and Kvorkian died too

I am kinda glad he is dead. He was a piece of garbage. Anyone that makes a backalley suicide machine and is told by a judge to stop helping people off themselves and continues anyway, he should have died in jail years ago.
For those of you that dont know about his suicide machine it was carbon monoxide inhaled through a mask from what I remember.
(quoted from post at 15:41:38 06/03/11) I am kinda glad he is dead. He was a piece of garbage. Anyone that makes a backalley suicide machine and is told by a judge to stop helping people off themselves and continues anyway, he should have died in jail years ago.
For those of you that dont know about his suicide machine it was carbon monoxide inhaled through a mask from what I remember.

My family watched my dad go from 225 pounds and strong as an ox to about 70 pounds on an oxygen bottle before he finally bought it. A little carbon monoxide would have been a treat compared to the cancer that ate him up. This dude didn't kill anyone that didn't want to die, so why judge him??? You prolly came from the same folks that burned folks that didn't act like you thought was proper and called them witches.
One machine he demonstrated on TV used IV solutions fed interveniously. The "victim" had to push a button to start the contraption.
Yeah,you're right.
Its far better to keep them alive and hurting eh,stick it to them as long as possible cause life is sooo precious'..right'..? How about the right of the individual huh!Or is it OK to take all their dignity away

If you would do the same to an animal you would be charged with cruelty to animals and face jail time.

I wish there where more guys like him.
I remember reading just a few years ago that in the US, the average
cost to keep a senior citizen alive for the last six months is one
million dollars.
Good,and what part of Thou Shalt Not Kill didn't he understand!
When it becomes legal to kill people the rich will have an entire nation of livestock to harvest organs from.
I'm not a crackpot, just think about it.
Bob S.
so! we"re worth it. likely started working at a very young age to either support ourselves or help support the family. worked whatever job was available; weekends, holidays, birthdays, special occasions, bad weather, great weather, whatever it took. served in the military, paid taxes, help to serve the community/church. now of days very few work to support anybody, their just tax sponges.
That was another contraption, I specifically remember the CO device.

I do agree that when people are terminal the plug should be pulled so that they arent sucking money out of their families, insurance companies and bankrupting their spouse. My MIL has specifically requested that she not be kept alive with tubes/wires/machines to stretch her life out by an extra 2 months.

Pulling the plug and delibrately inhaling Toxic gas are 2 different things.
Dave i agree 1000% with you. My dad ended the same as yours only every time he moved the Dr. pumped him full of Morphine. It did the same thing as the carbon monoxide only it took a lot longer. I mean no disrespect to any one but you would change your mind if you see someone die the way my dad did. The faster the better.
I can not say what is right or wrong but if i was in alot of pain knowing that i was going to die I would want to get it over with not for my sake but for my family and friends some times watching someone die is worse than dying
By the time a person is in a state where one would contract Jack's services , "man" as apposed to God , has allready artificially and unnaturally extended that life past what God had intended. Radiated , medicated and pumped full of liquid radiation!! Yea , that's just what I bet God had in mind. Jack just helped people that had their journey to God sidetracked by the greedy medical profession and bleeding heart liberals. He simply offered a service to people who had been done a mis-service!

