do I dare ask??


Well-known Member
I see all kinds of names and titles on this site and often wonder what they look like. I showed a pic of my ugly mug driving my westernstar, I saw a pic of steve. Now is there anybody brave enough to show a pic of themself? I really want to see how short tony in mass really is. I think he might be seven feet tall
This was taken about 15 years ago; I quit smoking last year and look much better; more healthy too.

<a href=";current=Old-Man.jpg" target="_blank">
Old-Man.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket
I'm seven feet tall, which has its ups and downs, as they say. Here's
what I look like on a good day, though this was about four years
Well at least i don't whine like you.
I sold my dozer whaaa .i sold my dozer whaaa.

Damm,i did sell my dozer!.. waaa.. waaa
I got no use anymore for a dozer after i bought the payloader or i would've kept the the girl.

Can't beat the loader.
gonna get some things organized this week and then i might come and visit next week. maybe bring old man hector for a ride he is originally from rimby country
(quoted from post at 12:16:29 06/15/11) here ye go,its as good as it gets

That looks a little bigger than the HD5 my Dad used to have, what is it?
Sure wish I still had that HD5.....waaaa
No, I mean this is crazy, this here post. This is what makes it so: I've been watching an IH corn planter on Fleabay for a few weeks & decided to check out what else the seller might have in his store. There's a NH crusher that's recently listed & I decided to check it out. I would assume the seller has had quite a few questions about just what in the heck that machine is. There's a note about, "it's not a this that & the other", & a disclamer in the next paragraph that the last picture is "just an example of how this can be used". I look & I'M the example!! There's me, with the shiny red hay conditioner & posterior hanging over the seat, mowin' away (will someone please get that man a body double!).

Now, what amuses me even more, is someone on the forum wants to see a picture of everyone. I guess it's a good day to get famous. LOL! So, here's my ugly mug in front of someone elses truck. If you want to see the fleabay auction which I speak of, search for a New Holland 404 hay conditioner. My bottom is at the bottom of the photos. No I'm not selling this machine & I don't recall ever having contacted the gentelman selling it fer anything in the first place - my disclaimer - so there!

lyle I would but dont know how to put pictures up and have been to lazy to learn how but I can tell you that I am something to look at , seems everyone stares when I enter a room .

Here's me and my buddy dracula (Ben)....B@stard bit me on the neck a few weeks ago and it still is sore.......

Well, I do indeed have a twin, but.............she's a girl and is not near as purty as I am.............leastways, she waddn't when I last seen her about 48 years ago; you ain't a girl, are you?
(quoted from post at 20:54:51 06/15/11) lyle I would but dont know how to put pictures up and have been to lazy to learn how but I can tell you that I am something to look at , seems everyone stares when I enter a room .
ang it if i can learn you can learn with a little help from old roy im sure we can get your mug on here.
I have to apologize as I tend to over dress up when invited out to eat. Did get to hold my 10th Great Grand child.


I dress much more conservatively when at home.


I dress much different for my morning coffee.


But on a trip to Put In Bay on a hot summer day with family.

Dang Old. Your almost as ugly as I am. But at least you have hair. I will post my ugly butt as soon as I find out how.
Not to bring up bad memories but here's me and my snow pile from January.

And one of me on Gypsy, my wife's horse.
I haven't let anyone take a picture of me since the digital age began. I'm actually not any worse looking than the others who have posted, but I'm not any better, either.

Remember the old ad slogan, "You're not getting older, you're getting better!"? I'm kinda thinking we're not getting any better, but we sure as he!! are getting older!
this year we had alot of snow could not keep up plowing it. there has been lots of winters up here did not even plow the driveway
oh I get it now thats the airplane that went down in New York went over my head at first reading but I remember now. That must of been a interesting load
LOL My Brother was bald ---

He said ya can't have brains and hair at the same time . Guess it was a sibling joke -- LOL
Hi Lyle,
Well you asked for pics of who we are. Here I am with my 1850 Oliver disking in the field on May 11, 2011. I am from Minnesota.
Kow Farmer (Kurt)
thanx for the pic kurt are you sure your not in saskatchewan i think I see your dog running away looks like he is 2 days away right now lol PS I like your tractor I dont see to many of those up my way. Maybe its a JD and you did not want your friends to know so you painted oliver on it LOL
(quoted from post at 09:47:36 06/15/11) I see all kinds of names and titles on this site and often wonder what they look like. I showed a pic of my ugly mug driving my westernstar, I saw a pic of steve. Now is there anybody brave enough to show a pic of themself? I really want to see how short tony in mass really is. I think he might be seven feet tall
here ya go. Gotta admit that what I'm sitting on in both pictures is better looking than me.

safe to say I'm the oldest ( and least attractive) one in this picture....and no, none of them are my grandchildren!
dang,! i was going to put my picture on here,but i'm embarassed to after seeing all these good looking guys..did see one or two who resembles those pictures at the post office though,,
Very tip end of a branch hit by a falling tree! Probably less than a 1/4" in diameter! (sort of like a whip).

Baaad tree! --- Baaad! Baaad! --- Chain Saw = payback!! LOL-
346, it ran 11.810 @121.29, it was the top eliminator at the semi-annual gardenstate mustang club 2 years in a row they nicknamed it the kliminator lol. what does yours run? chuck

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