too much to do and too many people to pester to quit now.

My dad's parents both died before I was born and my mom's dad. Mom's mother died when I was 34. As I was younger, I did not pay much attention to what she was talking about. Then one day, I realized there was a lot of living history dying every day. Pay attention and ask a lot of questions while they can still tell you how it was.
I"ve got a Grey beard, and the wife calls me an
"Old GoaT", hence, the grandkids named me....
Greygoat...and I"m 69!
33 and bilt my first tractor at 11 with my grandpa it was a oliver 70 i wish i still had it it went to mo. about 10 years ago now that my grandpa is gone i miss the tractor we bilt together i have him to blame for my tractor sickness i now have 13 tractors
not so old here, turn 58 in March.still do pretty much what i want to do.just not always what should be done.LOL
(quoted from post at 06:11:59 02/13/12) Yep I just tured 20 this past december and I farm about 100 acres plus go to school full time

Don't forget to be young.You'll always have tomorrow but yesterday is gone forever.....
I'm 27, not quite old and not quite young anymore. When people look at me they usually say I look like I'm 22, but I act like I'm 50. Old man in a young man's body.
I'm 19 or 20 in my mind, but 44 in my body (though some mornings it feels older). Lots of very good reasons to be here with you folks.

Keep up that hard work. When I was your age (few years ago) I was trying to get into farming myself. Not too easy when you're a generation removed from the land and everyone is more interested in high cash rent than helping a youngster get a start. I'm currently back in school finishing up a degree for an alternate career. Now I just play with the tractors while waiting to win that lottery.
Yeah its tough but I try I has hard as I can. I"m lucky to have a couple of real big farmers in the area who has helped me out a whole bunch getting started in everything. I started eith 7 acres at the home place about years ago and have managed to get where I am now
Saw one of my high school classmates last week.

Couldn't help but notice how time had caught up with him and how old he looked.

Glad to know that I haven't changed and still look like I'm 18.

Folks can't believe that I'm 60 years old!
19, full-time college student and farming part time with dad. Only 1 tractor for now thats mine, but always looking for more.

Lots of knowledge and wisdom on this site.
42, feel great. I have learned from my Grandma to have friends of various ages and to keep active. A little exercise and beer in moderation goes a long way. Still feel like I am 21 most days.
I tell people your age is only a date on the calender. 69, and still fell young, and still going, not quite as fast as I did at 30, but still going. Stan
I am 61 and feel like. I did get carded last week buying BEER. New kid first day on the job. But it made me feel good.
Some people who call themselves old really aren't that old. I used to work with a guy that said ( If I would of known I was going to live this long I would of taken better care of myself!)
My handle here does not really reflect my age but it does reflect where I learned what I know. I was taught to keep my ears open and mouth shut and a person can learn a lot that way. As for age well I in less then 60 but in the top few years of 50
Will be 54 in May. Feel like every day of it. Don"t know where the years went. Life sure is a vapor. One day I graduated from high school and the next day I have grandkids. They make it all worthwhile though.
54 here Still going strong just not quite as fast.
I'm been visiting this site eveyday for a long time lots of knowledge on here and a whole lot of good people.
I'm 77, was doing fine until about 2 years ago when degenerative arthritis invaded my lower spine and left hip...Now I'm looking at a hip replacement scheduled for March 30th. I sure hope it'll be what the doctors say it will. "After extensive rehab you'll be glad you had the surgery and the hip will be pain free".
60 and young at heart here. I finally decided it was time to quit whining about my aches and pains in the back and neck and whatever else, and get on with life. They just minor obstacles to work around. Other people have worse problems than I do. Jim
When I turned fifty, I had a physical exam. Decided I was over weight at about 165# and cholesterol was way too high. Went on a diet, walking and jogging, dropped all the way down to 139#. Saw an old friend of mine who I had not seen in many a years. He said, god, you look old. I had always been kind of baby faced but the weight loss really changed my appearance I guess. Well, anyway, I do look older now at 75 but a young guy just told me the other day that I don't look my age climbing around on these tractors. I gained most of the weight back again over the years also.
I turned 73 last new years eve. I've had ulcer surgery 20 years ago and a quadruple bypass 7years ago. It's amazing what the medical profession can do to keep us going. I often get asked if I'm a senior, makes me feel good.
Well , I'm the same as you (61+) and some on here are gonna say we're young. Just what age is one considered a "geezer" and what about an "ole duffer"? How bout "ole fart" , "fuddie-dud" , "ole cooter" , " ole codger" etc. Must be a particular age for all of them. I just want to know what I am once and for all. Other than a "69er" (which I will always be.
I graduated high school in 1968 so you guys can figure . Fourty four years in the construction industry , getting ready to retire from it. It has been good to me along with my john deere hobby .
GOOD WIFE GOOD KIDS AND FAMILY MEANS A LOT. to keep you young . Thanks Guys
36 and feel like 70 due to "I NOT VERY SMART BUT I CAN LIFT HEAVY THINGS" .Still wouldn't change anything. I lost my dad at 13 and really depended on the older friends of my dad to show me the way and I am better for it. Some how I even managed to start my own trucking company and keep it running in this economy. I guess the old man must be watching and laughing. Old is all relative to how you feel.
I"m getting up there in years as well.... have made it to 22 so far, I"m gonna try and make it to 23 in June..... as far as the amount of stuff I have.... way too much for my age
20, full time College Student studying Engineering but taking some time off this semester on an internship. Learned a lot from this site and grateful for the help I have received in the restoration of my Super M.
A good friend of mine used to tell me "If I'd known I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself"! He was 63 when he died 2 yrs ago!! I turned 62 in January of this yr!!!!
I'm still young at 64. Old timers are 85-90 so I still got a long ways to go. Planing on hitting that 100 mark and still driving my tractor down the road.
I'm just a kid, 20 years old, I ain't gonna get any older, celebrated my 20th birthday 40 times already. Work full time and play farming 65 acres that was my grandparents. 5 tractors, 1 combine, 3 kids that are older than me and 5 grandkids and 1 on the way. Pretty good for only being 20, huh. Former VP of the local pizz and moan about everything club, now I'm just a trouble maker. Life is good!!! Chris
(quoted from post at 10:27:08 02/13/12) I'm 77, was doing fine until about 2 years ago when degenerative arthritis invaded my lower spine and left hip...Now I'm looking at a hip replacement scheduled for March 30th. I sure hope it'll be what the doctors say it will. "After extensive rehab you'll be glad you had the surgery and the hip will be pain free".
A friend had one last spring. Two weeks later he came for a visit and was walking and taking stairs like 20 years earlier.
I'll be 31 in less than a week.. So I guess I'd be a younger guy..

I started collecting when I was 16. Don't know what attracted me to older tractors, as growing up helping Grandpa and uncles on the farm everything was relatively new, and most everything is still relatively new on their farm today..

I'm pretty thankful for the older guys that help the rest of us that haven't been there and done that.. Some of the younger guys can be pretty knowledgeable too..

30 now but my family tells me I was born old. Dad used to joke that I was the only 20 year old he knew with 40 years of experince. My brother used to tell his friends that I was 25 going on 50.
I can t croak yet , have several tractors to restore yet! Each one takes longer than the one before. We have 15 , about 5 to go yet. Think I will make it ? I am 74. clint

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