neighbor deer hunters shootin at each other


Well-known Member
Just came in from feedin in the area where this happened , never heard anything , been a sloppy gray wet day day here .. , Stoked the fire and Got a cup of Coffee ,,, Deputy Sheriff Knox on door , I invite him In , Said 2 neighbor fellas are takin pot shots at each other on rented Property next to where my cows pasture ,, Did I give any of them permission to hunt ,,? Told Deputy , It was not my property , But i rent the clear portion for pasture , I and the owner was aware of neihbor folx huntin there ,And Had no problems in the past ,And never heard of COLD strangers bein there ,So Neither of Us Ever attempted to control hunters , Deer population is nutz around here and I wish there were not so many deer, because they are tearin up crops and fences on a daily basis, , I asked if they mite had shot toward one another un Knowinly of either ones presence ,NO ONE SEEMS To KNOW? . Deputy said One fella Returned Fire ( SHOCK ) And The other is pizt ! , No One Hit,,. Funny thing , Both of them Worked for me over the yrs, And did fine ,, Trouble is after his parents house burned , the one in his 20s has lived in town for last 5 yrs, and decided to come hunt, Guess the other in his late 40s Don't like that.. I told Deputy to tell the Younger one , I have other places he could hunt ,SAFELY , mite be best to stay away from that guy .. Deputy was gonna turn it over to Prosecutor ,, Maybe that is the end
Oh yeah! Some funny tasting wild goats are sure worth risking your life about! Ya know I can't think of a good reason to "return fire" in deer season, kinda reminds you of the deer hunters that got shot in Wisconsin a few years back. I guess there is always some hothead out there ready to screw it up for everyone. I just hope it's a case of the first guy not knowing someone else was hunting that area, and the second guy just shooting a tree to let him know someone was there. Not how I think I would handle it, but it takes all kinds.
Well said.
Hot news like this makes the rounds quickly. Like a tractor roll over - every duck in a wide area is quacking about it.
j hikemper I aint diminishing your post I'll have you know.
Consider this:
Minneapolis with a population of 300K kills off about a hundred murders a year.
This year with about 350K deer hunters no one was killed off that I heard of. I didn't hear of any shennagins like the Hatfields and McCoys either.
So you are a hundred times safer around a hunter than you are around some one from Mpls.
Jerry, there were at least 3 I heard of. One young guy NE of St. Cloud, accidental to self, climbing down fro stand. Guy fell out of stand, shot with own gun. But no, none by another hunter that I know of. I"d sure hate to do the math for Detroit!
Yea Jerry was a pretty good year. One guy shot himself in the leg as mentioned and 2 fella's died faling out of deer stand, I think one was in his 70's and the other in his 80's. On the other side though is that MN has a few deaths from accidental sootings most years.

Had a few problems in our area with folks tresspassing to hunt to include one kid not old enough to hunt alone......but no fire fights.

This morning's news, (Vermont) Two guys tracking a wounded deer in the brush, one of them shot and killed the other, when he found out what he had done he killed himself.
The rule of thumb seems to be fire at any movement. Identifying the target must be second.
Just be careful where you position yourself.
There are always accidents and dumb people who are a menace. Heard of an incident last Fri. near enough to Ithaca NY to be brought to that hospital. A guy was hunting on horseback and another hunter shot the horse killing it and injuring the rider/hunter. Rider was wearing blaze orange too.
I think in our province we had 5000 deer tagged, and I think only 3 hunters died this year. One accidently shot himself in front of his 4 year old while dismounting his atv with a loaded rifle. The next one was shot by another hunter, the 3rd I believe got lost a died of exposure.
When deer season comes in hunters lose all their senses,shoot anything that moves,hunt wherever they want.I had a friend who was turned in to Game Warden by his nephew for taking his grandson
out practice shooting cause it was messing up his deer hunting.
Wisconsin's fire arms deer closed yesterday, don't remember hearing about anyone being shot but a few had other problems (heart attack, stroke, lost and found dead the next day...) A lot better than we usually do, they figured deer kill would be up, they said opening week was up about 18%. Yes probably still safer than Detroit or Tampa or L.A.

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