The more I read of this the sicker it makes me!
Having some Quack put you to sleep is the cowards way out. My wife of 34 years died a terrible death from cancer, took her 6 months to die, she suffered every minute----and never complained. She took everything that they threw at her, lost all her hair, skin was gray and even burned from radiaton, couldn't keep anything on her stomach.
She never once said POOR ME, she was happy as could be to spend just one more Christmas with her family. If some guy whould have said that my wife was using up too much money he would have beat her to the grave.
I am a heart patient, have had a lot of work done and still need a lot more, if you think that I am taking money out of your pocket perhaps we should talk. I worked 58 years and paid my dues, still pay my own way. There are people that live near my neighborhood who are "disabled", some work full time without any trouble, some just play full time with no problem and the free money keeps rolling in. Then there are the "single moms" living off the working people. If it costs a million bucks to keep an old person alive for 6 months how much do you think it costs to keep a single mom and her brood alive for generations?
I'm sorry for the people that had to see their loved ones waste away and die, I lived it for 6 months, 24 hours a day and I am happy that my wife was brave enough to tough it out and that I was there with her.
Sorry for the long post , but definately a touchy subject with me.
Nobody said that life would be easy.
Watched my brother and mother both die of cancer just last year....there are worse things in life than death.
Lemmee see here... abortion... the killing of a perfectly formed, healthy human being is LEGAL and the Dr's. that do those are heros, but a Dr. that helped HORRIBLY suffering people with little or no hope of recovery our of their misery is the DEVIL... Hmmmm, Yep, I guess it makes perfect sense!
I watched my mom and several other relatives suffered through cancer. I used to think suicide was the easy way out, but as I've gotten older, my outlook has changed. How many get the chance to leave life on their own terms? Maybe that isn't such a bad idea in certain cases. Something to think about.
What if a person has a terminal illness and decides they don't want the life-prolonging treatments? Their own decision. Does that make them cowards too in your view? I don't mean assisted suicide.
Have to totally disagree with you Bob S. I'd be willing to bet that your wife didn't want to further burden you with her terrible suffering and was putting on a brave face when you were around. The rest of the time she had no quality of life and was most likely living a miserable and painful hell. You did not live it for 6 months+, your wife did and if she could contact you from the after life she'd probably say she's glad to not be suffering anymore. It's selfish for you to say you suffered when it was your wife doing the suffering. Nobody said life should be easy. Unfortunately they've said people shouldn't have the right to decide if they want to end their terminal and painful suffering. I'm glad my dad passed away in his sleep. After my 95 year old grandfather got pneumonia(sp), they had him hooked to all kinds of tubes and hoses that he didn't want in him. My dad had said that if he was ever in a similar situation with no chance of recovery to not let the Dr.s keep him alive with the use of machines and drugs. Dr. Kevorkian provided a great service for terminal patients and was respected by many. Nobody on here knows the suffering of any people that consulted Dr. Kevorkian. Like someone else said, why can't terminally ill people die with the same diginity as terminally ill animals!
It's not like he was Hitler or Bin Laden. There is a huge difference between random killing and ending terminal suffering with no chance of recovery. You are a crackpot if you think otherwise. Often times terminal patients organs can be used to save other people lives. If I was terminal and my organs could be used to save another live(s), I'd much rather die knowing I saved a life than just wasting away in prolonged agony for who knows how long.
If I'm old, fatally ill and in misery, what a blessing it would be to be able to gather my family around me, tell them goodbye and drift peacefully off into a never-ending sleep, rather than pointlessly linger and drain the bank account. My family knows my wishes. Also, if I'm mangled in an accident, or have a massive stroke or coronary, I don't want any doctor trying to make himself a hero by bringing me back from the dead. I don't want to have to die but once.

My father and my brother both died long , painful deaths, and both did so heroically----but I really fail to see the glory or reward in that.

Life is precious, but when it's all used up, it's all used up.
Simple buddy.
1. Pulling the plug means that the person cannot sustain life on their own. Life support machine like a ventalator and/or dialysis or somehing along those lines.

2. Hooking yourself up to a suicide machine, even though you are functioning human being and breathing in CO gas IS suicide.
See what I mean?

I'm sure that by now this topic is old news and has been beaten to death. But I maintain that you people that think that taking the easy way out is the way to go don't know what you are talking about. Aside from my wife, I have watched at least 100 people die as I worked in a nursing home for 7 years and was in daily contact with people till they took their dying breath. Most all did not fear death but still hung onto life as long as possible, and they did it FOR THEIR FAMILY. The thought of calling the family together to watch their suicide turns my stomach.
"and they did it FOR THEIR FAMILY"

That's REALLY sad!

What kind of a MORBID bunch would expect a loved one to continue to suffer FOR THEIR BENEFIT????

When my day comes, I certainly HOPE my family will not expect me to linger and suffer as long as possible FOR THEIR BENEFIT!

Thankfully, I'm pretty sure they will be hoping I die ASAP!
I can see ow some of you feel that are NOT in that position.
I have to go to VA every week for treatments and have been on morphine for a while now.I won't discuss it on here but he pain that some of us go thru sometimes is really hard. That doesn't even begin to address the issue of spending all the money we had saved for some nice things. I too worked all my life since I was 8 years old and did 6 years in Vietnam with 2 purple hearts and some others, but the agony that I am putting my family through is just almost more than I can stand, the other pain is nothing compared to that.
They told me "about" how much longer I have and I can take it...but can my family???? and should I do that to them.???? Only God knows the answer to that and I'm putting it ALL in His hands.
God bless you all and I do respect every one of your answers even tho I don't agree with them all.
See y'all on the other side someday.
They were unable to sustain life themselves without medicine or machines, i.e. terminally ill. They may have lasted a bit longer, but were still dying.
As far as i'm concerned "hanging on to life" is not an option.
As long as the ticker won't quit ticking you'll live ,if you can call their condition still life
A dying person has no say about the matter.."period".

I'm throwing in the towell on this one with one final thought. If you get a call someday and the caller says " Grandma is killing herself on Sunday after church, can you bring sanwiches and playing cards?, I'll bring the beer and potatoe salad, tell your brother to bring balloons and toys for the kids." Then I say "have a nice day".
Bob S.
I agree Bob. It's very selfish to want someone terminally ill to stick around for your sake. 99% of the time the ONLY reason they're sticking around is because they don't have any other option because of the stupid system. If you asked terminally ill patients in excrutiating pain if they'd like to just go to sleep, I bet a huge majority would prefer that to endless suffering with no chance of recovery. Bob S needs a reality check.

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