unbelievable...... you just can't make it up........


Well-known Member
got some rain coming so was dragging a couple pastures to scatter poop. was on the quad and had the boxes off so stuff wouldn't bounce around. one of the pastures has a couple walnut trees on it and I gathered up 2 buckets full before I ran over them. Set them by the fence and finished up. Couldn't carry them so left them, went and traded vehicles, and was back in 10 minutes in time to see a woman loading the two buckets in her car......... asked her what she was doing and told her that they weren't hers to take....She says "how do I know they are yours??" I was speachless...just reached in my pocket for my phone and started to call the cops......she got mad, threw the buckets out of her car, and drove off in a cloud of dust............
:lol: Your right you can't make that up.

years and years ago BIL had a sawmill, back before it was popular to burn slabs. He told a poor neighbor he could come get them. Guy got mad since they where not cut into firewood all ready.

I've offered fish, squirrel, rabbit, etc to folks that could use it only for them to tell me to clean it first........
Dave where is your people skills? you should have told her that you would have been glad to come home with her and crack the nuts and pick the meat out of them.
That is unbelievable. I wouldn't know what to say! To think that someone would have the gall to steal (and she knew she was stealing - did she pick up the walnuts?) something off your own property and expect you to prove you own it!

Dad had a neighbor that borrowed his truck to haul cattle for many years and never a mention of trade in return or compensation . Then one day the neighbor blew out a tire on the truck. He took it to the tire shop , had a new tire mounted and charged it to my dads account. He should have been a politician instead of a farmer. SOME PEOPLE SUCK and dont even know it.
Dave I won't even go there. Had that to happen a few times. I used to offer garden veg to people if they would come pick it but most would ask you to bring it to them. Now if I have veg I am not going to use I feed them to the chickens or just mow them down.
A few years ago I called into our local party line trying to give away an extra deer I didn't want to work up.

Several people called saying they would take it if I had it processed, wrapped, and would deliver the meat.

needless to say I did not take them up on their wonderful plan.

I've made offers of chickens to people, they will only accept them if I pluck and clean them first. I guess they would rather have the taxpayers pay for a bucket of KFC.

I don't have to worry about people stealing chickens like they did in the old days, theives are too lazy to prepare their own food today.
Two of the worthless day shifters at work went on and on this spring about how much they loved sweet corn. When mine started come'n in to the point I had a little extra I pulled a 5 gallon bucket and took it in one night. Next morn'n when they came in I had it set'n in the break room and told them to help their self. Next night it was still full. They both said they didn't want to shuck and silk it. They can both hold their breath till I bring them any thing else.

(quoted from post at 06:29:33 10/06/11) Dave I won't even go there. Had that to happen a few times. I used to offer garden veg to people if they would come pick it but most would ask you to bring it to them. Now if I have veg I am not going to use I feed them to the chickens or just mow them down.

Had that happen at Ft Knox. Some of guys I worked with were complaining about the cost of food. Another guy and his wife had bought a 5 acer parcel with a house on it and had a garden. He came into work one morning and told these guys that they had taken everything they wanted from thier garden and that they were free to go to his place and pick all that was left. These complainers, married E6s wanted him to pick the stuff and bring it in. My wife and I were the only ones that took him up on that offer. Unlike my fellow NCO's (all of us E6 and above) we were not so deep in debt that food was a problem.......and we had 7 children! He blew up on the complainers cause they wanted it delivered. At that point he had no people skills....and I don't blame him!

Where I live in Illinois at one time there was a custom to set unwanted/surplus produce along the edge of the road along the fence line and anyone wanting it could pick it up and go.

That practice started in the 1930’s maybe late 1920’s and carried through around the 1950’s early 1960’s

One day in the early 1980’s my mother set out some tomatoes out to sun ripen.

A car load of old ladies going to the local church quilting held each week pulled up got out with their little buckets and sorted through the tomatos picked what they wanted and left.

When I had heard what happened, I remember saying to my mother why didn’t you say something to them?

She told me about the custom of setting out surplus produce/furniture/cloths/etc… she then went on to say she didn’t want to old women to die from embarrassment.

My mother continued to sun ripen tomatoes for the rest of that year.

She never said if she had any takers.

P.S. The story about setting out unwanted items is a true story I confirmed it through general conversations with some other people.

It seems that at one time in our little part of the woods there was a couple of families where the mother had died leaving a grief stricken father and some hungry children.

