Christmas tractor music

Very nice Lou.

I liked you intro as well.. Thanking YT and their support team for letting the "YT Band" to continue we all do appreciate them for their hospitality and gracefulness.
Like my old departed pal use to say"NEXT LIFE" lol.My singing voice now would be equal to the sound of a 40car pile up in downtown Los Angles(at high noon)being seperated by old wreckers with flat tires.Merry X.mas pal. WITH WARMEST REGARDS, LOU.
Roy,Y.T should be thanked for allowing various subject posts. It makes the site/s most interesting and helpfull to a lot of viewers.I do truly thank them as I do thank you fo your kind reply. Regards LOU.
Your way to kind! I can remember when- 1.the mind was clear 2,imagination was fresh.3. fingers were fluent.4.Insporation was always at hand. 5.people was truly receptive to all good sounding music(not noise) as seems todays mind filler. people use to set on their porches in the evening and listen to the radio and the sponsors of Thunderbolt perfume (from the Gelatin Tenn. Radio station) filled the night time air.People bought the lyric magazine to sing along with the music.Was a great time to be alive, with a very slow paced living style.
Any way Pal. I do thank you. Warmest Regards LOU.
Very nice. great touch in your playing too.
Keep them coming. Christmas is right around the corner.
Did a show this past weekend on the far east side of Cincinnati with a group that also does some standards and was already getting requests for Christmas tunes.

I enjoyed that. 'Still lots of dexterity and fluid movement in those old hands and fingers of yours. You should be dubbed "The Piano Playing Wrencher". Good job.

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