O/T Rant and observations from this week and last


Well-known Member
Last week wasn't too great. Monday-dog is dying, Tuesday- lady comes across centerline and hits me head on at the end of snow storm (amazingly enough not hurt), Thursday-sinus surgery, Friday-stuff I don't want to talk about from sinus surgery. This week--I'm just amazed at some of the people in this world. I have many 20-30 some year olds that work for me. I know I didn't make all the right decisions, but geeeezzzz. A lot of guys just can't look past tomorrow when it comes to their safety and the well being of their family. Enough said. I think I might be cranky since I have what feels like a 3/8" hose up one side of my nose. Oh yeah, and for another 3 weeks. I stopped taking the hydrocodon he gave me last week, maybe I should go take one and sit by the fire. Sorry, venting is done.
I felt that was over the weekend and first of the week,and for no particular reason. Had to stay right off of here. If I had gotten on,I'd have jumped down so many throats,somebody would have hunted me down and beat me with a sock full of nickles.
But I feel better now.
Know the feeling. I can't sleep at night for my knee and back hurting. I know that I am old but I sure have a lot of work to do. Kind of discouraging. Got up yesterday and my paint gun quit. It cost $600, I have had it 2 yrs but only sprayed about 6 gal of paint through it. Called Graco, they told me that it wasn't repairable. $100 a gallon for a sprayer is a little discouraging.
Wow, you did have a bad week. Everything lined up in a bad way. That sinus surgery is no fun at all and I hope the outcome is successful. Take it easy. Jim
Yup. Sounds like most of this week's problems are solved, and you can now look forward to a whole new set of problems next week. I feel like a broken record at times.

Hope you feel better soon--
Yeah, seems trouble likes to pile itself up sometimes and give it to you all at once.
I can relate to your sinus trouble. I have now had 4 surgeries on my right maxillary sinus and it still always feels like it's stuffed full of cotton balls. Causes many headaches, jaw aches and toothaches..........not fun stuff at all!
Hang in there, it'll get better.

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