The net effect of giving!!!!! Management cost for charities


Well-known Member
A friend sent this to me. I think any that give to these organizations would be interested in these numbers.

Please read entire list. It speaks for itself.

As you open your pockets for the next natural disaster, please keep these facts in mind:

The American Red Cross President and CEO Marsha J. Evans salary for the year was $651,957 plus expenses.

The United Way President Brian Gallagher receives a $375,000 base salary along with numerous expense benefits. They give to illegals.

UNICEF CEO Caryl M. Stern receives $1,200,000 per year (100k per month) plus all expenses including a ROLLS ROYCE. Less than 5 cents of your donated dollar goes to the cause!!

The Salvation Army"s Commissioner Todd Bassett receives a salary of only $13,000 per year (plus housing) for managing this $2 billion dollar organization. 96 percent of donated dollars go to the cause!

The American Legion National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary. Your donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth!
I have often wondered those very things. I wonder if the information is in fact true.
I have always thought of the Salvation Army in a positive light. Really shows you who is in it for the right reasons and who is not! Thanks for posting that, I plan to do a little research of my own to try and verify the facts given.
For a complete analysis, check out "". Actually, there are far more things than over-paid management that charities spend their... no... our money on.
while you are chekin look at hsus and peta,, they prey on the hearts of yuppie dummies to channel millions into their leftist causes
Another thought on this. My one brother went down to Louisiana after Katrina, one week after. The locals there said that the Salvation Army was there within hours providing help. It took the Red Cross several days to be there with much force.

He was mainly around "Bay Of St. Louis" It was wiped out by the storm surge. A thirty foot plus wave of water hit the city at high tide.

Now I have not checked this out in any depth. I am just passing along what the local people thought/think about it. I have been back there several times to help with the rebuilding effort.

I have always held the Salvation Army in high regard. The Red Cross also was a big help in Vietnam. SO I am not meaning to just throw rocks here. I just found this interesting and I am going to dig more to see how accurate the information is. It made me "think" about it.
Lions Clubs International gives 100% of donated and locally earned money to benovalent causes. None for administrative expenses. Support your local Lions Club
The Red Cross "Doughnut Dollys" were all over the
oficers in korea, Pathetic plain looking girls
looking for husbands, who, at least where I was,
mostly gave the humble GI's the cold Shoulder.
I've never given the Red Cross a penny, for any
We support the Salvation Army as much as possible.
Several years ago taught basic computer courses at the Salvation Army on Wednesday nights.

Fellows there were very grateful.

Salvation Army does good work and changes lives for the better.

Time and money well spent.
After one of the recent disasters, I think it was Haiti, the press was questioning the Red Cross about their relief practices. Basically only one third of contributions that had been earmarked for Haiti had actually reached their destination. Red Cross said that they needed to hold some of the contributions in "reserve" in case there was another disaster somewhere else! HUH?
I refuse to donate to national charities because so much of the "donation" is absorbed by the machine. I prefer to keep my donations within my community by helping out the local food banks with staple donations or produce donations through a couple of donated CSA shares.
Unicef is and has been a scam for a long time.
4 cents out of every dollar goes to the cause.....Sick.

Not one of those salaries should be higher then $100K per year, not 1.

So the Red cross is a scam too huh....
And the United way, all the pro football and B-ball players tout this as good for the children crap. The United way should be abolished...Period, If they give to illegal aliens. F-them.

I gave to the red cross during flooding in the midwest years ago. No-more.

