Tied the knot

Well as of yesterday me and the wife been married 52 yrs. Best woman in the world !! Never wanted for anything,food,clean cloths in the drawers etc. However I'm losing her,COPD,Under hospice care now and they only give her maybe 3 to 4 months, Sad to see her like this! If your into praying ,please do so. Jim in N M
So Sad to hear, After 52 years, I can think of nothing harder than to be losing her a little at a time, Sorry!! Prayers sent
Prayers offered. We"ve been 42 years and wife is fighting the big c. Certainly puts some things in perspective. Best wishes.
Jim I will be praying for your wife. As of today I will be married 42 years. Spent part of the day seeing the wife's knee replacement surgan. Then on to the Hospital for a few tests, and to make arrangements for her surgery next Monday. Not all bad though. The wife and myself went to the twin grandkids kindergarten Thanksgiving play, all of 5 minutes, but it was worth the effort. Stan
Very difficult to deal with. Ny sympathy and thoughts are with you and all family.
I would purchase a good digital voice recorder (Sony ICD PX312 Digital voice recorder) for about $40 on line. They have more than 400 hours of recording time, and ability to put more in. Recording memories, stories, and who did what when can be a motivational and important respect builder. Sitting and reminising on things with her is also rewarding and gracious. Her willingness to do it off and on depends on your approach, never as a chore. The thoughts sure would be a legacy for the family! Jim
Sorry about that Jim. I was there with my wife and Dad in 1994. They died three months and nine days apart. I had the Lord by my side and he will be by your side as well. Lean on him. A few hours before my wife died I was standing beside her crying as I tried to wet her blue dry lips with a sponge and she ask why I was crying. I said I can't stand to see your suffering. She said, I am not suffering you are.
Im thinking about you as i found my Wife of 53yrs dead in her sleep last August keep your chin up and think of all the good times.
Sorry to hear the nerws. I know how you feel. Lost my wife in 04 after a five year battle with cancer.Sure made me mad that I could not help her. With all the things I know how to do. But I was helpless to help her.

We were married 32 years,she was only fifty.

Thanks to all of you fine folks for the words of encouragement. This site has to the "Vary" best on the web. I spend more time here than anywhere else. Thanks again for all the prayers and a happy thanksgiving day to each and every one of you! Jim in N M

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