jim johnson

Well-known Member
Great game, fun to watch. I guess I was lucky, fell asleep at halftime. Madonna, such a good family type, thought she might try to top Janet Jackson but I wouldn't have watched even if I hadn't fell asleep.

OH! I get it now I couldn't understand what y'all were talkin' about until I just realized that I had forgot the extra 'p' in 'super'.
I kept thinkin' ...'What are they talkin' about?'
My supper bowl was full of chicken 'n dumplins' with a pone of cornbread.
I fell asleep for last quarter...Who won?
Worst ads ever!!!except maybe coca cola bears. I have no idea what they were trying to say in the ads.
Didn't think I was going to watch it as we don't have TV but, watched it online. Didn't see the commercials that most saw. Just a couple annoying ones over and over. Watched most of the game on one computer and played games on another during the commercials. Then watched an old NCIS program after the game.
I had made plans to make sure I didn't watch the game. I'm not a fan of the NFL, or NBA for that matter, too much greed and irresponsible behavior among the "professional" athletes. From what I've heard, even the commercials aren't worth watching anymore.
You know, I'll bet if someone figgured out a way to abuse animals- say horses or dogs- by crashing them into each other so that a half dozen or so had to be drug off the field, the ASPCA and government would ban it.
I watched it. Only reason is that my FIL watches it and is in poor health. He thinks that I want to watch so always invites me for it. He's a good old guy so every year I watch it with him. This year I convinced 3 of his four sons to show up too (other one is too far away). We mostly talked about hunting and fishing, computers and SCUBA.

They had a thing like closed caption running across the screen here, it was in something foreign and it covered the players heads most of the time. Had it just been the message crossing the screen it might have been ok, but that massage was in a black box taking up more unnecessary screen. I bet the local network is catch'n it right now for their stunt..
just another way to waste time , money (alot of money), and air (oxygen) for the almighty sports players. I dont waste my time on tv sports or sports for that matter. Theyre over paid , spoiled little bratts.
I'm not a huge sports fan, but usually watch the SeaChickens on Sunday. Super Bowl was a pretty good game, actually. And Madonna did a good job on the halftime show, IMHO- fully dressed, nothing obscene. And looking good. The routine was about 10 minutes long, and she never stopped moving- pretty incredible, for gal of 53 years. She's 10 years (to the day) younger than me, and I asked myself, "Could I have done that strenuous a dance 10 years ago?" Had to admit, I couldn't have done it EVER!

Lost a lunch bet with my buddy, at whose house I watched the game (great chili, Suzanne!). I told him he can go for the gusto with the 99 cent All Beef Dog at the AM-PM, rather than the usual 59 cent Dog of Uncertain Origin.
We watched the Budweiser commercial and sPent the rest of the game figuring out what kind of tractor was in it..were down to either a 770 Oliver or a super 88 Oliver
A quote often attributed to Mrs. Roosevelt is:

"Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss

I always figured sports are about 80% a discussion of people and 20% a discussion of a game.
Sports are good for kids as they help to develop strong bodies and build character.
Beyond that I don't see much good coming from them.
Yep good game! I think the pats were rushing to fast at the end, which caused the dropped passes meltdown ect!
I watched it but as I always say the outcome,of any professional game, won't change my life one iota.

Great game, and the Clint Eastwood commercial was pretty good. I thought Madonna did a pretty good halftime show, I was surprised that she kept her clothes on!!!! I saw the whole thing, but I didn't notice the finger thing. Guess I wasn't looking at her hand.....
(quoted from post at 17:26:03 02/06/12) Great game, and the Clint Eastwood commercial was pretty good. I thought Madonna did a pretty good halftime show, I was surprised that she kept her clothes on!!!! I saw the whole thing, but I didn't notice the finger thing. Guess I wasn't looking at her hand.....

After the talk about the commercials I watched just them(recorded game just in case) and the flying finger of fate was a another female singer to Madonna's right(LH of tv screen) which in my showed her mentality(IQ). The two commercials I liked was the elderly woman in the power wheel chair sling shotting the baby in the bouncy swing to snag the Doritos and the Bud-light dog fetching the Barley pops. Ole Clint came in 3rd for me.
I'm not a sports fan. Best part of the game was spending the evening with my wife and friends at our local Elks lodge. Who won?
i see a lot of you are pretty grumpy...i seen the " i hate sports or waste of time " comments...so why are you chimming in on a superbowl thread...lol...
Actually, it was the NFL's answer to the Indian Nippleless crowd. They needed to see what a couple of winning teams looked like this year---
I guess I am pretty mixed up, I enjoy watching a good pro foot ball game, like hunting and fishing, old tractors, new tractors, sitting at the computer, watching a little television with the wife. Kind of out of place here. Feeding a few cats out at the old farm place, let the farmers sit on my lawn to watch a parade her in town, pick up their trash when they leave. Even shop in Menards. Must be getting pretty old and insensitive.
As for the Super Bowl,....I find it funny how the game has been pretty close since the Rams beat the Titans 10 or so years ago?

This game once featured big time blow outs prior to that match up almost all the time?

Is this great game now fixed some how? Ratings Conspiracy? ...No,..I am not from New England either,..I am from Detroit!

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