Be Careful out there


I was driving on a country road last evening, About the time that you need your lights on, but they don't do much good. I came over a hill. and there was a 12'-14' grain drill in front of me, pulled by a small utility tractor. I got stopped without smashing into it, barely. The little tractor had headlights, nothing more. The factory reflective decals on the drill were useless, covered with dirt. No triangle, no rear lighting at all,
If I'd have hit, He'd been knocked off that pan seat and under the discs. I shudder to think.....
Hi CCer: Farmers have been getting away with what you almost ran into for way too long. Gotta really get Lawmakers to get tough on moving farm equipment on public roads. Farmers need to be forced into modern traffic equipment... Trailers etc... ag
Careful, I thought I was going to get death threats for telling a similar story a couple weaks ago. Your absolutely right but not here.
Like another post said we don't need any more laws/regulations, there are already enough on the books as it is. What needs to happen is that law enforcement officials just need to do a better job at enforcing the ones already there.....Not to mention that guys that take slow moving equipment on the road ought to have sense enough to put proper markings, lighting, etc, etc, etc on them if for no other reason than for their own safety.

On the other hand things like this always come up and farmers and others operating equipment are always brought up when something like this happens. Thing is if the guy had run up on a car stalled in the middle of the road in the same spot he would have probably had pretty much the same problem he had with the slow tractor. In that instance who would have been blamed?????
Them old fools with their bib overalls, brogans, give-away ball caps and with a piece of straw hanging off their lip need to be banned from the public roads; let's occupy Wall Street and protest........maybe get us some laws passed.
I came up on an accident a few years ago, involving a drill pulled by a pretty good sized and fairly new John Deere cab tractor. The driver of the overtaking vehicle hit the far left rear corner of the drill and it flipped the tractor onto it's right side. A local teenager was driving the tractor, and thankfully no one was seriously hurt - the young man only had a few scratches and bruises. I couldn't believe a tractor could be flipped over that easily. Everything had to be just right for it to happen - or just wrong, whichever way you want look at it. If I remember correctly, the overtaking vehicle thought he could pass, albeit in a no passing zone, and after he was committed, an oncoming car popped over the rise and he had to try to get back in behind the drill. Couldn't do it. The drill was new, and both it and the tractor was clean as a hounds tooth. Things happen fast.
when my neighbors move big equipment on the road they always get me to run in front with my pu, and another guy following them with flashers. I always stay at least a half mile in front, I stop people and tell them a large piece of equip, is comming, its taking up most of the road, not much room to meet it. Be lots safer if you would pull into that drive way for a few moments till they get past, you wouldn't believe the $@@ chewings I've got from people. Now and then some dippy %$$ will just floor it and go on. A few have had to back up to the drive I asked them to pull into to start with.
The last thing we need is more laws. What we do need is more people being aware of what's around them and what kind of environment they're in. If you're driving a country road and coming up over a hill slow down, nothing gripes me more than people doing 60 mph on a road with 35 mph visibility. Not saying that is what you were doing but it's pretty common.
Not sure if you are joking or what? If not, you have never been there buddy. Farmers have every bit as much right on the road as any one else. I will admit there is the odd one who takes unnessary risks, but I would have to say there is a much bigger percentage of "city people" who do downright stupid dangerous acts on our hiways.99% of farmers do there best to be safe on the hiway. I know a lot of farmers, but I dont know one that would intentionaly go down the road without a slow moving sign.I was just chatting with a non country guy the other day and he was complaining about coming up on this slow moving vehicle as well, and not realizing it was so slow moving almost hit it. I asked him if the guy had a slow moving sign on the back?His reply "a what!!"
Not sure if you are joking or what? If not, you have never been there buddy. Farmers have every bit as much right on the road as any one else. I will admit there is the odd one who takes unnessary risks, but I would have to say there is a much bigger percentage of "city people" who do downright stupid dangerous acts on our hiways.99% of farmers do there best to be safe on the hiway. I know a lot of farmers, but I dont know one that would intentionaly go down the road without a slow moving sign.I was just chatting with a non country guy the other day and he was complaining about coming up on this slow moving vehicle as well, and not realizing it was so slow moving almost hit it. I asked him if the guy had a slow moving sign on the back?His reply "a what!!"
If its that time of day that headlights don't help and there's a hill involved how would flashers or any of the like help?
Agpilot I hope you didn't have your mouth full when you said that. Where I live we have hills and curves. The farmers are not a big problem around here and we have a lot of them. The biggest problem is the people from the city come out here to ride there bikes and will not move over for a car to pass. Also like one guy said people drive 60 miles per hour when they only should be doing 35. Hope every one has a safe day.


