Rural Internet access via Verizon Millenicom systems


Well-known Member
I'm looking in options for rural Internet access when no DSL or cable is available. I've had for three years now with no complaints. But that's here at home #1 in New York. When I got to my places in northern Michigan, or Adirondacks NY, I can't take with me.
Verizon has a new wireless Internet system. Called Millenicom. It's portable and runs on 800 MhZ frequency. So it seems if you get OK cell phone reception on that same frequency, this Internet access system will also work.
Anybody have it?

Our cell phones here in NY and also in Michigan only work well when we use a passive 800 MhZ amplifier and outdoor antenna. With the amp, service goes from 1 bar to 5 bar plus. One thing I wonder. The cheapest Millenicom system claims it only works on one computer. I need to use multiple computers via a wireless router. Has anybody tried the cheaper system with such a router? Verizon wants to sell me the most expensive Internet system that is rated 3G/4G and has a built in five-computer router. It is $89 with a limit of 10 Gigabytes per month.
JD, I havent used any of the services you mentioned, but when traveling in my RV I use Virgin Mobile Broadband, it has a USB Broadband Airport Card "thingy" that plugs in my laptop USB port and its what actually calls a number and I get what I consider cell phone service internet. The rate is $40 per month UNLIMITED buttttttttt after you excedd 5 GB (I never do and I use it a lot) they purposely slowwwwwwwww it down to discourage you.

HOWEVER its just for one computer its NOT a MiFi which does pretty much the same thing but then you can feed 5 like devices from it (cell phones, laptops etc)

In weak signal areas I have a cell phone repeater amplifier with an antenna on top my RV then a small re transmitting antenna inside the RV and it amplifies the Virgin Broadband or my cell.

So far between Indiana and Florida and anywhere the Virgin USB Broadband service calls and receives a signal so my laptop works, its just in weak signal areas my internet is slow

I bought the Virgin USB Broadband device new on Flea Bay for about 1/2 price Virgin or Sprint Store wanted for them, plug it in, it calls, I purchase service $40 per month online GOOD TO GO

HOWEVER why couldnt, once your computer has that signal, you run a router transmitter out of that one laptop so other computers with regular wireless cards also work???????

PS the Broadband USB card I bought also has a plug for its own external antenna (had to buy it seperately on e bay) for use in weak signal areas

John T
I'm wondering that same thing about using the router. I have a wireless router in the house hooked to my satellite-dish modem with a USB cable. We run 4-5 computers no problem.

What Verizon is selling is a USB device. Sounds similar to what you have? I called Verizon and they say that I HAVE to buy their more expensive device that has it's own built-in router if I want to run multiple computers. At this point - I'm not sure I believe them.

We are away from home a lot, either in our small RV or at a small farm we own in Michigan with no hard-line phone. Cell phone only works when we use our cell phone amp and antenna. We also use it on our RV when on the road.

So what I'm trying to find is something priced reasonable so we can access the Internet when traveling. Sounds like that's what you're doing.

I first had thought about bringing my dish with me but then found out I could get in BIG trouble with the FCC. That because it transmits as well as receives.
Don't let me hi jack your mobile internet discussion, but I would appreciate anything you have to offer on the cell amplifiers, as my country place is so fringe that if you are not outdoors, standing in right spot & holding mouth just right, it won't work and I am hesitant to spend $200 to $600 for something that "might work". Are theses thing really good/work & which do you recommend?
Heres what I bought, a Virgin Mobile Broadband USB Device on e bay 1/2 price of what the Sprint Store (They sell the Virgin cards) had them priced: Do a e bay search for Virgin USB device, prices are all over the range, new and used, shop around, mine was like $40 I think. If you buy a used you have to worry theres no outstanding charges which is why I just bought it new.......

The reason I bought it was it was cheaper then Verizon,,,,,,$40 per month for UNLIMITED fee was cheaper,,,,,,,It was the ONLY Unlimited service package I could find at the time

I forget the external antenna I bought for it (plugs in the side of the USB device) but it was on e bay also, have to do a search. However this year I will just use my other cell phone repeater amplifier in the RV...

