Not much gets by me!


Well-known Member
I pulled the head off of my 335 minnie,last summer, and sent it in for a valve job. I called Welters in MO., and ordered the gaskets, then had to wait till they were shipped in, to start assembly, naturaly the head got back first. When the gaskets arrived, I bolted the head, with new gaskets back on, and for some unremembered reason, I stopped working on it. In december, I needed a loader tractor, and was going to finish the job, but the manifold gaskets had evaporated, package and all! I called Welters and ordered some more, and by the time they arrived, I was using a loader on my WD45, and the emergency had passed, sooo I put it off again. Today I kicked myself in the rear, and started to finish the job GUESS WHAT no manifold gaskets! After wasting the morning, and a couple more hours after lunch, searching the shop, and tractor shed, I gave up and called Welters, and reordered those gaskets. I wanted to run some 10-3 direct burial wire, over to the tractor shed, and being as I still had about 3 hours of light left, I went searching for the partial roll that I remembered.I walked into the shop, to look on the wall for the wire, and there hanging from the same nail, was a plastic grocery bag, with a set of 335 manifold gaskets. Soooo I dashed to the house, made a hurried call to Welters to cancel the earlier order, and got LUCKY, they weren't closed yet. There is a 2 hr difference in WA. time, and Mo. There is not much gets by me!
an everyday part of life here too! I don't know where that stuff goes when I turn my back.
One rare occasion when I was planning ahead I bought a bunch of filters and parts so I would be ready to go on my day off. Come my day off and I can't find them. I figure I've wasted enough time looking for something that for some unknown reason was long gone. I call the parts counter so he can have them ready and save time. I start to tell him what I want and about the third item he said, "You wouldn't happen to be reordering the same parts you left on the counter last week would you?"
Not much gets by me either.

Today I need to resume the search for a gallon of primer that I bought a year ago just before the project got interrupted. I may have to widen from the shop to the barn. Maybe even the basement.

couldn't tell you how many bit sets, stucco tools, screws, nails, [b:d972b6a177]2CYCLE OIL[/b:d972b6a177] chain saw chains, hammers, paintbrushes, tape measures, and the stanley 4 way screwdrivers I have on the place...
When I go thru everthing, I'll post a tally......
I've discovered that if I leave something in a bag I have a hard time finding it. Just cause I get so many bags of stuff. Some in the shop, some in the basement ECT...ECT. If I take the items out of the bags and hang em on the wall or put em on a shelf not only are they easy to find I generally remember where I put them. So it has to be contact with the bag that makes me forget.....

Dad and I lost a fertilizer tube off a corn planter that we were working on one time. The darned thing had been right there. We hadn't moved the planter out of the shop,it was all in the same day for crying out loud. It just wasn't there anywhere. Went and got a new one for it finally. Probably a week went by,one of us was cleaning up the shop,found the tube in an empty seed corn bag.
I like looking for my glasses, only to discover that they're on my face. Then there's the lost 1/2" end wrench that's missing; only to be found in my back pocket.
When I had a pocket watch, I got to work one day and realized I forgot it. Then I pulled it out of my pocket to see if I had time to go back home to get it.
It's called a senior moment. Seems you had more than one. I have them frequently, sometimes with a time span of as short as a few what did I do with my truck keys? Ha!

When I have something that I want to put somewhere I ask the question: If I were looking for this where would I look first. That's where I put it and it works fine for me.


(quoted from post at 09:16:28 02/10/12) Still looking for all my missing tape measures. Stan

I prolly have 20 or more... always picking up 5 meter ones for a buck and never can find them.....
(quoted from post at 08:57:54 02/10/12) I find the quickest way to find something is to accuse my wife of taking it.....

And then the fight started.

At least that is how it is my house
(quoted from post at 05:18:31 02/10/12)
Today I need to resume the search for a gallon of primer that I bought a year ago just before the project got interrupted. I may have to widen from the shop to the barn. Maybe even the basement.

Well, I went into the shop and there was the primer right in front of me all along. Turned out it was a quart, not a gallon.
was talking to the wife and all of a sudden she says where I did put that? I ask what she answer the phone I said look in your hand I'm talking to you on the phone. was pretty funny especially when she ask me not to tell anyone
I forget so much I can't remember the last time I forgot something, but it wasn't very long ago..was it...or was it....Hmm, darned if I know.

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