Are you kidding..???

The cops don't even know their own jobs...or the Laws...
Here, a Farmer was heading thru a small town with heavy traffic ( early Sunday AM )..was stopped by a constable who said "You can't drive that thru here"...
The Farmer asked if he would be happier if he drove through at 7:30 Monday morning...!!!!

Figure it out, if you can't understand that....
Most City people won't understand it..

Are you kidding..???

The cops don't even know their own jobs...or the Laws...
Here, a Farmer was heading thru a small town with heavy traffic ( Self-Propelled Combine, early Sunday AM )..was stopped by a constable who said "You can't drive that thru here"...
The Farmer asked if he would be happier if he drove through at 7:30 Monday morning...!!!!

Figure it out, if you can't understand that....
Most City people won't understand it..

That's right. I was driving a Massey Ferguson 760 silvertop with rice tires west on US 60. A man in a Caddy was upset because I didn't get out of his way. I always pull over at every opportunity to let people by. If you have ever hit a chuckhole on the side of the road in a combine you know how much it hurts when you bounce out of the seat at 15 MPH. Anyway after about 1/4 mile I eased over so he could squeeze through. He came around and slammed on his brakes. I jerked the hydrostat back and stomped the worthless brakes and my left front rice tire kissed his bumper. I could see his eyes get REAL big. I opened the door to get out with my two pound hammer and he took off. We always used two trucks to escort if possible.

Yea, most "City Folks" are plumb STUPID..Plus, they have NO interest in KNOWING anything more than what it takes to "Text" or drive while talking on a phone...completely devoid of any Clue about the World going on around them..

really what do you expect us to do have a pressure washer with us at all times to keep everything clean. i try to keep my reflectors clean especailly at night but i dont alsways have the ability.

We stopped driving off the road-Berm years ago because of the darned bottles in the ditch..too durned bad if they must follow..I may let them around...IF I find a large drive to pull over...

Ya can't even tell WHICH SIDE they will try to pass on, either...!!!!

we farm a couple small farms along a major beach comber route, the road is a wide 2 lane so i run the equipment as far to the right as possible and still stay on the pavement i've had them pass me with the on coming traffic so close they actually went between us,i've also come to a complete stop to turn left at the cross roads waiting for traffic to clear giving a signal and they would pass me on the left before i could turn after the traffic cleared,was moving the neighbors combine on this same road about a 1/4 before we turned off to the right it had a 6 row head and i was following with a 10 wheeler grain truck staying to the right so the cars behind could see him both of us had flashers and turn signals on to turn off as soon as he slowed to turn here comes one tried to pass us with on coming traffic and had to really stand on his breaks and almost didn't get out of the way, they remind me of a bunch cows when the gate is swung open to a lush pasture, just as if that trip to the beach is worth killing themselves,there family as well as other that could be involved, there suv and such don't a chance against heavy piece of farm equipment
"Them old fools with their bib overalls, brogans, give-away ball caps and with a piece of straw hanging off their lip need to be banned from the public roads; let"s occupy Wall Street and protest........maybe get us some laws passed"

I bet you voted for the trash in Washington. Have a nice day creep.
(quoted from post at 18:16:01 11/08/11) Not sure if you are joking or what? If not, you have never been there buddy. Farmers have every bit as much right on the road as any one else. I will admit there is the odd one who takes unnessary risks, but I would have to say there is a much bigger percentage of "city people" who do downright stupid dangerous acts on our hiways.99% of farmers do there best to be safe on the hiway. I know a lot of farmers, but I dont know one that would intentionaly go down the road without a slow moving sign.I was just chatting with a non country guy the other day and he was complaining about coming up on this slow moving vehicle as well, and not realizing it was so slow moving almost hit it. I asked him if the guy had a slow moving sign on the back?His reply "a what!!"

Tom do we? I don't pay any licence or road fees and buy farm what "gives" me the right to drive an unregestered over size vehicle on the roads?

Because most folks are fond of eating, and so give farmers a little bit of leeway. If I had to register and insure my tractor and implements it would break the bank.
So, I'm GUESSING you learned a lesson... BE careful and have your vehicle under control at all times!

