OT: Sleep Paralysis dream


Southern Ontario
My wife and I currently live about 100 miles from the farmhouse where I grew up. However, in this dream we are living there ...

....and we are awakened by a diesel tractor approaching the house. I get up and approach the front door as an obscure figure also approaches from the outside. The locked double front doors effortlessly swing open and as I start to speak WHAT TH...... , an arm reaches through the open doors and says SSHHHhhhhhhhhh and I instantly become paralysed. I fight off the paralysis with a very loud gutteral primal SCREAM.
It wakens and scares both my wife and I, I am sweating and my heart is racing. The arm that grabbed for me could have been scaly and lizzard-like. I believe tractor sound was meant to be familiar and calming and the face of the intruder was purposely obscured to prevent an alarming reaction.
I used to say dying in one's sleep would be quiet and peaceful, but not with experiences like this!
It OBVIOUSLY means that you were abducted by aliens at some point during your childhood, and injected with some sort of "science" experiment. They are coming back now, for the results. If you pass, you might be selected as the new "herd sire" of the invasion force.

Thanks a million.....
Google "Dream Meanings", or something similar. You might get some insight.

Several years ago, I dreamed I had died. I played around on the 'Net and found several sources that said that dreaming you died doesn't mean you're going to die, it usually means there might be a significant change in your life, like one phase of your life is past and a new one is starting.

Shortly thereafter, I got a job offer out of the blue. Was there a connection? Who knows?
Go to Wikipedia and search for sleep paralysis -interesting reading. Or maybe it means your wife is gonna "off ya", when your new tractor arrives. LOL.
Seriously, check it out at a website of a well known medical facility (or better yet with your family doc). Heart racing might be just adrenaline rush from the dream or maybe something else. Also sounds like night sweats can be anything from "something that just happens occasionally to any adult", to acid-reflux, to something more serious - especially if it recurs and/or is accompanied by a rash or fever.
Maybe the tractor sound is you snoring. I wake up in that paralized state once in a while not breathing. I exhale and can't inhale unless I exhale the little bit of air left in my lungs first. Seems to take forever to shake that paralized state and get to where I can move to roll over and breath right. Sounds like you're having the same problem.
I ordered one of those Z Quiet devices last Friday. Supposed to stop snoring and that obstructive sleep apnea. I'll let you know how it works when I get it.
Attend a sleep clinic. In all likelihood you are snoring then not breathing for 45 to 80 seconds. Loosing weight and using. CPap machine will be required. Sleep apnea causes weight gain, high blood pressure,diabeties, heart and kidney problems.Cronic sleep depravation chemically messes up the brain too.
In 1994 I was building the house I live in now. It was close to my old house but on a little used one lane road. (all developed now) It was pouring down rain. I suddenly woke up about 2AM and told my wife some one is breaking into the house. She said go back to sleep. The next morning I found foot prints all around the house. I had 3/4 plywood chained to the front door loosely. They could not kick past it. They also used a skid to climb up and try to pull down a gutter. To their surprise the gutter was heavy coated galvanized that would not bend. I always analyzed my dreams from then on.
Something you ate for supper? One time my wife fixed some kind of hamburger helper mexican spiced meal for supper. Man, it was good. Pigged out on it. That night I dreamed that I was out in the field behind the machine shed, and one of those big prehistoric birds, with the big beak and claws on his wings, was after me. I was running for dear life, and he kept snatching at my shoulder. There was a hole out in the field (in the dream) and when I made it to the hole, it was full of people, and they wouldn't let me in, so I took off for another hole. Woke everybody in the house up before it was over. About a week later, wifey fixed the same dish, and I had the exact same dream. I haven't eaten Mexican food since.
My son had a nighmare that his sister had died. He even woke his wife up. Two weeks later she did pass away very unexpectedly. Jim
Buddy of mine kept dreaming he had sold the family farm but his mom & dad refused to move out. They had actually sold the farm several years prior to the start of his dreams. The same dream continued for a few years on & off. During that time his parents both passed on. Then one day some 10 or 15 years later he gets a call from a lawyer saying he had inhereted the farm from the folks who bought it from his parents. They had no family and figured my buddy should have the place because it had been in my buddies family for several generations before they bought it.
Pizza gives me strange dreams. Last time I had one. I was wearing a pink suit with a yellow hat. Sitting on a blue bull chasing purple cows while brown birds were forcing me to drink BEER. Haven't had pizza since then.
Please do post how the Z Quiet works. Husband has sleep apnea - can't stand the Cpap though. So would be very interested to hear how this works.
I used to have dreams that I was choking because of no air. In 1963 I had emergency open heart surgery and my supply of blood coming from the lungs was 99 percent blocked. Haven't had the dream since surgery--odd but very true.

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