Not much talking to do.....(pics).....

Absent Minded Farmer

Well-known Member
I just wanted to share a few pics with everyone. These were taken on Saturay (8/20) at the show in Baraboo, Wi. I'll be spreading them around the site tonight & tomorrow, so keep your peepers peeled.


P.S. 90% of the photo credits go to my girlfriend. I'm gettin' a bit l-a-z-y in my pert-near-close-to old age. ;v)








Neat.... What is the thing on the frt of the first farmall? Nice pics tho. If the weather plays along, going to a thresher fest this coming weekend. I'll hang some pics on my FB album and link it here.

It's been a while since I read up on that attachment, but I'm pretty sure it's a sweep rake. You would push it through the loose hay on the field until enough accumulated on the forks & take it over to the stacker where it would get stacked onto a pile. Youtube should have a few videos & there may even be a few pics floating around here on the site, of one in use.

A German thresher fest? Sounds cool! If there's a Field Marshal with the shotgun start there, please get pics. I really would like to have one, some day, to annoy the neighbors... er...uh.... put-putter around the field with.

How's your arm holding up?

Like it never happened..Must be a nerve. Wife put some lintiment on my back/shoulder and hit a spot that shot a charge right to the bottom of my foot. Seems the area gets knotted up and just waits to cause a problem. Gonna fix the roof on the tractor this morning so I don't sit cockeyed anymore and see if that helps. Hay will be done today and won't have to spend so much seat time at one stretch. Not sure if I'll find a british tractor but will look. Closest thing is prolly a Lanz Bulldog. Could be anything there tho... The link is pics from 2 years ago.!/media/set/?set=a.122987297749212.10317.100001138262338

Like it never happened..Must be a nerve. Wife put some lintiment on my back/shoulder and hit a spot that shot a charge right to the bottom of my foot. Seems the area gets knotted up and just waits to cause a problem. Gonna fix the roof on the tractor this morning so I don't sit cockeyed anymore and see if that helps. Hay will be done today and won't have to spend so much seat time at one stretch. Not sure if I'll find a british tractor but will look. Closest thing is prolly a Lanz Bulldog. Could be anything there tho... The link is pics from 2 years ago.!/media/set/?set=a.122987297749212.10317.100001138262338
Around here they were called a buck rake and there were more mounted on old cars back ends than on tractors but were a few on tractors. Most common car used was a Model A Ford but some on others like a Studebaker and the one Dad had on a 1929 Buick sedan, that would work rings around any of the Fords. Would walk the load out of the field in high gear while the A's were struggling in low gear and dooimg wheelies under the load. Hauled machinery from one farm to other on the forks as well. Haulled in a lot of corn shocks to the shreader as well.
I remember in the 40's my dad had one put a horse on each side and had wheels and a long plank out the back walked back to raise it and forward to lower picked up shocks of grain took to thresher.
Well, if she is the one who selected which ones to take pictures of, she has a good eye and probably got pics of the more unique items at the show.
Great Pictures, anyway!!
We've been attending tractor shows together for about five years & her interpritation of a cool looking machine usually ends up to be a neat piece. Works out great & we have tons of fun. I suppose I do go on about the old IHC equipment quite a bit & she really likes the colorized pre- & post-merger advertizing on the WHS web page.

She sends her thanks for the compliment on the pics, btw.

My Great Great uncle had a hay fork on a H just like the one in you photo. I can remember watching him bring in the hay when I was a kid.
(quoted from post at 08:25:53 08/23/11) Funny you should mention that. I had commented at the time that the owner could have at least used a redline tire.


Great pictures of some nifty old iron.

Mike, how 'bout one of these. posed to be rated for 130 MPH :lol:

Thanks! You guys should tour the countryside & take in some tractor shows. You get to meet some great people & the scenery along the way... can't beat it. Amtrak might be another way to tour the country. They have these rail passes & you can take in quite a bit of the USA for not a whole lot of money. I would suggest travelling in the off season (Jan. to April). The passes are quite a bit cheaper then.

A Studebaker & a Buick moving hay around a field? Why, that sounds stylish. The Model A's, I can see where someone would want to bolt on a second little four cylinder just to keep the front end down. Lol!

Thanks. That redline would look kinda sharp, wouldn't it? Add a little extra flotation, too. My Farmall 400 would really benefit from those tires. The front end gets a bit jumpy above 20mph. Lol!

Glad you're feeling better. My doc says sometimes the best medicine for a pinched nerve is "don't do that". I would agree that it works most of the time, especially when I listen. ;v)

There were two foreigners, that I recall, at the tractor show. One was a B-450 & I don't recall the second one. We forgot to go back & get pics of it before we left. It was like the one in the link below, but maybe not the same make? The one at the show was blue & green with red wheels. A Unimog maybe? You know, Mercedes made some ugly & unusual creations with that line. Oh the damb CRS! I'll figure it out one of these days.

Your FB link is not working for some reason. Is it because I'm not aus Deutschland?

Tool Carrier
I think it was around 46 when Dad bought that Buick. took the back doors of a 4 door car and cut the roof of at the back side of the doors and floor at front side of doors. Used a rear axle with drive shaft emergency brake to run cables to lift the forks and it had a shaft running thru the right side of the cab that was powered off the fan belt to do the lifting. At first that shaft was not covered and Grandpa got his pant leg tore up with that shaft, then it got covered. For use in winter Dad had made a small wooden bed for it and it was our first truck in that it hauled the cow feed in that bed and pulled the wagon to town to the elevator. Lasted untill 53 (I was about 10) when it was getting so worn out could not get it started without pulling so was going to have overhauled and needed boring, checked and was told pistons and rings were avaible (Moms sisters husband was a mechanick) so he had the boring done, guess what no pistons avaible so you can figure what happened from there. That Buick road on 32 X 6 tires that translate to 6:00 X 20 for you youngsters and after it went byby those tires ended up on a school bus that was used as a huckster truck (Groceries). Was replaced with a 1946 Dodge 2 ton Maxwellhouse Coffe truck For 2 years. And Dave I am comming along fine since the surgery, starting to do a little work but a long while to fully recover, tire out very easy. And that rake is something different, had seen a picture of one like that someplace before.

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