Do you know some one like this??


Well-known Member
So today I fixed a new dish as in food. I did not tell but 3 people of the 6 that where eating a Thanks Giving meal what it was till after they ate some. So up till I told them what it was all of them liked it but then after they found out what it was 2 of them no longer liked it because of what it was. I found a dish called Baked Turnip casserole which did turn pout pretty good.
I think that we have raised two generations of fools that have never been hungry! When I was a kid anything but potato soup was a treat,and to this day I have a hard time getting potato soup down. Not only that most of them do not know what good food is. I can go to a garden with a salt shaker and have a feast, and for desert go to the apple tree. I am as guilty as anyone for wanting more for my children than I had, now I think it was a mistake.....Happy thanksgiving OLD!
My Wife of 28 years!

I married a city girl. When we 1st got married she wouldn't eat fresh fish, seems I made the mistake of cleaning them in her kitchen. Her idea of fish was Mrs. Paul fish sticks out of the freezer.

I/we had a lot of fun teaching her where food came from before it got to the grocery store.

She did learn quick that it tastes better fresh.
Too bad you didn't try some of my potato soup... Would hasve been towards the top of your favorites list! Takes bacon, cheese, butter, onions, milk, grated carrots, and lots of time in the crock pot. Oh, and lots of potatoes.
That sounds like the woman who was asked what she would do if all the farmers stopped farming. She said she would go to the store to buy milk etc. She did not know milk came from cows and that to get the milk you need to dairy farm etc
Marilyn is a farm girl so I can say I married the farmer's daughter. When we were first married I brought in a batch of mountain oysters I had just 'harvested'. I peeled out the meat and Marilyn fried them up. The problem came when she was eating them out of the frying pan as fast as they would fry. And I did all the work!!!I did eat a few but she got the majority of them. My son's city raised wife wouldn't eat something as repulsive as a mountain oyster if it was the last thing she did. Jim
When I was a kid. I could eat raw turnips, but didn't like them cooked. Now I like them cooked as well. That dish you mentioned sounds like it would be pretty tasty.
(quoted from post at 17:40:48 11/24/11) So today I fixed a new dish as in food. I did not tell but 3 people of the 6 that where eating a Thanks Giving meal what it was till after they ate some. So up till I told them what it was all of them liked it but then after they found out what it was 2 of them no longer liked it because of what it was. I found a dish called Baked Turnip casserole which did turn pout pretty good.

LOL I never eat anything without knowing what it is first. You want me to try something tell me what it is! I never play the "try it and tell me what you think" game, never know you may be putting something in your mouth you don't want there. So you and I would still be at the table.....try iy....what's in it....try it......ECT!

Happy Thanks Giving!

My wife makes one like this and sent the recipe to school for their cookbook. They had someone analyze the ingredients so that a full nutritional value could be established. Turns out that something that tastes as good as Loaded baked Potato Soup really isn't all that good for ya. We still have it for dinner but not quite as often! Still a house favorite, though.

I nibble on the forage radishes I grow for the cows, so sounds good to me, whether I know what it is or not.

My wife hates about anything that was ever a plant, and wouldn't try it to start with. If you tell her what something is, if it isn't a potato, beef, pork,or pepperoni pizza, she won't eat it. If you don't tell her what it is, she may sample it to be nice, but won't like it.

Ah, the joy of food she misses out on....

I generally eat anything that doesn't try to eat me first. (And some things that do) But I've sure tried things that I don't like. One of which is sweet potatoes. Every time they are served at a meal someone tells me to try them. I always explain that I have and don't like them. Always ends with "Just try them, these are good" Doesn't seem to matter I'd rather eat a helping of fresh manure. (Which I'm sure tastes like sweet taters.)
Definition: Pot Luck> an opportunity for people to fix an old family dish because no one will eat it at home and take it someplace where people feel compelled to eat and say nice things about.......when I was a kid my mom use to think that way. At pot luck dinners at church she would make me take a little of everything.....then get mad at me if I told the truth about most of it. Then punish me for fibbing about other things.....go figure. By the time I was 16 I had a rule that I have followed ever food ID rule....If I look at it and know what it is I don't eat it!

And if it has turnips in it I don't eat it! I'm sure that someone can come up with a way to make cow poo taste good.......don't mean I want to put it in my mouth! That don't mean you can't eat em if you like em but don't put perfume on a's a waste of perfume and annoys the pigs!

Now that"s funny! I could see the opposite- being concerned about various meats, but not plants. (They"re not usually roadkill) Guess just more good stuff for the rest of you. Something we did with our kids on a food- said they had to eat as many peas, corn, beans, etc. as they were years old. Didn"t force a pile on them, but had to try them. They use the same technique with their kids now.
I talked my wife into eating one braccoli pice with her steak & baked potato the few times we go to Applebees. About as far as I've gotten with an adult. ;)

I do eat the rest of them, like braccoli.

bout the only thing I can say I don't like is parmesan (and other stinky)cheese, fish that tastes like fish, ochra, and maybe fat.....

