alternative to muck boots???


Well-known Member
Hey folks,
I wear muck boots more than is healthy for my feet just because they slip on and off without bending over. Wore a pair of old ones for about 6 hours today running fence and bsin around with the tractor. Completely wore out now and feet hurt clear up to my shoulders. Anyone wear a boot that goes on and off easy for a fat guy and still treats your body halfway decent? See a good bit of muck and water thru the winter.

Thanks for any tips.

I wear army surplus mickey mouse boots year-round. They're not any hotter in the summer than muck boots are provided you keep them loose-laced so your feet breath out the top. I keep them loose laced all the time so I can slip them off and on, I just add more socks in the winter months. You won't find a more comfortable set of waterproof boots. They're kind of heavy, but not much more than my Red Wing steel-toed boots. People may make fun of you if you wear them in public though :)
(quoted from post at 11:12:39 08/12/11) Hey folks,
I wear muck boots more than is healthy for my feet just because they slip on and off without bending over. Wore a pair of old ones for about 6 hours today running fence and bsin around with the tractor. Completely wore out now and feet hurt clear up to my shoulders. Anyone wear a boot that goes on and off easy for a fat guy and still treats your body halfway decent? See a good bit of muck and water thru the winter.

Thanks for any tips.


Dave, I agree. I wore a pair for about a year, they were very comfortable and handy to jump into and out of. After a year I had heel spurs so bad I couldn't hardly walk. I tried putting support soles and inserts in them but it didn't help.Got rid of the muck boots and a the problem went away. I really hated that because the mucks really served a purpose and were so handy. I would also like to find something similar that wouldn't cripple me.

Going to start tomorrow with a pair of Rocky boots that I have had for years....That minute of tieing is worth it compared to the pain....
Like most guys here I wear regular Red Wing steel toe lace up boots, 'cause I can't afford to be buying boots every year or two. Lacing them is part of my daily PT regimen. When you get to be my age you need more PT regimen.
I have a pair of Servus Xtratuf boots that I bought from a commercial fisherman"s supply in North Carolina. They have good arch and ankle support and are made in the USA.
Google xtratuf boots and several suppliers show up.
They are available in several heights and insulated or uninsulated. They are neoprene. The ones I have have worn like iron and are comfortable.
You ask a lotta questions around here LOL !!! ...... however, they're all good and I hear you on the boot/shoe situation.

I don't know entirely what changes as one gets older, but put on the wrong kind of footwear and foot & leg problems are sure to follow. If I could ever find the right boot/shoe, waterproof, but breaths, lightweight and good fit, durable and good service life, just impossible to find.

Same thing here, filling water buckets and fooling with the hose, so you are sure to trash anything in short order not meant for that, muck boots are a great idea, but so many of them have no support, ( been duped into wasting money on ones that are worthless )then your feet sweat, socks get wet, hopefully the liner or pad comes out so you can dry it, clean it etc. On & on, there is no substitute for good footwear.

I've been dealing with leg fatigue, sore feet, can't keep em from sweating, much worse in the winter, once they get cold, they sweat like a cold water pipe does in high humidity, unless I'm running around and moving to keep the blood circulating. I would like to find the right combination of socks/footwear, it really is annoying and bothersome when you are trying to work. Then, most of what you buy, $100 & up does not last, then add in you need to maintain several pairs for different purposes to stay moderately comfortable. Cheap shoes are just a waste of money as I see it, you have to spend to get quality.

Another issue is carrying to much weight, I find that all those extra pounds has significant bearing on ones ability to be on their feet 8-10 hours a day, good idea to keep extra weight off for ones back and feet, none of us had these problems when we were young did we? LOL !
Any body know of any leather work boots that will last more than a year? In dairy barn environment even my 170 dollar Carolinas are done in a year. Wash them a lot as regrease them but they split out. I wear the about 340 days a year for 12-14 hours. I cant find a boot to take that abuse for more that about a year
For real wet and muddy I have had the best luck with a good pair of tennis shoes with a rubber slip on boot over them. The tennis shoes will support your feet and wick the moister away from your feet. The rubber boots will keep the water and mud off of your tennis shoes. Plus you can slip the rubber boots off and still have shoes to drive, walk, visit, etc.
Tingley over shoe boots
I wear rockies, medium high top hiking boots.
For winter, it is Mickie Mouse Boots No equal!!!
If in deep muck, I wear 5 buckle over the Rockies. If I made one suggestion to all it would be to buy two pair and altarnate every other day! Jim

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