Only the second day, and still going down hill.


Well-known Member
Well, 2011 was a pretty tough year for us. Won"t belabor last year... Went out to feed my flock of sheep to find one had died overnight. He was doing OK yesterday, and wasn"t even on my list to watch. Have a couple in the barn for special care and to keep warm, but this one was a complete suprise. Donno what he was worth, as he was a wool sheep. But a loss all the same. Was with us for 8 or 9 years.
My sister has had shetlands for years then got a flock of meat sheep this summer. Of the 15 I think only 5 or 6 are left? They just up and die all the time! Never lost a shetland.
are they eating timothy? They cant chew timothy
good And the stalk pieces perforate their stomach . May or may not be the cause
i am sorry for your losses, and dont know much about sheep, except they taste ok, and take a lot of care,and have to be sheared yearly.Replace them with some Highlanders, and enjoy a respite from continual care, and they will eat anything, that don't eat them first!, and do good on it! Also they tend to be gentle to handle, good mothers and taste better, than sheep, Low cholesterol also. No I raise Angus, because in this area, angus moves better.
Our's are all Shetlands.... Raised for their wool. Not much meat on them. Every once in a while, we loose one. Usually, they look unthrifty for a while. This one is a suprise, although he was getting older.

friend's have a bunch of them wooly b@stards :roll: Scottish Blackface and a breed from norther germany,,,, I'm amazed when they have a couple weeks without loosing at least one..... Dummest things I ever saw (sheep ain't too brite either)... If all is well and everyone is happy, a lamb or two will jump in the water tub and drown (15 gallon tub)....
Wife is always going to help with problems with birth and I take care nof the feet that seem to always have an abcess
(quoted from post at 19:53:13 01/02/12) are they eating timothy? They cant chew timothy
good And the stalk pieces perforate their stomach . May or may not be the cause

We used to have sheep, they ate a lot of timothy. We associated with a lot of people who had sheep and fed a lot of timothy, never heard of this. Your Source?
Dang Ray,a condo in Florida has to be looking pretty good right now. I lost a cow same way a few days before Christmas. She was just laying there dead as a doornail. Fine the night before. An older cow,but she looked good. It was too warm at the time for her to have froze to death.
A nine year old sheep? Sorry, but it seems he hung around longer than most and past his useful life. I don't think I ever kept a ram beyond 6 or 7.

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