(OT) Think I'm gonna be sick #2...


Well-known Member
I stopped at a friend's farm Saturday to have a look at an old Binder truck that was being stubborn and he was happy as could be 'cuz an old cow he hadn't realized was pregnant had dropped a beautiful little calf.

Later in the day he was doing some cleanup to get ready for fall and winter and burned some old bales, then hopped on the tractor/disc mower to trim up some boundaries while keeping an eye on the fire.

What he DIDN'T realize was that the crafty old cow had sneaked out of the lot and hid her calf in the grass and weeds he was cutting quite aways away from where the cows were penned up,

ANYHOW, he wound up cutting 3 legs off of the calf and had to put it out of it's misery. NOT only a financial loss, he LOVES his animals and was just SICK over it.

Made me SICK just hearing about it!
I ran over a hidden calf once with a bat wing mower. It was right in front of the radiator as I approached and I just didn't see it. It made me sick.
I a few day old calf get under the fence and hid in some real rank hay a few years ago. I got it with a disk mower. I turned just in time to see it go out the back. Had to put it down too. I threw up twice on the way to the house to get the 30-30.


I've opened bales of hay and found deer legs. Found a young one complete in a roundbale once (guess the windrow was safe and comfy...)
When worked at IH, had combine come in when it was real cold out and the rotor wouldnt turn, ok sheard the hub bolts off the back of rotor, idk how, but when took it apart, they had ran a deer up in to the rotor, idk how it got up the feer house, it wasnt pretty.
I dated a girl yearssssssssssss ago whose very young toddler brother came up missing when her dad baled hay, I couldnt live with myself if that ever happened..... So things could be farrrrrrrrr worse.....

John T
That is the worst, sometimes it is hard to keep track of everything, you think you're doing good doing one thing, then something like this happens. Time helps, though you never forget.

I ran over a fawn early June this year, rotary cutter, I even saw the grass moving, but figured it was a 'chuck or rabbit, but I also knew like clock work, a doe will always have a fawn in the vicinity, it does make a person feel rotten when you see something like that go through a mower, even though their population is abundant, they can be pests etc. I watch over the ones that come through here, plant forage for them and harvest them too, just one of those things, certainly never intentional either. We learn, next time I will get off the tractor, walk the field, or cut before it gets tall, as I don't bale it anymore.
Ran over a two day old calf with BH. I have even tripped over baby calf while looking for it. Good thing they aren't a dangerous creature laying in wait.
Ran over a two day old calf with BH. I have even tripped over baby calf while looking for it. Good thing they aren't a dangerous creature laying in wait.
I hit a squirrel one time. Saw it on the side of the road by a tree. Got up to it and it ran out in front of me. Heard the thump as I went over it.Felt bad about it for days. Guess that makes me an old softie but that's ok.
forgot to metion i had a kid working for me which he has been here a long time and he is a relation but about 4yrs ago he ran a calf over with the skid steer being kinda carless. that calf did not die though. it pulled through and she is a second lactain cow now. she is very freindle. her hip and leg is all screwed up and she limps a little but she is doing just fine. hes also smushed a cows jaw in the bucket about 2yrs ago he riased the bucket got out for a second and lowered the loader and the cow was lickeing the back of it and the bar in the back crushed its jaw and she dropped. she lived for about a week with me pumping food inter her stomach. kids never really seem to care what they just done.
'Bout a year ago, my wife was backing her mini van out of the garage and ran over her favorite cat and killed it.

I can't begin to describe how distraught she was. From the cat's actions and responses earlier in the day, though, I'm convinced to this day that it was already very ill, maybe terminally, and simply could not move fast enough to get out of the way of the van like it usually did.
Goose. I can relate to your situation.
My wife backed over our favorite cat while backing in the driveway comingb home from work.
Its been 20 years or so, but she still hates to think about it.
We do have many videos of it playing with our dog when it was very small.
My Dad mowed 3 legs off my favorite cat when I was a kid. It was about 18 years old and I was about 17; really hard to take!
I would have broke that kids jaw for his treating animals that way. YOU should never let anyone that mistreats animals around. I have seen the same people treat weaker/younger people bad too. It seems to go together. It all is not caring about anyone but yourself.
I have had to dig several fawns out of the mower-conditioner rolls. It was sickening and heart breaking too. I am a softy for young things, animal or human. I can relate to your friend.
Guy I worked with was on a service call. As he was leaving the lady's cat ran under van and was hit. Lady went off on him and ended with "she is a mother with 3 kittens, what am I supposed to do now"?
He told her,"I'll drive around the block a few times, send em out one at a time!"
Same guy had a sign over his desk. I love cats, they taste like chicken.

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