Soldier send off

Kow Farmer

Well-known Member
Hello everyone,
I know this is not a tractor issue, but since it is Memorial Day is should be fitting. I will be seeing my son off on Thursday morning for his 2nd tour of duty in Kuwait. He is in the Minnesota National Guard unit here in Southern Minnesota. He is going as a chaplain's assistant this time. He is pretty upbeat about this tour. I admire him for having the courage to do this, especially at 23 years old. He has a lot of guts to do this. God Bless our Military men and women. Thank you all for what you do for us at home. Take care everyone. God Bless.
Kow Farmer
Give the Lad a hug & thank you for me for his dedication to our still great country .I'd like to see that worthless president we got stuck with having to walk in a soldiers boots . Maybe , just maybe he'd wake up & start thinking & acting like an American . May God be with our troops & put a shield around them .
Kuwait is not a bad duty, tell him to make sure and keep up in the gym! As a Chaplin's assistant he'll probably be seeing a lot of service members coming and going, some of them going home on emergency leave. As he's been there before, he shouldn't have much problem adjusting. Don't send them sunscreen, they have plenty of that. Service members could use DVD's and computer games from the U.S., so they don't have to buy the pirated copies from the local "merchants" that have shops on base. Most of that stuff is poor quality and probably funds Al Queda for all we know.

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