Gonna Make 'Er Cry

Allan in NE

Well-known Member
Okay, it's another Sunday.

The Kentucky Hillbilly just got a new coat of wax and a fresh set of iron.

Off to find a jam session and let 'er moan a little. :>)


Good Lookin Geetarrrr Allan,,,,,,,,,,

We had a Jam Thursday but none today grrrrrrrr

".....If you ever wonder why you ride the carousel, you do it for the stories you can tell....."

John T Banjo player Wannabee
Found that old shooter on ebay and bought it sight unseen. Had to give my first-born male child, half an arm and a full leg for it tho. :>(

Re-wired the electronics in it to make it bark and then dropped the string gauge down.

Got nine (I think) Strats and this is the only one that will get down and absolutely weep. :>)

Be SURE to take your video equipment...we is all awaitin' for some more of your smooooooth playing.

Same goes for you, too, JOHN!!

"9 Strats"- Wow, I didn't know Strativarius made guitars! And I thought he was just into fiddles.

Well, OK, so I took a little "artistic license" with ole Strad's name.

I'm with the others- lets hear a little o' the weepin' on here, if you please. . .

Not to put too fine a point on it, but Fender puts out a slug of junk too. Marketed towards the cheap seats as it were. :>(

American-made Stratocasters or Telecasters are the top of the line with the Deluxe Plus models topping the list.

Nothin' else has that sound. Especially the '88 thru the '90 versions :>)

Promise I'm gonna do that one of these first days.

Got a Chet Atkins tune that needs to come your direction. :>)

Yo Allan, Heres a bit more from the song lyrics below, now tell me the singer and the song????????????????? it fits you I tell ya

"If your on the road trackin' down your every night Playin' for a livin' beneath the brightly colored lights, If you ever wonder why you ride the carrousel, You do it for the stories you can tell"

"Stared at that guitar in that museum in Tennessee, Name plate on the glass brought back twenty melodies, Scars upon the face told about all the times he fell, Singin' all the stories he could tell"

"All the stories we could tell, If it all blows up and goes to hell, I wish that we could sit upon the bed in some hotel and listen to the stories we could tell"

Next summer were plannin another RV Trip through Colorado and Utah on the way to San Diego to see son No. 2 LETS MEET UP AND "Oh the stories we can tell"

John T
Those lyrics would fit Willie Nelson or Johnny Cash for sure. Maybe even Merle Haggard. John, I assume you don't know or maybe you know and were you asking if others knew. I don't know.
Jimmy Buffett sings "Oh the stories we could tell" I always figured he was referring to Hank Williams guitar in "that museum down in Tenn" but thats just my guess......... Look it up on line somewhere n give it a listen ITS A GREAT SONG.........

John T
Thanks John. As is typical of you tube, they have several versions and different singers that are available at the right side of the screen. And don't you know, I could spend an hour hunting through some of the numbers that pop up there. One thing leads to another and before long I'm lost in who knows what and far, far from what my original intent was!!!
Oh for sure,

And it all depends on how one's mind interprets the tone.

There are millions of folks who wouldn't be caught dead with anything other than that Les Paul sound. The 'Fender sound', to them, comes off as being harsh, edgy and brittle.

We on the Fender side of the tracks, however, think that the Gibsons have a dead or "dud" sound to 'em. Kinda like a beginner using flat wound strings. No 'ring' to the strings to speak of.

Everyone hears it a little different and it all depends on one's personal likes and dislikes.


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