nice tribute


Well-known Member
Couple days ago I was truckin' through a small west Texas town and met a funeral procession so I pulled over to let it pass by. In front there was a DPS black & white with the red & blue lights flashing. BUT behind that was a JD 8360 tractor all draped in black streamers. Behind that was a restored JD 70LP and it was draped in black too. The hearse followed the two tractors with a long long line of cars and pickups.
After they all had passed by, I eased on down to a convenience store and went inside. I asked the clerk what the deal was with the tractors in the funeral procession. She said the man who had passed away was the service manager for the local JD dealer. Said he had started working there back in the 50's right out of high school sweeping floors and whatnot. Through the years he had worked his way up to mechanic, then service manager.
She said the man driving the new tractor was the dealer owner and the guy on the old tractor was the dead man's son on a tractor they had restored several years ago. Right at first, I thought it was kind of weird, tractors at a funeral. But the more I thought about it, that was a good way to pay tribute to the man. Especially the son on "their" tractor.
Draped in Black and using Black Streamers, is interesting, Black is a symbol of Bad ...
White is a symbol of Good, but I suppose they didn't know that,
The color black and its relationship to funerals dates back to England. The color black in English history represented dignity, respect, and spiritual reflection
Hello twostepn2001: Getting to be more common. Late last Fall I saw pictures of a Funeral where all the members of a small local Old Tractor Club came with their restored tractor. Seems all felt it was the Best way to say Goodby. I agree. After all it was the way they all enjoyed relating with one another. In the Air Force there is the "Missing Man" formation Flyover where one plane quickly pulls Up & Out of formation right over the grave site... Being a pilot, I really feel that when I see it. Many other Military methods used at funerals. Too many dull/drab funerals. Do something related to how the decesed enjoyed life...
I've been to several Funeral Homes in Iowa for the wake and the deceased owner's tractor was sitting outside and a John Deere flag was flying over the Funeral Home (in place of the normal U.S. flag.)
They burried a guy over in ND a few years ago who raised and trained horses to drive. No one could ever remember they old guy in anthing but bibs and plaid shirts. 2 of his horses and a wagon carried him 7 miles from the funeral home to the grave site. They burried him in a new set of bibs and a plaid shirt.

US Army ceremonies have the rifle with bayonet stuck into the "ground" with helmet on the butt and boots in front. At the end of the ceremony they have a roll call calling out several names of soldiers who come to attention and answer "PRESENT" and then call the deceased name several times getting absolute silence.....kinda erie but fitting. Command voice "Pvt Smith..............Pvt Smith............Pvt Smith............

My Dad passed away on July 2, 2007 the same day I lost my brother to car accident in front of my folks farm in 1974 at age 17 so for my dads wake we had his 2 favorate tractors out front a Farmall Super H and Farmall 560 both bought new by him and for the processan from the Church to Cemetary his IH 1486 led the parade driven by his 3 Grandsons with the other 2 tractors standing guard in front of the farm as we went by. I am sure he was looking down and all smiles.
Isn"t that something? My dad was buried in a pair of his bib overalls ,white shirt and tie and a suit jacket. My mom was to be tied in fits when she saw him at the wake but most visitors who expressed any sympathy remarked how normal he looked. My dad wore bib overalls his entire life from a young boy in Kentucky up till his death. He had a pair of bibs on when he was found sitting on his front porch in his rocker by one of his help who had been driving by on the driveway to the fields spreading manure. The young fella thought he was napping but after about 3 hours of seeing him not moving got suspicous and went up to the house to see if he was alright.Mom was visiting her friends in town when this was going on. Lots of excitement around my folks place that day.Sad day.
When I was in college a friend of mine from elementry school was killed in a car accident. His old boss had the Massey combine that he used to drive parked at the cemetary for the burial. I thought it was a nice tribute to a young man that lived and breathed farming. I have a buddy that paints tractors, I told him that when it's my time he's to repaint the MF 1135 hitch it to the flat rack and pull my coffin to the cemetary.

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