Knee Operation not going well.

Way back in August I asked about Knee Arthroscopy on my knee to repair a torn Meniscus. Everyone said to have it done, that they had good results with similar operations. I had the surgery on Aug. 18 and Dr said everything went well. Went to rehab for several weeks to get stiffness out. Knee just keeps getting worse. Went back to Dr. and he just keeps changing his story. First it would be fine in about 3 weeks, then said it will take 3 to 6 months, now say it will take 6- 12 months.
Knee hurts every step I take, I limp badly and use a cane. It is swollen all the time.
About 3 weeks ago got a Cordizone shot, Helped for about 4 days, last week got a first of three shots of Ortho Vis ?? . Hasn,t helped at all
In my opinion this Dr. has ruined my knee and my life. It hurts every step I make.
I would like to repay this Dr with a sharp tap with a ballpein hammer to his knee and may do it.
Sorry Robert in Md.
Get another opinion from another doctor.If the original doctor screwed something up sue him.

(quoted from post at 19:17:04 11/26/11) Way back in August I asked about Knee Arthroscopy on my knee to repair a torn Meniscus. Everyone said to have it done, that they had good results with similar operations. I had the surgery on Aug. 18 and Dr said everything went well. Went to rehab for several weeks to get stiffness out. Knee just keeps getting worse. Went back to Dr. and he just keeps changing his story. First it would be fine in about 3 weeks, then said it will take 3 to 6 months, now say it will take 6- 12 months.
Knee hurts every step I take, I limp badly and use a cane. It is swollen all the time.
About 3 weeks ago got a Cordizone shot, Helped for about 4 days, last week got a first of three shots of Ortho Vis ?? . Hasn,t helped at all
In my opinion this Dr. has ruined my knee and my life. It hurts every step I make.
I would like to repay this Dr with a sharp tap with a ballpein hammer to his knee and may do it.
Sorry Robert in Md.

I know a lot of folks who have had knee surgery. A few of them claim to be better off for having it done. Most of them are not any better, and a few ended up in worse shape than they were before.
Yea I blew a knee out a year and a half ago due to a service connected disability. Had the surgery done and the Doc told me I could get rid of the knee brace I'd been wearing for the last 5 or so years. Well I still got the brace.....just had a MRI on the knee and the new Doc is telling me I need a new knee.

Sounds like my father in law! Had left knee done in 03 had right knee done in 08 complained all summer something wasent right, finally doc looked into it found he had a raging infection. Have u been checked for a possible infection? Just a thought.
I concur, in spades, check for mersa or staph infection, both are roundup resistant, whoops, I mean antibiotic resistant!
Had one of mine done a few years back and it helped for about a year and now it is back to what is was back before it was done. My right knee is about a 1/2 inch bigger then my left knee is. Funny thing is my V.A. doctor can not see it but then he is one of those here today gone tomorrow doctors which is all I have here any more. That said yep some people get help some do not. I at times wear a knee brace and use a cane. Weather makes it worse and walking on concrete also makes it hurt more
Get different Doc. You either have an infection or you had more wrong than a torn miniscis (maybe no miniscis left???) I had same surgery in 2003 , went fine and healed quick. Doc said I'd be back in 5 yrs for total knee replace as miniscis would be gone and bone on bone. He was right. Had total in 2008 , healed nice , normal after 1 yr. No pain at all since. How old are you? If over 55 there is a reason it tore in the first place. It probably is weak and almost non-existent. Get the replacement. If under 55 or in your 40,s then you've got infection more likely than not. Either way get a NEW Dr.!!!!
I have had 4 joint replacements, 2 knees and 2 shoulders. I had a problem with the first knee and after messing around with the doc tor went to a new one at a teaching hospital and they fixed it. Go go go to a teaching hospital, They are more up to making things right.
Robert, I see you are in Maryland. If you want a second opinion, and don't mind a drive to the DC area, I can make a recommendation for you. Commonwealth Ortho in Arlington, VA is a top-notch outfit. I've had two ACL replacements by a doctor there. Both were sports injuries. The most recent was 5 years ago and I have absolutely no problems. I also know a number of people who have had knee surgery through their doctors and they are doing well. I've included a link so you can check them out and read the doctor bios. Hope it helps, and good luck.
http://www.c o
Not sure where you are but Mon Orthopedic Associates in Morgantown WV is top notch. Doctor Chad Micucci fixed me up good. I walked out of a hospital I couldn't walk into 3 hours later. Sorry yours didn't turn out so well but I think the other posters have nailed it. Sounds like an infection to me.