HOWEVER the available service where youre going I HAVE NO IDEA, you would have to look at a Sprint or Virgin USA service map, its the SAME service as if you were using a Sprint or Virgin Cell Phone I believe.

WHAT I LIKE is I click on my laptop,,,,,,it goes to the Virgin website (The USB device calls and connects to teh web) ,,,,,,I buy service if and where and for how long I desire,,,,,IT WORKS

John T
Virgin Mobile Broadband Card e bay
A retired farmer friend of mine now lives in Punta Gorda (west coast Florida). He comes up here to NY every summer and camps on a 100 acres he still owns. He and his wife have Virgin Mobil cell phones and they've always worked as well as my AT&T. Now in northern Michigan, I don't know? I've got to look at who has what tower.

I've got an active cell phone amp and a passive amp. Both can be used with a portable RV antenna or a bigger permanent mount type deal.

With cell phones it's all about towers and frequencies. Many . . . e.g. Verizon use different frequencies for Internet or talk-phone usage. So, just because one works - it's no guarantee the other will work.
I wanted a Wilson cell repeater amp but settled for a cheaper one ($150) on Flea bay, however I wont know how well it works until I head south in the RV after at home I get 5 bars anyway so thers no difference if I turn on my amp or not. Supposedly when I get in a weak 1/2 bar signal area and turn it on my phone and internet ought to jump TIME WILL TELL

Hope others with experience can provide insight

John T
Yes, I know what you mean. In our situation, cell phone at home here in central NY rarely worked. Same phone never worked in Hamilton County, Adirondacks. In northern Michigan, Presque Isle County, the phone worked only if we stood out in the middle of the road and looked like a bunch of idiots.

Got the amp and the bars are off the scale everywhere I've tried. That with an outside antenna.
I've got AT&T (formerly Celluar One/Dobson).

You have to call your phone provider and find out what frequency you are on. The amp and antenna MUST match.

I've got the Wilson SIGNALBOOST dual band 800/1900 MHz model #811210. It runs on 12 volts DC for mobile use and has a AC power supply when used in the house. Amp hooks to our phone with a cradle. This came as a mobile kit with a magnetic base outdoor antenna. I later bought two permanent mount antennas for our two houses.

I got my kit from but yo've got to search for the best deals. This thing FAR exceeded my expectations.

We got the cheapest version with the cradle. That means the cell phone must be in that cradle to work, thus only one phone at a time. You can also buy a more expensive "whole house" passive amp. Just sit it on a shelf somewhere and all the phones will work. Just costs more money.
Here's the link where I bought it. Right now it's $150. You might find cheaper if you search around but SolidSignal usually has really good prices when it comes to communcations equipment.
I switched from Hughes satellite to Millenicom about a year ago. I consider it to be much better that Hughes as far as reliability and the speed is better too. My plan has a 20GB per month cap and is $59 with no contract. I hope to eventually get DSL or something better but this isn't too bad. I have a Cradlepoint wireless router that has a USB slot where you can plug in the Millenicom device. That allows me to use it from multiple machines.
What's the differance between that and thier MIFI ?
Wife got the MIFI and it works good on the daughters laptop with skipe,some cheaper version of an ipad and the boys little hand held game system that can also get wifi. Our home desktop didn't want to work with the belkin chip they sent us and they were of no help so I can't even use it.
Had dial up before and so far I have only used the notepad thingy ? for internet access but it sure is alot faster.
I'm sure there are gadgets that will let you "cheat" the system by plugging in the USB device.

Originally broadband was one computer per household. Then someone came up with the idea of the "broadband router" which made a bunch of PCs all look like one PC to your provider.

Windows used to have a feature called "internet sharing" where one PC would act as the proxy for all others on the network. Kinda cool.
We have the Verizon Mifi that allows up to 5 devices and it works pretty well. The signal can get weak at times, not sure why that is. But it doesnt happen too much so we are happy with it.
Don't know much about these other devices. I use 3G from Verizon for my i pad. costs $20..00 a month.

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