
Glyphosate is safe to use under the conditions it is made for. I'll say it again READ UNDERSTAND AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS! You can read the pros and cons till the cows come home but the only reliable information comes from the FDA and USDA. The manufactures may cooperate but they do not publish their own set of directions. The misinformation and foolishness comes from sources like Hollywood and " as seen on TV" Get real and read understand and follow the directions. Hot button pushed.

Really? You should check on some of the stuff they approved and now has been proven to be bad....really bad! LOL Trust the government?????

Here in Arkansas I dont know one farmer who follows directions when it comes to chemicals,especially the wind part of it. They will tell you theres mo way to farm 5000-10000 acres if you wait for the wind to not blow.They will also tell you to move if you dont like it because this is farming country.You see its wealth not health people are after.
I have a BIL who is planting all non-Glyphosate corn becase he read some fantastic sounding Email foreward claiming Roundup-ready corn causes low conception rates in farm animals. This email claims Monsanto has kept this quiet and has paid off the nay-sayers. That claim reminds me of the old story about the oil companies paying off the maker of the 200 MPG carburetor years ago!!!

I Googled this dire sounding claim about lower conception rates and found out scientists have been aware of this for a long time but have dismissed it as hogwash. Glyphosate has been around for a good many years, enough years for the scientific community and government regulators to have found side affects, if there are any. The way we first used Glyphosate as a spot spray was much more dangerous to our health than the way we use it now. We used to get it on our hands and clothing while we rode that bean buggy and we didn't wash it off till we got home. Today we use rubber gloves while we pour it into a sprayer that delivers it to the plant in precise amounts that are only enough to do the job and we, for the most part are riding in an air conditioned cab that keeps it off of us while we spray. Jim
Glyphosate is probably one of the most safe and environmentally friendly farm chemicals we use. It is NOT a problem in our ground water such as atrazine. These tales about glyphosate is kind of like the story that the moon landing was staged. As for as trusting the government that is another topic.
When I renewed my Private Pesticide Applicator's license, I was told that PER OUNCE aspirin is more toxic than glyphosate.
There are several Ag chemicals that have lower LD/50 than things you use quite regular. Aspirin isn't the only one that is higher.
I'll have to say that on our side of the Ridge farmers are pretty responsible, but we don't have as many mega farms as there are on the east side. There is a lot more abuse of chemicals from country clubs and municipalities than farms.
As far as conception rates going down feeding Roundup ready corn, I've been feeding it since it came out and I haven't had any problems. Most corn is fed to livestock and it makes no sense to shoot your biggest customer in the pocketbook.

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