Medical Costs


Well-known Member
At the end of a small medical visit, I asked if they could clean some wax out, left ear, not a big problem. They said yeh, they sent the girl in, took her about 10 minutes, and she used up about 3 or 4 little clear plastic tubes, used on a little water-pick sorta machine.
Got the doctor bill this morning, that was sent to Medicare; $262.
(quoted from post at 12:14:45 08/16/11) At the end of a small medical visit, I asked if they could clean some wax out, left ear, not a big problem. They said yeh, they sent the girl in, took her about 10 minutes, and she used up about 3 or 4 little clear plastic tubes, used on a little water-pick sorta machine.
Got the doctor bill this morning, that was sent to Medicare; $262.

That right there is what is terribly wrong with our health care system in the U.S. Medicare, medicaid, and any health insurance you can think of only serves to enable the medical community to over-charge for every visit and procedure.
They have to charge that much to offset all the deadbeats and illegals that don't pay.
That is the reason that you should ASK what it will cost.

Would you walk into a place to eat and just sit down and ask for steak/potatoes/salad and dessert without asking the price first or at least look at the menu for the price.
Has anyone ever shopped around for surgery? I am not kidding. Or asked what a hangnail removal would cost on a big toe?

That is part of the reason for the raping of the medical insurance companies.
My son had his appendix emergency. We had a specific hospital we felt the most safe in. The total bill was $19,500 we had to pay $1,300 of it. That is 2 nights in the hospital, medications/surgery/nurses/TV....a little bit of room service. But I think it is double the cost of what it should be. My gallbladder surgery in 1997 was $9000.
(quoted from post at 12:18:35 08/16/11)
(quoted from post at 12:14:45 08/16/11) At the end of a small medical visit, I asked if they could clean some wax out, left ear, not a big problem. They said yeh, they sent the girl in, took her about 10 minutes, and she used up about 3 or 4 little clear plastic tubes, used on a little water-pick sorta machine.
Got the doctor bill this morning, that was sent to Medicare; $262.

That right there is what is terribly wrong with our health care system in the U.S. Medicare, medicaid, and any health insurance you can think of only serves to enable the medical community to over-charge for every visit and procedure.

Placing the blame in the wrong spot........look at the leagle system. People sue over everything and win! And slime ball lawyers egg them on. And stupid juries and judges give stupid amounts in damages because the slime ball laywers convince them that the malpractics insurance covers it and the doc/hospital can afford to pay it. That's one of the reason they are doing much more in the way of testing's an effort to reduce the possibility of being sued.

(quoted from post at 13:49:28 08/16/11) That is the reason that you should ASK what it will cost.

Would you walk into a place to eat and just sit down and ask for steak/potatoes/salad and dessert without asking the price first or at least look at the menu for the price.
Has anyone ever shopped around for surgery? I am not kidding. Or asked what a hangnail removal would cost on a big toe?

That is part of the reason for the raping of the medical insurance companies.
My son had his appendix emergency. We had a specific hospital we felt the most safe in. The total bill was $19,500 we had to pay $1,300 of it. That is 2 nights in the hospital, medications/surgery/nurses/TV....a little bit of room service. But I think it is double the cost of what it should be. My gallbladder surgery in 1997 was $9000.

Unbelievable............ My appendix ruptured while I was at the doctors office.Doc visit, ride to hospital, ER surgery, week in the hospital, medication, and plenty of attention was just over 3500 bucks total. I have a $400 deductable
the wonderful world of medical billing---they charge that much, because medicare pays only a percentage-so they raise their rates so they can get what they truly want. government run anything there is always a way around.
Wow what bargain. I feel that I should go get my appendix out just cause the price is so low.

What year did you have your appendix out?
(quoted from post at 14:00:10 08/16/11)
(quoted from post at 12:18:35 08/16/11)
(quoted from post at 12:14:45 08/16/11) At the end of a small medical visit, I asked if they could clean some wax out, left ear, not a big problem. They said yeh, they sent the girl in, took her about 10 minutes, and she used up about 3 or 4 little clear plastic tubes, used on a little water-pick sorta machine.
Got the doctor bill this morning, that was sent to Medicare; $262.

That right there is what is terribly wrong with our health care system in the U.S. Medicare, medicaid, and any health insurance you can think of only serves to enable the medical community to over-charge for every visit and procedure.

Placing the blame in the wrong spot........look at the leagle system. People sue over everything and win! And slime ball lawyers egg them on. And stupid juries and judges give stupid amounts in damages because the slime ball laywers convince them that the malpractics insurance covers it and the doc/hospital can afford to pay it. That's one of the reason they are doing much more in the way of testing's an effort to reduce the possibility of being sued.


So you're saying the world would be a better place if it weren't for lawyers and insurance? :shock:
(quoted from post at 14:29:10 08/16/11) Wow what bargain. I feel that I should go get my appendix out just cause the price is so low.

What year did you have your appendix out?
3 years ago I think, maybe 4. I don't know what the german insurance companies get billed but I pay cash as soon as I get the bill then get reimbursed from my insurance company minus deductable. Maybe things are cheaper because there is so much competition???
And Medicare (like any other insurance) will reduce it by two-thirds and send them a check for ninety bucks.

BTW, it's easy to do it yourself. By an ear syringe (available at any drug store) and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. Dump a bunch of peroxide in your ear and let it boil for a few minutes. They use the syringe to flush out your ear with warm water.
Earlier this my doctor charged $250 for 'surgery, subcutaneous, to excise foreign object'. What he did was pull a tick off my back.

I didn't go in for that; I was in for annual and discovered the tick while I was undressing. I asked the doc if he'd pluck the thing, since it was in a place I couldn't reach. I thought he'd just yank the thing off, but he made a big production of stretching me out on the table under the big light, and using a soldering iron to deactivate the tick before tweezing him off.

$$15, $20? No problem. But if I'd have taken the tick back home with me if I had known he was going to parlay it into a car note.

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