O.T.--WAAAY O.T.------I can't hear you!!!


Ok-----After years of urging from family...I have made the decision to get hearing aids....

So...I have looked into aids from "Starkey" made in Minnesota....any suggestions on this type or others will be appreciated....

Ouch!!!! could buy a nice restored tractor for the price....but I know I am missing a lot without them.


Dad's first set was beltone. never had a problem. after his hearing deteroriated still more, he went to a cheaper brand. Nothing but trouble, in for repairs half the time.
I've had Phonak for 4 years, no complaints at all. Like you say, a good set is pricy. I know some guys that just got one aid, they seem to be happy with that.
It's ironic that I just got an add in the mail from a local established hearing aid person for a hearing aid called A.M.P. It's a little slug that you put in the ear canal so it can't be seen. The ad claims it's good for first timers. This fella has been in the business successfully for 34 years so I tend to think this is something worth looking into. The introductory offer is $750. I have to ask people to repeat themselves so much anymore that it's embarrasing. Jim
Don't buy the invisible canal units. Rule of thumb for ha is that the larger the ha the more power and better amp, and more reliability.
I have the "profound hearing loss" from my days on the carriers without much ear protection.
I'd recommend the Phonak behind/over the ear model. It will still work for you 10 years from now when you really have a hearing loss.
Start with one in your worst ear. It will probably do the job for you.

Playing on tanks caught up with me and after a couple of years of the wife nagging I went in. WOW! I can actually hear my grand kids now!

Depending on level of disability VA may make you pay some of the cost of hearing aids if you qualify.

Be sure and store in in the case and up high at night. They can emit a high pitch sound only dogs can hear. And they will hear them and perhaps eat them. DOn't ask. As in what are these tiny pieces of pink plastic on the floor?
Dad had beltone and they were junk! Miracle ear isn't much better. I had Starkey's and when they worked they were great, but couldn't get repaired. I now have Audina and they're pretty good. On a scale of 0-110, with 110 being the worst, I'm at 90, So I'm getting real close to being deaf
A gal at the VA insisted on fitting me with a pair a couple of years ago. After trying them, I decided I didn't need them. They came with a credit card sized remote control, and I kept having to mute them 'cause the sound was uncomfortably loud.
As a person who has worn hearing aids for over 60 years, I recommend you check www.hearingloss.org , the largest hearing loss organization in the world. They have a wealth of articles on hearing loss including how to select a hearing aid, what your rights are, etc.
I have GNresound-right ear only. About six years old and never a problem. BUT they are expensive. $2400 for one plus exam. Lost hesaring in right ear in a year or so. They took MRI but nothing there. With exam I have about $4000 invested, medicare paid for exam but not hearing aid.

Thats waht VA gave me was Resound. No problems so far but I do take em out when operating tractors.

some times i wish i could shut down and stop hearing some of the relatives....lol
If your Phonax"s have lasted over ten years, congratlations. One of the pair I received from the V.A. only lasted one month, have been in for repair/replacment for the last three weeks and I"m still waiting.

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