raising hogs


Well-known Member
If I wanted I could sell about 20 hogs if i decided to raise next spring.i have a grinder cobb corn but how much does it cost to raise from 40# What kind of ration using cobb corn run through a grinder.mineral supplments ect ect.How much do they eat lbs till 250# The people asking will buthcer themselves
They always used to figure ten bushels of corn and 100 lbs. of concentrate will take a feeder pig to 250 lbs. I guess I don't really know if they are figuring a 40 lb. feeder pig. But are you implying that you are only going to charge them what your costs are?
You don"t "fatten" hogs on cob corn.........Might be fine on sows, but not for putting meat on a market hog. That is 40s technology. Feeding a modern hog you need about three different levels of protein in the ration.
If you have 20 hogs sold fat I'd say go for it. Keep track of your expenses and you will know if you want to do it again. There are protein mixes you can buy to supplement the ear corn. Yes, it will take a little longer to finish them but if that's what your customers want that's what they will get.
Don't finish them on ground ear corn, it won't work,they won't get finished. I used it one time and found out the hard way on about 10 pigs. Shell the corn first. Like someone said it usually figures out to 10 bu. of corn to finish a hog, 100 bu to finish a steer. I would like to find some more feeder pigs since I quit farrowing last year and the freezers are getting bare, and I have people wanting pork again. Make sure you make a profit, don't do it for free. You will thank me for that when you are knee deep in hog manure and forking it out.
If you are going to use ear corn just feed it by itself and get a pelleted protein mix. On the number of hogs you are feeding it will work just fine. You won't have to grind it then. Mike
You dont grind the whole ear for hogs you need to shell it first then grind the kernal and mix with protein so they can make the most out of the feed it will probably take at least 10 or more bu per hog it all depends on feed quality with the protein ground and good water and sleeping conditions. Hogs can be very efficient with good care.
One more thing very important is at present day costs with top notch technology there is only around 5 dollars profit when selling to market these are the latest figures.
thanks for the input all the people want the hogs raised like the amish do.but the amish seem to have no hogs they are all sold out with a waiting list of people.I know raising them that way will take longer to get to butcher weight and i would need to get a preimium on the price.they just like the taste of the meat better than the commercially raised pork and i agree .I bought a halve last year and the taste was like night and day compared to store bought pork.Can you give me names of who would make pelletized feed?Also concentrate do you mean like vigertone?
Do they still innoculate pigs against desease? I had to inject pigs back in the sixties when I worked on a hog farm. That's another cost.

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