The idea was hatched that the children and anyone in need could have the food or what ever for the taking as a way to not shame them for taking charity.

I know this isn’t the jest behind the original post but a reminder of another time in our nations history where people took care of each other without the asking.
Putting unwanted things on the curb "free for the taking" is still customary in many parts of the country.

I was cleaning out the basement of a rental house a few years ago and putting stuff on the curb. Most of it disappeared as fast as I could put it out there, but no one offered to come in and help me carry it to the curb. We all have our boundaries.
Ya see……this is why I love my dog Taylor so much!

Years ago I use to run my own auto body shop. Every car we repaired, when we were finished, got a wash job and the chips touched-up……No Charge. After a few customers pointed out that we missed touching up a chip, we started putting a small jar of touch up in their glove box.

A lady came by one day to pick up her car and pointed out the chip we had missed. I told her we anticipate most everything and that there was touch up to match her paint in the glove box and we wouldn’t mind at all if she got that one. She said…. “Does the little bottle have a brush in it?”

I think that was the beginning of my “people skill” deterioration.

The Lady is still a thief, you should have called the cops on her anyway. That’s just me though.

When you are young, you have the exuberance to think you can make the world a better place. As you get older and you have experienced these selfish, snobby people a gazillion times…….you might get a little “JADED”................ I’m just say’n.
few years back we had a bunch of sand plum bushes along road about 10-15 ft out in pasture.a patch maybe 20 ft wide and 60 ft or so long .My grandmother wanted to make some jelly so i went down there to pick her a bucket full.Couple of ladies and their daughters were there picking them which i didnt mind at all,since there was plenty. So i just said hi ,got my bucket and went to picking.They got all kinds of mad,told me to go find my own plums,etc etc.I just said yes ma'am ,got in truck,went to the barn,got the tractor and brushhog and mowed them down with them standing there hollering! I hit a couple of their buckets they didnt get moved in time and never slowed down. When I got through taking a cussing,I told them to come up to the house and ask next time they came on my place picking plums, and i would be proud to show them where they could go.I didnt yell at them,or be disrespectful in any way,but, I never saw them again for some reason.go figure,,
Hope you got her licence number and filed a police report anyway. She should have to at least have a discussion with the authorities over what she did.
My son worked for a water tower paint company. They were in a small town, and were called out for a emergency water tower repair problem in a town close by. They set several five gallon buckets of paint, thinner, along with the steps to the semi trailer off, and away they went.

When they returned they were informed it was city wide clean up day, and everyone set their unwanted items by the curb for the special garbage pickup. Very exoensive laughter was at hand.
(quoted from post at 06:09:59 10/07/11) My son worked for a water tower paint company. They were in a small town, and were called out for a emergency water tower repair problem in a town close by. They set several five gallon buckets of paint, thinner, along with the steps to the semi trailer off, and away they went.

When they returned they were informed it was city wide clean up day, and everyone set their unwanted items by the curb for the special garbage pickup. Very exoensive laughter was at hand.

Now you have to have the seal of approval from the gestapo to get rid of paint!
I Now work at a car dealership, have had people wreck cars and then try to tell us"since the car is wrecked and I dont have insurance I shouldnt have to keep paying on it" YEA RIGHT!!!
I got a buddy that has bout 1,000 acres of strip mine ground a county south of me he runs cattle on. He's got several pretty big pits on it that are full of catfish. He has worse "people skills" than Dave2. He was out ride'n around check'n cows one day and came up on two punks in john boat in one of his pits. They yelled at him and told him he needed to leave because the owner was crazy and didn't let any one just drive around. He went back to the truck and came back with his 1911 and put 7 holes in their boat then yelled you have no idea how crazy he is.

It is not helping that the civilized citizens hold their tongue when these jerks act so stupid.
They need to be told that we noticed their crude, uncivilized behavior. They need to know that somebody noticed and cares. Speak up...but beware most of these ludites.... carry a gun.

