Watch your emails.........


Well-known Member
Too many people do not comprehend the fact that anything you post online, email, Facebook, or whatever, is there for the entire world to see forever.

A local high profile, proficient real estate sales gal got busted recently. She was in the process of selling a property and the buyer hired a structural engineer to evaluate the property. The sales gal thought he was unnecessarily severe in his analysis and subsequent report on the property and indulged herself in an email rant calling the engineer a "total idiot".

He sued for defamation, claiming lost income from diminished referrals, etc. He won, and they settled out of court. Part of the settlement was that the real estate gal successfully complete a three month course in "Business Ethics".

I suspect it will be a long time before the gal again reaches the level of respect and productivity she enjoyed before the incident.

And all because she became pi$$ed off for a moment and published a rant over an engineer's report that may well have been entirely justified.

So I remind you, any opinion, criticism, or whatever that you post on the 'Net is there for all the world to see forever.
Somewhere in the fine print on these and other site's foums is a statement about the contents herein are the opinion of the writer and not subject to censure (1st amendment protected)....or something like that....and all yackin is worth exactly what you paid for it. If you gain great. If you loose, you had nothing invested.

I cancelled my Facebook account last year. Life is infinitely less complicated.
That's your prerogative, but if you did, you'd better be ready to document it with police reports and court records.
I have always backed what I say with court records. If somebody steals from me and I have proof with court records I will surely warn the next potential victim.
Same advice applies to the buyer/seller forum here.

I am glad we have it. There are several bad apples that are warned about often. I have seen flames flying back and forth from them.

I am not afraid to post the truth as long as I can prove it. DOUG
Bad as I hate to say this but remember when we lived in America and were all entitled to a little thing called free speach, along with the right to have our own opinions......without being sued??????? Granted there are times when people need to exercise a little bit of good judgement in what they say and do, but they don't deserve to be sued when they forget to do so. If the guy was or was not an idiot is for each individual to decide on their own. How he could claim he lost business, and PROVE it is beyone me. Hey, maybe he really was an idiot and instead of others saying anything about it they ((((maybe they were scared of being sued if they did))) just didn't use his services again....and that has nothing at all to do with what the woman said.

Like I said, in my opinion, any judge that would rule in the guys favor in a case like that is a few bricks shy of a full load....But that's just my opinion....and you are welcome to your own opinion.....Mine opinion doesn't necessarily have to effect your's as you are entitled to have one of your very own......Unless you believe EVERYTHING someone tells you about everything and make all of your decisions on someone elses opinions.......Cause of you do then don't ever let the person, business, products maker, etc, etc, etc know where you got the idea they weren't honest, the product was no good, etc, etc, etc...........Or they will sue the person that had that opinion first and passed their opinion on to you........

Sounds really stupid when actually laid out like that doesn't it????????? Well, that's because it is...and that is also my opinion.....and your welcome to your own..........and this could go on and on and on and on and on because way to many people out there are looking to sue over anything and way to many judges letting them get away with it............
my grandfather always said, never say anything you wouldn"t put in the news paper for others to read and get your self in hot water...the free net is a enough for me,,,don"t need face book, twitter, etc,,,if it ain"t free, i don"t need it that bad...

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