shoulder pain???


Well-known Member
Left shoulder/arm after any awkward movement/work gets a pain like a toothache............So bad that it's hard to distinguish whether it's the shoulder, elbow, or wrist......... Anyone ever get it Usually gone after a nights sleep or a couple hours of stretching out. Was fine all morning and reached behing me on the tractor to release a lever that was tighter than I thought. Miserable now........Gonna try a hot shower........

done now.
Just went through something like that and it turned out to be
shingles, although being the stubborn person I am thought I
knew what it was and as other symptoms surfaced I knew
what they were as well. Suffered for 6 weeks before I went
to the doc and got some relief. Now it is clearing have no idea
how I functioned for the past 2months.. Not saying that is
what you have but could be a possibility on because that is
how mine started out and then about a week later got the
rash. Hope you feel better.

(quoted from post at 05:55:59 08/20/11) Rotator Cuff injury,,,
Dear Abby whats to hear from you...

If she could make it feel better, I'd sure write her...... Is that you Joey???????????

My wife has had rotator cuff surgery on both of her shoulders.

She says that the way the doctor initially determined that she needed further help was, he had her hold her arm down straight at her side and then raise it straight up away from her body. She could only raise it a short distance before the pain in her shoulder was unbearable.

Then came the x-rays, MRIs, and surgery. Hope this isn't the case with you.

Tom in TN
I have that problem It can really be painful at night. Doctor really checked me out was afraid it was the heart After a stay in hospital They determined it was a damaged Rotator Cuff I am not a candidate for surgery. So it is steroid shots and pain pills. Asked doc about long term side effects. He laughed at me and said "you are 82 and worried agout long term effects just be comfortable. Once in a while have some interesting dreams. gitrib
With the twisting that you did, it could be a pinched nerve. I have a few that give me grief, from time to time. One is somewhere around the base of my neck - shoulder blade area & sends a searing pain down the top of my left arm, into my thumb. Can't remember what the nerve is called. The one I can remember is my pinched sciatic. It acts up when I'm not careful i.e. lifting heavy stuff, turn wrong, jump, etc. It sends an awful pain down the back of my right leg & makes my... uh... right gluteal muscle fall asleep. It also makes sitting an adventure at times! I believe, in most cases, both are fixable.

Slip & fall, arm and shoulder were sore, but I thought nothing is broken, was still bothering me almost a year later when I reported to doctor. Xray showed torn rotator cuff. Had surgery, am fully recovered, it is best to have work done soon after injury. Physical therapy is a must following repair.
You say going to bed makes it better. The doc told me the main reason people finally have the rotator fixed is so they can sleep at night. That's what I experienced. There are a lot of things that can go wrong in the shoulder because all the different directions it has to be able to move. I'm certainly no doctor, but it doesn't sound like rotator.

What finally sent me to the doc was a separated ligament. It just snapped while I was shoveling snow and I had instant pain. They fixed the rotator while they were in there repairing the ligament. Jim
(quoted from post at 09:48:58 08/20/11) Ha! Pour a bottle of whiskey on his grave, but run it through your kidneys first.

Think you need to brush up a little on your manners and people skills too..............
I would love to tell you I do not understand but my right shoulder is in pain 24/7 and all that helps me is pain pills or a few beers and some times the chiropractor which the V.A. is sending me to once a month right now. And that is just one of the many pains I have to live with. Welcome to getting older and believe me it will only get worse LOL
crazy red power has it right. had it since memorial day after trimming tree"s. slowly going away. doc says axillary nerve. not sure of spelling. gave me naprazen to take twice a day, does help a lot. with the pain it also feels like 115 volts going from shoulder to thumb. turn 59 this month guess that"s part of it.
Dave, could I suggest a trip to a human body shop for a line up? I never believed in bone manipulation until I was told many years back that I would be in a wheel chair before I was 50 just from lifting a tire wrong. Anytime I have something as you say I will go see one and mostly he does a good job. Always says come back in a week if it aint better I rarely have to go back.
Warning though most want to have you back, several times because you didn't get out of line in a week.
Are you taking any statin drugs? I was on a statin called Pravachol and I had shoulder pains in the middle of the night that kept me awake. My doctor changed me to Zocor and that fixed it.
had same problem accept mine hurt real bad at night too. Had arthroscopic done to remove bone spurs that were hitting muscle/cartlige causing it to spasm. Healed up quickly and was back bowling in a couple months. That was 12 yrs ago and no problems since. Bone spurs can cause a lot of havoc and show up clear on simple x-rays. Save your time on chiropractor for shoulders.
Had similar problem - started out with overnight rest then started taking a couple days to feel better, then a couple more days. After a few years finally went to doc who rebuilt my knee. Xrays showed a bone spur in the rotator. Said they could do it now and i would be in a sling for a couple weeks and about a month or two of therapy, or wait and let it tear some more and many weeks in a sling and many months of therapy. Said ok lets do it.
Woke up with a bunch of screws in my shoulder - found out that was only part of the problem - was tough to see on the mri but had ripped most of my labrum out (didn"t know us guys had those....!)
So, 6 weeks in a sling and 4 months of therapy. But it"s like new now.
So, if it is a bone spur you may want to have it checked out before it digs in deeper. Mine was not due to the spur, just too many years of abuse and not letting it heal.
Good luck.
(quoted from post at 14:47:11 08/20/11) If you're on a cholesterol lowering drug that can cause aching joints.

I am........ I gotta go get checked in a couple weeks and I'll mention it to the doc. Seems to be a nerve thing though. Was in pretty good shape after a hot shower and nap with just a hint of pain at bedtime. Wife smeared some horse lintiment on and it's like new this morning.

We'll see

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