Thanks for posting.
Wow! glad you found that! So we learn that the chairman of the Red Cross, who helps disaster torn families all over the world, especially tornado, flood and hurricane hit areas all over the US, make a bit less than a farm equipment dealer in a bad year? Shouldn't she should get a raise then?
My charity goes three places. Local food bank, Local Volunteer fire dept., and Salvation Army. Red cross is a ripoff outfit like most other organized charities. I think the call it Administration cost.
The united way also support the Boy & Girl Scouts, at least in Michigan. They also help a lot of other charities. The red cross seems to be pretty well thought of in this area, by the 1st responders.
I have a hard time giving extra to the NRA (just the yearly dues) cause the Executive VP, Wayne Lapierre makes, get this $890,000 per year. I just looked this up after reading about the charity executives making huge salaries. I knew that the head honchos at the NRA made good money but that is out of line. (this was in 2005)
Wayne L. Should have a salary that is voted on by the members......$890k for an organization that takes in $150 million per year. That job should pay maybe $200k per year.....on a good year of right wingers getting elected.
You wont see that money figure printed in the American Rifleman magazine.
You see, the people in haiti had nothing before the quake, so were intitled to little more than survival supplies after the quake, how do you help refurnish a homeless family's home? Yet, when there is a tornado or flood in say.. Illinois? if someone's insurance isn't up to snuff, the ARC will donate kitchen and bedroom furniture, as well as cleaning supplies, clothing and toys-distractions, for children... not SA donated used stuff, but new from the factories, who also donate goods for tax purposes. Wait till your area gets hit again, pay attention to the process before you badmouth it, and hope to he!! it ain't your place next time
On a US military installation, everything is by the pentagon, or local commander. If the red cross established refreshement stations, with dontated time and material, they can serve what they have available. If the coffee, milk and sugar- which was a restricted material, was served, the ARMY decided who was going to pay what. Same as a subway or pizza hut in afganistan or Iraq now. I was told by equally ignorant GI's that the red cross charged them for blood after they were wounded. REALLY? Why pay it? Ask your father what the drill sargent told them ' your soul is God's, your a$$ is the army's'. The human body any blood was going in was government property. The red cross gathered and shipped and stored this fresh blood and plasma, for the purpose of keeping a human alive. Even a wounded enemy prisoner human. The ARMY decided who got the blood, it was the ARMY that came up with the BS, 'cause the ARMY wanted the buck for themselves. Are you aware that nowdays- wounded- badly crippled GI's are charged for medical treatment they may need for the rest of their lives? Who's A$$ stepped on a mine yo? not the red cross, not mine, his?...oh! but his is the ARMY's A$$, so how is it he gets a bill for hundreds of gees? Tell your dad to think about the old days again, see where the buck stops.
I give most my charitable contributions to the church where I have been a member all my life. I am on the Church Council, and therefore KNOW that the money is being spent wisely and correctly.

I seldom give anything to any national charity, since I believe that in most cases very little of my contribution goes for anything to benefit actual victims. Most of the money goes for more fund raising and advertising, as well as salaries of the bigwigs. No way!

Another reason I do not contribute to national charities is that almost any time I have, I have gotten on the mailing lists of other outfits that think I might send them some money. I don't know if the first "charity" has sold, traded, or given my information out, but it sure has cured me of donating! That kind of racket should be against the law.
Back in the 70's I was doing search and rescue with the Colorado State Patrol during a terrible snow storm. I was working a housing project that was closed off from snow as I had a 4wd with all four chained up just to keep a path open.

One home owner opened his home to 50 people that couldn't go home for 2 days. The Red Cross was called for food to feed the 50. When the storm was over, Red Cross billed the home owner $375 for sandwichs. That was a ton of money back then with good wages being at $7.5hr tops and $.40gal gas.

We took up a collection to help the home owner pay the bill and NEVER called the Red Cross again.

Back in the 80's I lost a job because I refused to make a automatic pay check donation to the Red Cross. It was a company wide project. Sure wish I could have proved that's why I lost my job. The guy that was doing the collections told me he was going to fire me for not signing up. Of couse we were the only two people around when he said it.

My personal experience with the Red Cross has not been very good. I was in the Army on Air Force base in Newfoundland at the time the Hungarian refugees were coming through to United States. They had rest breaks during stop overs for refueling etc on the planes and we did KP duty serving them lunch. Red Cross ladies came down and talked to the refugees while they were eating and or resting. Then when Hungarian people left, the Red Cross ladies had their lunch and gab fest. We prepared, served and cleaned up everything for refugees and Red Cross ladies. They basically did nothing. Then,when I got back to the states, I ran out of money with changing rental situations etc. ( lived off post). Tried to borrow $20 to tide me over to pay day. No dice, I had received my full pay check on schedule. With a car out of gas, no food on the table for Christmas, no telephones of course, my buddy happened to come by. He had $7 in his pocket, gave me half of that, and he had credit at a gas station so filled up the car. When they come around for donations, nothing for Red Cross from me. We had a rather heated meeting one time also while I was in the Army when Red Cross was seeking donations from us. Seems the head only got $100,000 back then but we didn"t feel too sorry for him. Their blood bank does good work around here but most everything is done by local volunteers but I am sure the top echelon get paid handsomely.

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