not to much for frost


Well-known Member
just a few places that i know about got some minus 2 celcius weather my place stayed at plus 1 celcius dont think any crops got hurt I did experiance some good frost on my puter
Hi Lyle, we got a pretty heavy frost in Fort St. John last night. I'm not sure if there was any crop damage. I had to scrape my windshield this morning before heading out for my daily coffee.

Hopefully this one stays around, it's agriculturally related. And I've seen loads of comments in other folks posts that surprised me were allowed to stay. My neck's just as sunburned as the next fella, and I don't like censorship, but a little public decorum is ok too. This is the World-Wide-Web, so if we wouldn't say things in a busy restaurant, we should probably think twice about saying them here where they are recorded forever.

Just my 1.98 cents. I like seeing your posts Lyle. It's nice to hear from someone up in my neck of the woods.

Most of the crops (grains) around here are already coming up, but I do see a few guys working up fescue land.

Have a great day!

I checked out Epping on the computer, The article on the old town was quite interesting . If we ever get to travel I would sure like to see some of the Country up there.
did not meen to get anything rolling the last 12 hours just made a changing weather comment did not think it would get that far
Mebby it was me?
2 canuks in one tread is mebby OK,
but 3 of them in one tread.. might trigger the.."POOF"

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