Had both of mine. They may be better than they would have been if I had not had the surgery. But I can't climb a ladder or go down a set of steps without it hurting like he??. I don't blame the doctor. I know he did the best he could with what he had to work with.
I agree with the others who said it may be a possible infection. Insist that they check for that asap. Joints can harbor infections even without surgery/wounds. Staph infections can be life threatening. IMHO some doctors don't like to "consider" infections because it might point to neglect on their part. Direct your own health care and insist that they check for infection. Also should add that they don't like to prescribe antibiotics when they may not be needed due to the fact that we build resistance to them for when they are really needed (understandably). My father-in-law had both knees done at 76 years and it nearly took his life and actually degraded his quality of life significantly.

Best of health to you!
I believe its time for a second opinion. I had a mensicotomy as my third knee surgery. If he reattached instead of repaired you may have had a graft failure. I had nothing but trouble out of a repair, took out 70 percent to clean it up and its a lot better.

Once a knee is messed up, its messed up and always will be. Surgery makes it better but never right. Mine hurts all the time and swells when I over do it or its getting ready to rain but its less than it was, a lot less. Evidentally I tore my ACL in physical therapy one of the times. Ended up with it removed.
As I replied before, mine went well and still is a big improvement.
First thing I'd do is see another doctor.
I was not real happy with the results of my arthroscopy, although it seems to have turned out better than yours. If I had it to do over again, I would have put it off. My knee was actually doing pretty well before the surgery, but it took the better part of a year before I could walk any great distance. My knee still bothers me sometimes, ten years after the surgery. Would it be worse if I'd skipped the surgery? I'll never know.
Robert: My neighbor had the same problem. He was a camera man for WHAS TV in Louisville. He suffered for over a year. Finally he went to a specialist in Dallas. (I think) He had a bone tumor and they removed his leg from the knee down. That was 20 years ago and he is doing fine. Get a second or third opinion and an x-ray with the salt solution or MRI. Doctors don't like to admit when they are out of answers.
Where did you have the surgery? A friend of mine that that was drafted one year ahead of me during the Korean War had both knees repaired through the VA at the University Of MD. He told me both of his knees are fine and is walking 3 miles a day. I would find a specialist. Hal
Wife had that done a year or so ago at an outpatient facility.... Took her in at 0700, had breakfast, fooled around a little, then took her home around noon... She was hatin life that afternoon/evening but was much better the next morning and the pain was mostly gone by the time she started physical therapy on the 3rd day...

You should try a different doc... And ditch the next one that suggests cortisone. Does sound like you have an infection...

Prolly wanna do something sooner than later... We had to put a young horse down because of a knee injury that was not bad at all except for fluid buildup and a little infection....Had a quack vet and we didn't know better at the time... Vet said the fluid would"cushion" the joint.... Sure did... and by the time the wife saw something that raised an eyebrow and called another vet, the fluid had turned into a yellow puss and had started eating away at the cartilage........

Good Luck...
Get a different doctor! I had a total knee replacement 8 weeks ago and at 3 weeks I was driving a tractor and doing my chores. I also had the scope done prier to replacement and walked with out a cane or crutches the same day. Something is very bad wrong. Get it looked at by a different doctor. Ask around or friends for a good doctor someone knows of one around you.
Orthovisc is not going to work after just one injection.

About eight years ago my knee was so swollen that I couldn't get my pants over it. I was given a choice of knee joint replacement or injections. They were not too keen on recommending total joint replacement because as a mechanic they said it most likely would have to be redone in five to ten years.

I started a series of Hyalgan treatments (basically the same as Orthovisc, different manufacturer) series of five injections.I did not see much difference until after the third injection. After the fifth one things were much better and lasted for six months. The second series of five injections laasted nine months. The third series lasted two years. The next time they used Orthovisc, three injections rather than five. That lasted a year and then they switched to Synvisc. That again lasted a year. Last July I had another series of Synvisc and as of yet everything is feeling as good as it has since my original surgery in January 1971.

My knee has always been worse after the first two injections an any of series I have had. For me it usually take about two weeks after the third injection to feel the full benefits.

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