This Is What My Shop Looks Like! (PICS)


Since others have been posting pictures of their shops, I figured I would post some of mine! We built this building about 2 months ago. It's 81 by 42 by 13. Four inch concrete throughout. Three weeks ago we put down the Industrial Epoxy. Sure is pretty!

My shop isn't to dirty yet, but, with time, it will get there! HAHA

This is what I have in it right now. There is also a picture of what still needs to go into it. I decided to put a desk in there, it's my place to think. lol And, a leather couch to relax on.

Enjoy the Pictures!
From Denton, Nebraska.
Andrew Kean








(quoted from post at 21:44:14 06/17/11) If you would let me bring home that 57 Fairlane -- it wouldn't look so junky -- LOL
He would, missed it by one year!!! :cry:
I sure do like that new shop. It is big enough for most any thing. I see the older model cars & trucks & tractors. I know you like to work on them and fix them up.
You have planty of room.
Enjoyed the pics.

Hammer man from Tx.
opps! Looked somewhat like my Dads 57 Fairlane

I do believe we talked about that one before when it was lined up beside that Edsel and the white Pickup. But for some reason the Pickup may have been Tan on the other pic
The four flags on the left are 48 Star Flags, and the one on the right is a 50 Star that flew over the Capital of the United States in honor of my grandfather for serving in WW2. I am glad you like them!
Guess I've been away from pole building construction for too long. Trusses on 8' centers and are those trusses installed in slots cut down into poles?? They must be since there are no headers and no diagonals. Roof perlins? Are they 2X4,s on edge? Do you live where there is snow at all?? No way I would trust a 2X4 even on edge to span 8' with weight of metal and ANY snow load at all. Fill me this how they do them now?
Very nice shop!!! I rented/borrowed an electric lift when I insulated my shop, best money spent, very handy for getting up in the air.
Give him a break. My trusses are 12" centers with 2x6 perlins on edge. The codes people thought that was ok and we got well over 200" of snow last winter. A lake effect band off Ontario sat over my property for most of December and January.

I just wish I built mine that big. Mine"s a Hanson building.
I have a suggestion if you don't want to hire a full time fire wood maker/feeder. My shop building is 40x50 x17. six years ago I built an insulated inner room 16x22x10 where I have work bench and most tools. I keep that room at about 50 and the rest at about 40. I use a catalytic propane heater. Cost to heat last winter was about $330.00.
Said you were going insulate and use wood heat,been there done that in first shop,no way again. you wil find spend more time getting wood and keepin the burner going than you willactually working on projects,Ins can be issue also unless you can prove it will be out every night before you leave.Go radiant and enjoy working on projects instead of cutting wood. unleess you say your time is always free not whole lot diff ncost other than you are actually working in clean no smoke heat. good luck
(quoted from post at 02:30:01 06/18/11) Looks like pretty poor engineering to me too

Some of you experts would flip if you'd come see some of these buildings/roofs that are a couple hundred or more years old and carrying clay tile shingles.

Very nice looking shop.......Think your first project should be repairing the hair clipper :shock:

Thanks for displaying the flags in the right direction.

I'm NOT judging by any means! I'm simply asking questions...and none of them got answered. I'm sure it meets code but the only way it possibly could is if those trusses were fitted into verticle slots in the poles and either bolted or nailed through. Might be just my personal hang-up but buildings that high need diagonals somewhere!Tall, parrallel and square is not strong, I don't care if it does have steel screwed to it.

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