O/T For You Sinners :)

Allan in NE

Well-known Member
Recorded this video 'bout a minute and a half after I crawled out of bed this morning. Just hard to smile and "be happy" at that ungwadly hour. :>)

Wife says the song would sound a whole lot better if she didn't have to look at the likes of me.......can't say as I blame 'er. :>(

Anyhoo, can ya stand a bit of 'religion'?


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/dskxTSd05vk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
YAHOO !!! WAY TO GO ALLEN! I was kinda wondering when we were going to here another song. Wish I had the talent to play. PLEASE KEEP THEM COMING.
You are pretty good,or good, or excellent, heck, I don't know but I liked it.
GOOD JOB Allan - Gonna have the wife look fer your CD's when she goes to Wally-Mart tormorrow. LOL

Seems like you look YOUNGER without the hat - course, a poof of diesel and a poof of freon never hurts.

Note to self: Pick up diesel, freon, PB blaster, ATF, ?????? and will try to be better.
Great stuff Allan. I like the song choice, keep it up. You know without the glasses, and hat you almost look like a young guy. Stan
Hey, John T...I guess that takes care of BOTH of us, huh? Notice how he looks younger than previously- what...no hat, or is it the mustache? I can"t even play the radio that well!
Allan you are pretty darn handy with that thing. I suppose you will be gettin yourself an IH tour bus next.
Hey Allan, "Fantastic" job, great song choice. If'n you are taking requests, do you know Beulah Land? My favorite Gospel song of all times. It is the only thing I have told my wife I want played at my funeral. If you really listen to the lyrics it says it all. Thanks for the music. Keep it coming.
Great music Allen, I listen to 4 or 5 of your numbers every night on your you tube site. I e- mailed my friends and told them how to get on your You Tube site also.
Alan;Took me a while to ferrit out the melody line. "Just a closer walk" was used in the movie Cool Hand Luke . That tune was also buchered by the actor on the porch scene screeching and strumming the three cords. That tune is truly a great tune done with a chior and organ.Was also played down in N.O funerals ,soulful going to the grave site, enegeric rendition( Dixieland) played when comming back from the funeral. LOU.
Tell your wife, I think you look a LOT younger without your hat and glasses!!

Are you self taught? Can"t recall if anyone ever asked you or if you said.

Super nice playing.

Are your backup tracks done by you or are they done elsewhere and bought? Again I"ve forgotten if you told us before. Memory here "aint" what it used to be and it "ain"t" getin" any better.
Allen that was great. It's one of my favorites. I really enjoy your music. I have it bookmarked. Thanks. Ralph
Oh yeah,

Self-taught (still learning every day) and play totally by ear. Can't read a blessed note. :>)

I build the backgrounds from scratch. That's the hard part and takes the longest.

Don't wanna sound like anyone else and just can't stand that pre-canned store-bought stuff! :>)

Good song, alright, but I suspect 806man is referring to the other "Beulah Land", the one by Squire Parsons.
Good song, alright, but I suspect 806man is referring to the other "Beulah Land", the one by Squire Parsons.

Very Good, just the thing this morning with my coffee, since its Sunday! You're a good hand , and the bass and rythem guys are pretty good too! Thanks!


That bass picker is a drunk and the rythum player is nothin' but a derned skirt chaser.

Whoops! Wait a minute.........I play all the parts myself. Guess I sure let that one out of the bag, huh? :>)


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