Funny beaver ad with bad spelling . .


Well-known Member
This is in our local Craigs List (central New York)

Kind of amusing. The poster better hope the environmental police don't call. It's illegal to disturb beavers in any way without permission from the woods-police in NY.


Date: 2011-11-12, 6:07PM EST
Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]

I offered to give away a couple of deer once, they would have had to catch and load them themselves. Was I breaking the law?

The deer offer was done in humor, the beaver add could have been also.
I suspect it's a serious ad, but who knows?

A few years ago a baby white-tail deer wandered into our campsite. It was injured. We waited two days and the fawn's mom never came around. I suspect she was dead.

So, I called the NY department of conservation about the deer and told them I was in the Adirondacks 120 miles from home. The officer told me to let the fawn go and some coyote or fisher would eat it. I said "no." He then told me that if I kept the fawn, I would be arrested.

Needless to say, we DID raise the deer and later let it go. I was not fool enough to give the officer my name or address.

This spring my neighbor found two baby red foxes sitting by the road. He called the department of conservation thinking they'd send the little foxes to a animal rehab place nearby. The officer came over and killed them both. Nice guy !
I don"t know about you but I have always looking at beavers and occasionally tackle one once in a while! :)))) LOL!!!
It"s illegal to transport any live wild animal in NY without a permit.
In that area, beaver trapping season runs from
Nov.10 - Apr.7
Yes, and I assume live trapping or shooting beaver during trapping season is still illegal (but can't say I've checked lately).
I suspect the timing of the ad, and the beginning of trapping season, was not a coincidence. Just a roundabout way of stating that he wanted someone to come and trap them.
Craigs List has changed over the last few years. The section that used to deal with such tihngs is now gone. To me, as a former policeman, that post screams prostitution. I don't think bad spelling is involved. It is code. There are 2 of them, talk is free, and the deal has to be done at someplace you provide. Could be wrong though, wouldn't be the first time.
I doubt someone is going to put some sort of "coded" prostitution ad in the "farm and garden equipment for sale" section.

Now there ARE sections e.g. "women seeking men" and
"human resources." If the ad was there I might think twice about it.

Last week in the same section (farm) there was an add as thus "really good wench for sale."

Well . . . I've already got a good winch and a good wench, so I did not respond. One of each for me is enough.

I suspect there are many people who can't spell and get on these free classified - where a beaver has four legs and a flat tail.

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