Brain, lung, kidney, or better never tell you fed it to me (whether it tastes good or not)...

otherwise, I'm an easy keeper.......
My wife and I both have an aversion to table salt or salt in any form. All processed food brought into our house must be salt free.Soups etc.We do not participate in any form of pot luck meals.In our belief people use to much free salt on their food.On the same note I control my sugar intake as much as possible also.A sugar and salt free diet is hard to control but we try to do just that.
My youngest step-son, who is 37, has never tasted watermelon, but says he doesn't like it because the first time he saw people eating it, he didn't like having to spit out the seeds.
Because of my two grandmothers I will not eat.

Grandma 1
Mince Meat Pies
Olive Loaf
Pecan Snadies
Deer Meat

Grandma 2
Calf Brains
Cottage Cheese
Moutian Oysters
Butter Milk
Pickle Loaf
Also because of her I will never again sit in a booth. If there are no tables in the place. I am finding another place to eat. On the rare times we went out to eat with her. She tried bto make everyone sit in one booth. Got real croweded at times.
Former FIL was real big on liver and onions. We never in 29 years wife was here had liver. This was forced on the kids by FIL, he always said it was "brain food". I told him he should look up what the function of the liver is in any living being. By age 67 he was spending his days sitting in a chair drooling in his own lap.
(quoted from post at 07:01:01 11/25/11) The more hungry you get the less picky you get.Americans are spoiled.

That's the point.....we ain't hungry so we can be picky! No matter what I eat here it isn't helping some starving child in Africa! Told my mom that when I was about 10 when she made egg plant......isn't going to change things for those kids if I eat that.....they will still be starving and I'll have eaten something I don't like.

(quoted from post at 07:52:46 11/25/11)
(quoted from post at 07:01:01 11/25/11) The more hungry you get the less picky you get.Americans are spoiled.

That's the point.....we ain't hungry so we can be picky! No matter what I eat here it isn't helping some starving child in Africa! Told my mom that when I was about 10 when she made egg plant......isn't going to change things for those kids if I eat that.....they will still be starving and I'll have eaten something I don't like.


Had ochra on my plate once I didn't like it ... Mom said "think of all the little kids in africa that are starving"

I said "here, box this sh!t up and send it to them"..Dad slammed his fist on the table so hard that it knocked the coolaid I was drinking over on my plate. He dumped the rest from the bowl on my plate and said "now you have 3 minutes to eat ALL of that sh!t" How's it taste now???

Learned a valuable lesson that day.....
It was pretty good. Came out of a Betty Crooker cook book the ring binder type and is under the heading of turnips. Has apples brown sugar onions and a few other things in it
You do need some salt. The body has to have it. But I am like you two. I use very little salt or sugar. A pound of salt will last me about a year and half. Sugar about as long.
Yeah, me. I like the turnips, cooked or raw, but not cooked greens like dandy lions, collard, and spinach and so on. I like broccoli and the same greens as above in salads. I love properly prepared liver but wouldn't touch a kidney. I eat eggs but don't particularly like tongue.
"Don't confuse me with facts just let me form my own opinions."
(quoted from post at 08:34:51 11/25/11) It was pretty good. Came out of a Betty Crooker cook book the ring binder type and is under the heading of turnips. Has apples brown sugar onions and a few other things in it

Kinda what I thought......ya gotta cover up the flavor of the turnips to make em edeable!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:

ya gotta cover up the flavor of the turnips to make em edeable!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Wife will set in front of the TV and eat 2 or 3 raw ones . I like them OK if they have enough salt on them....
Wife has been after me for 38 years to try em......well I did this summer......what's that address I can ship em to them starving kids?????

Rutabagas are better than turnips.Many people have food fetishes.not dislikes.Just read the posts and see what a bunch of nuts they are.My wife made a custard pie that her Dad liked very much until he found that she used duck eggs and goat milk to make it.I remember WW2 food rationing, that taught me to eat what was on the table or go hungry.I can make a meal of boiled potatoes with butter and some ranch dressing.A sweet potato baked in the oven of our wood cook stove is real good.Friends and I grew up fishing and hunting and eating wild foods,Cowslips grew by the brooks, dandelions in the fields. grapes, apples and cherries.Blue berries grew every where.I note that food fetishes seem to be worse in people with limited education and little kids.
We know that cattle with die with out salt.One feed co made a mistake mixing poultry feed.chicks were dying,found salt was lacking in the feed.Now its been reported that people on salt restricted diets have an iodine shortage.Moderation in all things is a better rule.
Many people think food is made in the back room of the super market.We grew up surrounded by poultry and dairy farms.Family gardens were common.Kids helped with home chores.Pumping water, stacking fire wood,planting gardens.My grand daughters dug potatoes and helped my wife with planting and weeding.
I have never understood what people see in parmesan or other stinky cheese. To me they smell like vomit, or worse. If it doesn't smell good to me, then why would I consider eating it? No thanks!

And among the things I decided I no longer had to eat when I became a legal adult are liver and kidneys. They just don't taste good to me. I like heart and beef tongue though, but my wife will NOT cook them.

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