And, don't "overdrive" your headlights!

no options here... have to be inspected, license plates, and insured (turnsignals, etc)...

still doesn't stop idiot drivers from cutting you off etc.......

to support your argument tho....... you'd think folks would take a little more responsibility for their own safety and show more consideration for friends and family by making themselves less of a hazard.......
Like Bob says,

You're the one that's responsible; not that ol' feller trying to get his crop in.

Slow 'er down.

I pay property taxes to the center of the road.

And property taxes pay most of the up keep on the
rural roads here in Iowa.

We spend millions for bike trails(from property
taxes) . We could use them for machinery cause the
bikers are still on the roads.

(quoted from post at 14:06:11 11/09/11) We spend millions for bike trails(from property
taxes) . We could use them for machinery cause the
bikers are still on the roads.


Now you touched on a pet peeve of mine.

Here in South East Nebraska they spent millions on a bike trail using the abandoned Rock Island rail bed; and the bikers still ride on the highway shoulders rather than using the trail.

Even the organized bike rides choose not to use the trail, what a waste of taxpayer’s money.
If the cops don't know their jobs how are more laws going to help? The laws are there, stupid nonpatient public and lack of enforcement is the problem. And yes some of us farmers have gotten away with it and become lazy with signage and lighting.
Years ago I was following my grandfather. He was driving the tractor with a 4row corn planter. I was following in the truck with a load of fertilizer. We stopped at a stop sign and while we waited a UPS truck pulled up beside me and when traffic cleared my grandfather went across and I was ready to go. This UPS truck cut in front of me and made a right turn. He was lucky no one turned to come down our direction because he had this little dirt road intersection plugged. And I waited to see what he was going to do. I would of thought he's turn left.
First let me say I am a farmer and have used the roads to move machinery. There is plenty of room for consideration on both sides of the question. Last saturday I met a combine with an 8row 30 inch cornhead on a two lane highway. That is total disreguard of everyone else by not removing the corn head to a header cart. I have followed wide machinery for miles because the driver refused to pull off to the side so traffic can pass. It seems some of the BTOs do this because they can get away with it.

There apparently are a lot more horses rears than there are horses. Joe
(quoted from post at 19:00:22 11/08/11) Hi CCer: Farmers have been getting away with what you almost ran into for way too long. Gotta really get Lawmakers to get tough on moving farm equipment on public roads. Farmers need to be forced into modern traffic equipment... Trailers etc... ag


Anyone not using an SMV and a Strobe flasher (at the very least) is asking for one Huge lawsuit...

I won't even take a riding mower down my road without an SMV AND a small Strobe on the back of my hat..!!

Too often, people will run square in the A$$ of a stopped Semi or Garbage truck..(I didn't SEE IT)..!!!!

I don't think he is complaining about anyone using the road, whether you pay for it or not, he is saying if you use the road make sure your machinery conforms to the law in stead of being a bunch of hicks and thinking you can do anything and bugger the rest. I'm alright Jack.
It's called consideration for others. becoming a rarety.
Ohio State Patrol advised me years ago to use my lane and not get on the berm.they might think they have more to pass than they really do.
(quoted from post at 09:06:11 11/09/11) I pay property taxes to the center of the road.

And property taxes pay most of the up keep on the
rural roads here in Iowa.

We spend millions for bike trails(from property
taxes) . We could use them for machinery cause the
bikers are still on the roads.


Here in Minnesota I may own the land the road is on but there is as easement so that I do not pay taxes on that land.

It makes it a little neater when roads are abandoned. There is no question who owns the land. The simply cancel the easement. In the past that usually meant that you were left with land that still had the roadbed in place. They just scraped some of the gravel off the top. In most cases now they have to restore the land to close to what it was before the road was there.
(quoted from post at 22:57:17 11/09/11) Ohio State Patrol advised me years ago to use my lane and not get on the berm.they might think they have more to pass than they really do.

Exactly..but if you're gonna use the road, you owe it to your family and other drivers and thier families to be visible. I'm thinking about strapping a video camera to the fender and taking one of my normal drives just to show folks how stupid drivers are when you are 100% visible and legal....
The bottom line is if anyone has anything on the highway that is significantly slower than the posted speed limit, they have an obligation to let the public know their there. When I move my tractor to another farm, I load it on a trailer and truck it to the other farm. There are some people that have equipment that are is large to do that and others that have too many to do that. For those that move equipment on highways that are hilly or other blind spots I think they should set a sign by the highway letting people know equipment is being moved. The highway department does that when they mow along the highway.

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