Like the jerk with his loud car bass speakers, mufflerless Harley or full on JakeBrake. Mostly what they contibute to the world is pointless noise and unsupervised illegitimate kids. Look at me, look at me....I can make noise!!!! Wow!
(quoted from post at 10:40:03 10/06/11) few years back we had a bunch of sand plum bushes along road about 10-15 ft out in pasture.a patch maybe 20 ft wide and 60 ft or so long .My grandmother wanted to make some jelly so i went down there to pick her a bucket full.Couple of ladies and their daughters were there picking them which i didnt mind at all,since there was plenty. So i just said hi ,got my bucket and went to picking.They got all kinds of mad,told me to go find my own plums,etc etc.I just said yes ma'am ,got in truck,went to the barn,got the tractor and brushhog and mowed them down with them standing there hollering! I hit a couple of their buckets they didnt get moved in time and never slowed down. When I got through taking a cussing,I told them to come up to the house and ask next time they came on my place picking plums, and i would be proud to show them where they could go.I didnt yell at them,or be disrespectful in any way,but, I never saw them again for some reason.go figure,,

Wah, I don't think you would have saw me around after that either. You done brush hogged the plume trees and ran over their buckets. What did you expect? LMFAO

Tim in Montana
(quoted from post at 08:07:13 10/06/11)
I've offered fish, squirrel, rabbit, etc to folks that could use it only for them to tell me to clean it first........

Had a similar problem with potatoes... Confusing as hell, honestly.
(quoted from post at 03:36:35 10/07/11)
Like the jerk with his loud car bass speakers, mufflerless Harley or full on JakeBrake. [b:acaf38d874][u:acaf38d874] Farm tractors without mufflers running late at night[/u:acaf38d874][/b:acaf38d874]
Mostly what they contibute to the world is pointless noise and unsupervised illegitimate kids. Look at me, look at me....I can make noise!!!! Wow!

(quoted from post at 03:45:28 10/07/11)
(quoted from post at 03:36:35 10/07/11)
Like the jerk with his loud car bass speakers, mufflerless Harley or full on JakeBrake. [b:ff054410c1][u:ff054410c1] Farm tractors without mufflers running late at night[/u:ff054410c1][/b:ff054410c1]
Mostly what they contibute to the world is pointless noise and unsupervised illegitimate kids. Look at me, look at me....I can make noise!!!! Wow!


what does FTFY mean????? and where are you (eastern OH)??
(quoted from post at 18:48:42 10/07/11)
(quoted from post at 03:45:28 10/07/11)
(quoted from post at 03:36:35 10/07/11)
Like the jerk with his loud car bass speakers, mufflerless Harley or full on JakeBrake. [b:69e2bac639][u:69e2bac639] Farm tractors without mufflers running late at night[/u:69e2bac639][/b:69e2bac639]
Mostly what they contibute to the world is pointless noise and unsupervised illegitimate kids. Look at me, look at me....I can make noise!!!! Wow!


what does FTFY mean????? and where are you (eastern OH)??

[b:69e2bac639]F[/b:69e2bac639]ixed [b:69e2bac639]T[/b:69e2bac639]hat [b:69e2bac639]F[/b:69e2bac639]or [b:69e2bac639]Y[/b:69e2bac639]ou
That is where our society is heading and our gooberment is helping them get there fast.

Like parents at school complaining the band practices too much. they'll be the 1st to complain if they don't make it to State finals (keep our fingers crossed in 2 weeks).
My favorite reply to people like that is

"did you think about that before you said it?"

Its amazing how long it takes them to answer that... IF they answer it at all... and they usually change the subject or go away...

Makes my kids mad when I ask them...
A friend had all the peas he wanted from his garden so called a neighbor woman to ask if she would like some.Her first words, Are they picked?Another friend had a good garden, he sold some roadside and called relatives 25 miles away.They wanted him to deliver it.Free stuff wasnt enough.With food prices so high you would think people would be glad to have extra vegetables.One friend gives me peaches and black walnuts.I bring him potatoes.
I hear ya... a few years ago I drug some oak logs cluttering up a field up by the street, cut them into 3 foot sections and stacked 'em, and put up a sign that said "free fire wood".
CAme back an hour later to find a guy loading up his truck with the split firewood inside my carport- 100 yards away from the "free stuff", which was untouched. His response- "that's not what the sign says". Some people, male or female, have small brains and big ba11s.
(quoted from post at 07:45:11 10/08/11) I hear ya... a few years ago I drug some oak logs cluttering up a field up by the street, cut them into 3 foot sections and stacked 'em, and put up a sign that said "free fire wood".
CAme back an hour later to find a guy loading up his truck with the split firewood inside my carport- 100 yards away from the "free stuff", which was untouched. His response- "that's not what the sign says". Some people, male or female, have small brains and big ba11s.

That beats mine real good............ Think I'da had to hurt that one to keep it from reproducing.........

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